The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 3144: You are in bad my name festival

His movements are naturally very good.

It seems that he is also one of the owners of this room.

The child's face was stiff and lying on his side. Looking at the ceiling with empty eyes, he didn't react for a long time. His current behavior is a few meanings.

"Why don't you go back to sleep?" Cold face, she asked.

"Xiao Yi is so big now, no need to sleep with people." Shi Yanyang shifted the focus of her words.


Tong Yan was smashed by him, and his face was again, "Open the room yourself!"

"I don't want to." Shi Yanyang replied with confidence.

After a pause, I added a sentence, "Is this not a saving?"

His reason is purely nonsense!

He will care about such a small amount of money?

Tong Yan sank and breathed, and his face was silent. "Mr. Shi is lying with a girl who is not yet a boyfriend, not afraid of breaking the famous festival?"

She said a serious, however, Shi Yanyang heard a smile.

"Festival?" As if I heard a ridiculous joke, my eyes were on her side, and his two words were very long.

Tong Yan’s face is stiff.

What is his tone?

"Miss Tong's little whip, dripping wax, small ropes have not been used recently?" Shi Yanyang's lips twitched slightly, holding back the smile of his lips, he used the words he had captured from Tong Yankou. Tune.

The face of Tong Yan is as dark as the bottom of the pot.

Because she was unrestrained when she talked to Fang Chixia, so does she have no reputation for girls?

Thinking again about his repeated behaviors towards her, Tong Yan’s eyes were slightly sour.

He just did so much to her, is it just thinking that she would not mind this as a normal woman?

When she was a young lady who was accompanying her, was it arbitrary to trample on violations?

Tong Yan looked at him sharply, his eyes cold as if he had a deep hatred.

Shi Yanyang was seen by her.

Looking at the obvious anger in her eyes, she realized what she said, and he was slightly embarrassed.

"I don't mean this!" The arms crossed her, and Jun's face leaned toward her face. When he responded to the reflexive action, he comforted her with a kiss.

However, the lip has not been past, but Tong Yan violently pushed him out, pointing at him, screaming at him violently, "Shi Yang, you get out of me! Now! Immediately! Immediately!"

She was very fierce, like a second and didn't want to see him more.

"Don't." Shi Yanyang did not hear it, and as he turned, lying flat on her bed, her eyes closed directly.

Tong Yan has never been a generous person. Whoever provoked her has a good memory.

Not to mention that Shi Yangyang just provoked her moral aspects.

Tong Yan was very angry and was very persistent about the idea of ​​asking him to go out.

Stretched out and tried to push him out of bed several times, however, did not push.

Tong Yan sank and breathed, and one hand pulled the clothes on his chest and wanted to continue. However, just after the action, the wrist was cold and could not be taken away by Shi Yanyang.

The backhand clasped her hand. He used the strength a little, and the body of Tong Yan couldn't take care of it. He hit the light/naked chest.

The body of two people collided, and the body of the child's face was stiff for a few seconds.

Shi Yanyang did not mean to push her away. In this position, he opened her arms and held her up.

"Don't make trouble, it's really not what you think." Explained again, just glaring at her, he didn't let her lie back to her position -

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