The Paper Fruit Among the Pirates

Chapter 44 Unpredictable Town of Welcome


It was snowing heavily, and there was thunder and lightning in the sky at the same time! If this were placed in the normal world, how many idiots and resentful women would be heartbroken.

As the saying goes, "The thunder in winter shakes the rain and snow in summer, and the mountains have no edges, and the sky and the earth are in harmony, so you dare to break with the king!" '

All of the great routes are 'natural' phenomena that exist.

"Sure enough, it's the same as what Roman said..."

Nami, who was wearing a padded coat and earmuffs, looked at the record pointer in her hand. She clearly felt that the Golden Merry was moving in a straight line, but the pointer kept shifting to one side.

"Roman, steer left!"

Following Nami's order, Roman in the 'on-hook' state immediately turned the rudder. In the cabin, the fake prince Mr.9 and the real princess Miss. wrapped in blankets complained to Nami on Wednesday.

"so cold,"

"Doesn't the ship have a heater?"



"Where do you think you are? Get out and help me clear the snow!"

Just as the two of them were kicked out of the cabin by Nami, the sky that had been snowing heavily just now suddenly cleared up, and a mild spring breeze blew unexpectedly.

? ?

"What the hell is this..."

It's a pity that before the warm spring breeze blows for a few minutes, a dense fog suddenly filled the air again! Visibility was exaggerated to less than ten meters.

"It's getting foggy···"

"Be careful, there are icebergs ahead!!"

"Quick, quick, turn—"


"Roman, turn the rudder to starboard."

"Usopp, Sanji, take the tools and go down to check the cabin, if there is a leak, fix it!"

"Luffy turned the mainsail to the wind direction, and received the wind from the port side..."

"You two, let me take care of the spinnaker..."

Everyone was directed around by Nami, even the two men and women on the boat were no exception. — except for Zoro, who was sleeping on the side of the ship. Let alone lightning and thunder, wind, frost, rain and snow, even Nami's kick couldn't wake him up! Finally had to give up on this guy...

"Come on, let's eat and work at the same time~~"

After Sanji joined, all kinds of food that can quickly replenish physical strength have been made continuously, providing energy for everyone running back and forth. but:

"Luffy! Don't give me anything to eat!!"

"Me too~~"

"Of course, the mysterious Miss. Miss Wednesday~~"

"Me too~~"

"I have no hands! Do you want me to feed you?"


“The weather changes so fast!”

With the sudden gust of wind, the wind and waves several times higher than the Golden Merry suddenly hit, and Nami had to be tired of coping.

"Luffy, fold up the sail—"

"Damn, the pointer is off again..."

"Roman, turn right!"

While facing all kinds of harsh environments, Nami needs to quickly adjust the course of the ship. The busy Nami can't help but miss the time when Roman was still normal: he was always able to resolve various crises with fruit power...


Shaking his head fiercely, he shook off this weak thought.

Nami, you are the navigator of this ship. If you are relying on others for your own work, what kind of partner are you?

"Hurry up, everyone move..."



Under the lighthouse of Twin Gorges, the old man Kurokas punched out, smashing half of 'Roman''s head into shreds of paper flying all over the sky.

"Concentrate! If you lose your mind during the battle, are you looking down on me?"

Facing the stern Kurokas, Roman with his eyes 'closed' bowed down to apologize.

"I'm sorry, it seems that there was a confusion from my 'body' just now..."

"So you're going 'back'?"

Facing the old man's question, Roman, who kept his eyes closed, shook his head.

"No, I trust Luffy and Nami."

"Hmph, then continue—"

After getting in touch, Kurokas found that the boy named Roman was eager to improve his strength, and it seemed that it was really not for himself. ——Judging from the fact that the other party has inadvertently shown that he knows many big forces and secrets in the new world, this little guy is definitely very famous!

If he hadn't been on the 'Straw Hat' boat, he should have had a lot of time to improve his strength steadily. Instead of using all kinds of secrets to exchange domineering training with myself like now.


Using a puppet to 'learn' is always impossible to compare with the real body. I don't know how much this little guy can learn?


"Your understanding of armed colors is too poor,"

"A master who is good at armed color is basically a melee expert who is full of 100% confidence in his body..."

"Although you have good fist and kick skills, you are more used to relying on external defenses instead of devoting your heart and soul to your muscles..."

Facing Kulocas' words, Roman felt wronged. ——He is now a macho man who can not blink his eyes in the face of knives and axes, not to mention the fear of getting hurt...

"Charlotte Cracker from the House of the Four Emperors, hides and fights in the biscuit puppet created by his ability all the year round. He is a guy who is afraid of injections. Don't I have his tough guy?"

