The Paper Fruit Among the Pirates

Chapter 87: The Fist of Decisive Battle: The End of the Crocodile

How could this be?

Fighting with fists and kicks, parrying with knives and hooks. Under the curtain of rain, two figures are fighting to the death!

'Come on, Luffy! '

'Captain, beat him--'

'Come on~~'

Crocodile was disturbed by the irritating voice in his ears, wishing he could use the "Desert Sword - Release" to chop the flies, but——


An increasingly heavy fist hit his golden scimitar, making Crocodile's arm numb, and he almost couldn't hold the desert sword in his hand, let alone kill those around him...



concentrate! The opponent is coming!

For a split second, Crocodile stared intently at Luffy who was jumping up and punching in front of him, and a vague figure of "Luffy" appeared in his eyes, twisting his waist and exerting force, his body like a bow, pouring force into his whole body, fisting The direction is...


can hide

Boom! ! ? ?


The next moment, there was a numbness on the left side of his face, and Crocodile, who stumbled backwards, was buzzing in his mind, leaving only one thought:-

How could this be? !


Standing still in the rain, Crocodile, panting, looked at his slightly trembling legs. He wanted to laugh, but the corners of his mouth only showed an ugly twist.

Ah, ah, it turns out that my physical strength can't keep up with my thinking...

After so many years of ease, did he actually make himself unable to fight continuously for half an hour?

"Hoo, hoo, hoo,"

The straw hat boy on the opposite side is also panting heavily. It seems that in this high-intensity life-and-death battle, his physical strength is also greatly consumed... Well, it's time to end all this.


"Straw hat boy, I recognize you as a 'strong man'."

Throwing away the treasured desert knife in his hand, the intact right hand removed the front part of the golden hook in his left hand, revealing a small hollow iron hook inside.

"Now, let me show you the battle of 'Pirates'."

"The hook is removed..."

After taking a few breaths, Luffy regained some strength and looked at the hollow iron hook in Crocodile's left hand.

"what is that?"

"It's the 'Poison Needle'!"

It's not that Crocodile kindly reminded Luffy, but a kind of 'deterrence'! As long as the opponent's attention is on this poisonous hook, the opponent's hands and feet will be imperceptibly involved, making him fearful.


However, Luffy on the opposite side just replied flatly, without fear or fear, just like Crocodile was just saying:

Perform a monkey show.


"Very well, the battle between pirates is all about using everything."

"It seems you don't even know what it means to be afraid, but this is the last time—"


As he charged forward suddenly, the black fur coat behind him unfolded like ominous wings, and the poisonous hook in his left hand was the key to victory! ——Since the other party is fearless, that's even better! Because this is a highly poisonous poison that can kill sea kings, as long as it rubs on a little wound...



The speed of the two who started fighting again on the battlefield has gradually slowed down. It is no longer the high speed that even the 'little masters' around can't react to. The fists and feet are constantly splashed with blood and sweat! There was also the silent cheer of the crowd clenching their teeth.

"Do you need me to make a move?"

Basically all the members of this battlefield were injured, and all of them suffered serious injuries such as body fractures and ruptured internal organs. Chopper and Sanji, who were the only ones with minor injuries, both bandaged and treated the wounded of the king's army and the rebel army. Weiwei's words...forget it, there is only one 'master' who is really intact.

Nicole Robin.

The current Crocodile is at the end of its strength, and with Robin's strength and Huahuaguo's characteristics, he already has the qualifications to intervene in the battlefield. Even if you are lucky, you may be able to kill the sand crocodile that cannot be elementalized in one move...

"Do not!"

Roman, who was sitting in a wheelchair, was concentrating on filling up the broken defense on Luffy's body, while refusing without looking back.

"This is the battle of our 'Straw Hats', and you don't need to take action."


Pressing the white cowboy hat on top of her head, the intellectual beauty named Nicole Robin hid her face behind the brim of the hat, not knowing what expression it was.

"Please don't forget your promise, Mr. Roman."

"Of course, the information I told you is enough to prove my sincerity."




"Damn it!"

"Doctor, call the doctor..."

"Don't panic!" X2

Roman and Zoro blocked the excited Straw Hats from left to right. The battle has reached the most critical moment! Luffy was caught in the shoulder by Crocodile's hook just now, although Roman has been constantly covering Luffy with new paper, but...

Roman's own physical strength is about to reach its limit!

Don't forget, a big hole was pierced in his stomach just yesterday! Devil fruit abilities also require stamina.

"Hahahaha, I am the winner!"

Although he was kicked on the neck by Luffy's counterattack, Crocodile still looked up to the sky and laughed wildly.

"Soon, the toxin will spread throughout your body, and the outcome has already been—"


The galloping fist slammed Crocodile's face fiercely, breaking the bridge of his nose abruptly, causing the sand crocodile that flew upside down to roar angrily.

"Why? Why haven't you fallen?"

"Your purpose is not in this country, right!!"

"You're risking your own life for someone you've only known for a while? You're an idiot—"

"You still don't understand, Weiwei..."


Supporting his knees with his hands, the poisoned Luffy gasped for air.

"I said that others don't want to die, but I tried my best to help others."

"If I don't care about her, she will be killed by you people..."

"So, as long as you let go of this burden that you have just met for a long time—"

Facing Crocodile who was already 'frightened' and tried to solve the problem with words, Luffy straightened up and roared to the sky!

"Because she's a partner,"

"So I will never let her die!"



Looking at Weiwei who was covering her mouth, tears falling like broken pearls, Roman touched her chin. ——Lu Fei, how dare you say that you can't flirt with girls?

"Even death?"

Facing Crocodile's question, Luffy, who was trembling all over, took a serious stance.