Roman refuses to accept!

"You know quite a lot. Then tell me, how old is that Charlotte Cracker?"

Ah this...

"The little guy is 43 years old, what about you?"

All right·····

"With your aptitude, the armed forces can also catch up with the opponent in twenty years. But:"

But Roman let alone twenty years, not even two years! two months...

"Okay, let's continue."

Since the talent of the armed color is not good enough, it is better to develop the domineering color of the knowledge color first.



The sea is calm and there are seagulls flying in the sky.

On the Golden Merry, Sauron stretched and stood up.

"Have a good sleep~~"

Looking around, Nami, Usopp, Sanji... and others were lying on the ground.

"Hey, hey, no matter how good the weather is, you shouldn't be so lazy, right? ——Did you follow the route?"

you--! ! !

The few guys who were tired and paralyzed on the deck didn't even have the strength to curse. Who knows how Sauron fell asleep peacefully in the midst of thunderstorms, wind and waves?

Pigs don't sleep as well as him.

And Zoro looked at Mr. 9 and Miss. Wednesday who were also tired and paralyzed, and asked with a belated frown.

"Why are these two guys on our boat?"

······You are too slow!

"We're heading towards their town now." This was the only Luffy sitting on the bow who didn't get down on the ground. It can even be said that he didn't even show any signs of fatigue, which shows his strength of endurance.

"We have no obligation to send them home,"

Facing Zoro's words, Luffy grinned.

"Well, no."

"Well, you're the captain, you're in charge. But—"

Zoro knelt down and looked at Mr.9 and Miss. Wednesday on the ground, touched his chin and smiled evilly.

"Mr.9 and Miss. Wednesday, right?"

"Your names remind me of something interesting, what is it..."


However, before Sauron could 'intimidate' the two guys on the boat, he was punched on the back of the head by Nami behind him.

"You bastard,"

"How busy are we all? You are the only one sleeping soundly!"


Turning his head, Sauron with a gloomy face had veins all over his head.

Sauron, angry!

bang bang bang—

? ? ? ?

Holding a full head bag, with a question mark on his face, 'Who am I? Where am I? what am i doing ’ Sauron sat on the deck.

Sauron, be silent!

"In short, we have seen the horror of the great route!"

Nami stood in front of the rudder and faced the crowd, next to Roman whose expression had changed to 'Abaaaba' because of hanging up for a long time. ——Fortunately, it doesn't affect the execution of Nami's orders.

"My previous navigation skills are of no use here, there is no doubt..."

"Hey, don't be discouraged!"

Nami smiled confidently in the face of the worries of her good 'best friend' Usopp.

"Even so, we can still find a way to move forward.—You see,"

Not far ahead, a 'cactus'-like island is looming.

"We won the first round!"

And at this moment, two people named Mr. 9 and Miss. Wednesday jumped onto the ship's side at the same time, and their movements were in unison, making one have to suspect that they had rehearsed many times.

Snapped! X2

"Thank you for sending us back~~"

"Goodbye by fate, babies~~"

Backflip 360 degrees into the water, no splash, very good! X2

"These two guys..."

Was it meant to be funny?

"Forget it, leave them alone, let's go to the island."

Nami raised the recording pointer on her wrist and explained to Luffy and Zoro.

"According to Roman, the record pointer needs to re-'store' the magnetic force on one island in order to point to the next island."

"This time may be a few hours, or it may be a few days..."

"That is to say, if there are monsters on the island..." Usopp looked pale, "Everyone, I have the disease of 'not being able to go to the island'..."

But as the Golden Merry approached slowly:


"Welcome to the heroes of the sea—"

"This is the town of welcome 'Whiskey Hill,' brave men of the sea!"

What welcomed the arrival of the Golden Merry was not monsters and beasts, nor guns and artillery, but the pier was crowded with enthusiastic crowds! They waved all kinds of flags, with enthusiastic smiles on their faces, and cheered loudly, warmly welcoming Luffy and others.

"Oh oh oh oh oh~~~"

"Sure enough, pirates are heroes of the sea~~"

Facing the cheering crowd, Luffy and Usopp responded excitedly and loudly. Even Sanji is dazzled by the women in the crowd. Only Zoro covered his forehead and sighed, and Nami whispered the 'signature' in Roman's ear.


In an instant, Roman, who was pretending to be "Abaaaba" looking up to the sky and demented before, suddenly "recovered", his eyes were as sharp as knives!

"Nami, this is..."

"We have reached the first island of the great line: 'Whiskey Hill', and you have seen the surroundings, too—very unusual."

is here?

Roman touched his chin and nodded.

"I understand,"

"You guys go 'play', I'm watching the boat."

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