"If you die..."

"We'll talk about it when we die."


However, before he could swing his fist, his feet softened, and Luffy suddenly fell to one knee on the ground. On the other hand, Crocodile was taken aback for a moment, and then became ecstatic!


"No matter how beautiful you say, your body is still very honest. ——You can't stand up anymore?"

At the same time, the artificial rainfall in the sky has become more and more sparse, and gradually stopped.

Half an hour has passed!


"See? God is on my side!"

The sand crocodile with its arms outstretched is looking up to the sky, eager to enjoy the 'warm' sunshine.

"Soon, I will bury all of you in the yellow sand, and let you go to hell to reunite!——You can't save anyone!!"


As Luffy fell to the ground, Sanji silently took a step forward, and Zoro also pulled out the word "Wadao" from his waist. but:


Roman reached out to stop them again with a serious face, because a familiar voice echoed in his mind.

'Roman, help me. '

'This bastard crocodile still has more strength...'


Crocodile still has spare energy? !

It's not that Roman doesn't believe in Luffy, it's that both of them are exhausted... But since Luffy said that, there must be his reason! After all, it is Luffy who is fighting the opponent, not Roman himself. Only the opponent in the battle can best grasp the opponent's situation.

Damn, why don't you—


With Luffy who was half kneeling on the ground shouting, without saying anything, Roman on the wheelchair tilted his head to the side as if he had fallen asleep.

'Luffy, you...'

Roman's voice came from the 'White Knight' attached to Luffy's body.

Now he is already controlling the 'White Knight' himself, and by the way, he can also—

‘I still have a few punches at most, please. '

'····it is good. '


Luffy stood up again, his skin was livid and his face was haggard, but his eyes were still bright!

"How come?...Wait a minute..."

Crocodile, who was stunned for a moment, 'saw' the breath of two humans on Luffy! Behind Luffy, there is another boy.

"Is that the kid playing with paper?"

"Hmph, you actually have to rely on someone else to stand up... Do you think you can win me over like this?"


"I'm the man who wants to be the One Piece!!!"


The figure flashed, and under Roman's push, Luffy rushed in front of Crocodile in an instant. Before he could react, his fist hit his jaw from bottom to top!

"I'll surpass you—"

! ! ? ?

--how so! ? !

The scorpion venom must have worked, even if it is manipulated by that paper guy, this rubber boy should have no strength...

"Who do you think I am?"

Facing Crocodile's roar and the poisonous hook waving over, Lu Fei, who was 'controlled' by Roman, lowered his head abruptly and avoided the opponent's attack.


The two people overlapped, and their knowledge and arrogance interfered with my judgment——

Boom! !

He punched Crocodile hard on the chest, and even the black fur coat on his back was lifted high by the penetrating force! Crocodile, who suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood after flying back, stared hard!

"What would it take for you to fall—"


In Crocodile's right hand, the flying yellow sand once again formed the shape of a scimitar! It's just that this time it's quite different from the original 'Desert Sword'. The blade is as cold as snow, the blade is like golden glaze, and there are exquisite patterns on the blade.

"Desert Vajra Saber!"

This is a sharp blade comparable to the "Supreme Great Sharp Knife", and it is Crocodile's bottom-of-the-box trick! It was the weapon he once held to break into the new world! (Just the weapon itself, no domineering blessing)

How many years?

Since the knife was split in two by the man's 'Cong Yunqie', Crocodile has never used this trick again, but it does not mean that its sharpness has regressed——

"go to hell!!"

'Danger! '

In an instant, even if he was only attached to the 'White Knight', Roman had the illusion that he was about to be cut into two by the sharp blade that cut gold and jade!


"Do not!"

Facing this sharp blade comparable to the "Supreme Great Sword Twelve Skills", Lu Fei raised his fist to meet it without hesitation!


This punch, there is no change, no moves. Just an ordinary punch! But this punch that Luffy made contained an invincible will to fight tempered by fighting against beasts, people, and the might of Heaven.

This is derived from the most original soul belief, from the purest life force! As if not to be shaken by anything, not to be stopped by any obstacle, the sky, the sea, and the steel mountain are all in front of this fist:



With a soft sound, the Desert Vajra Saber, which is said to be comparable to the "Supreme Great Sword Twelve Crafts", shattered silently like a real sand toy.

Crocodile's final ultimate move was crushed, shattered, and spread in an instant. Before the spread of gravel flew away, Luffy's fist pushed the ball of yellow sand back and smashed it back on its owner.


The fist slammed into Crocodile's chest, and what frightened him even more was a mental shock that despised the world, swept all directions, and dominated him. It destructed and galloped along the fist all the way through his body, paralyzing the nerves of his whole body. It rushed towards Crocodile's mind like a thousand troops!


----how so? ? ! !

Crocodile, who didn't even finish his last sentence, turned into a cannonball in an instant, and flew all the way down from the Palace Square! Hit the building, hit the house, hit everything!

After drawing a 'crack' hundreds of meters long in the city, it finally fell into a deep pit! However, the pale eyes and motionless body already showed the result of the battle.

Shichibukai - Sand Crocodile - Crocodile



PS: I wanted to end this chapter, but I almost typed 4,000 words... In the last punch, Luffy broke out into "armed color" (temporary version - accumulated from being beaten by grandpa) and "overlord color" respectively. (It's not entanglement, it's just a normal mental impact, and it's a small impact on only one target)

——This should not be regarded as cheating... At least it is more reasonable than the version who was poisoned and got up again. It is reasonable to shake the Desert King Kong sword with bloody fists... um... probably...

Finally: it should be okay for me to write like this? ~~~ Well, by the way, please ask for a ticket or something

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