Chengzhou City...

Inside a cramped rental house.

Lin Feng was opening his broken computer that had been running for six or seven years.

I opened a web page nervously and kept refreshing it.


It's the day the graduate admission results come out.

His target university is Imperial Capital Aerospace University.

Although he was already nine points sure, he couldn't help but feel nervous at the moment.

Until the dust settles, everything is uncertain.

After all, the graduate school entrance examination is too much now.

This year, the number of graduate students has reached more than 4.5 million.

It can be called one in a hundred.

And his alma mater is only a second-school school.

His family has been farming for three generations, but his parents never owe him anything and have provided for him to go to college.

The rest can only be done by his own efforts, and he can't waste his parents' hard-earned money anymore.

Only two entered the retest.

Because of the disconnection, he took shit luck with a score of 330 and entered the retest.

And the person in front of him is a full 60 points higher than him.

If it weren't for the sudden evolution of his brain during his undergraduate years, he could absorb knowledge and deduce future technology.

And for four years, he continued to soak in the laboratory to do research, and submitted papers to various top scientific journals.

He wouldn't have any faith at all.

With the constant clicks of his mouse.



saw the list of proposed admissions on the official website.

And he directly overtook him by 60 points.

"Accepted!" he

almost jumped with excitement.

I finally got in.

The hard work of parents was not in vain.

If he fails the exam this year, he will have to go to work, and his family will have no money left over for him.

Now I've finally been admitted.

And it's also a master's degree.

The subsidy for schools is much higher.

Apply for another subsidy for poor students.

Basically, my tuition and living expenses are about the same.

He was finally able to fulfill his wish to not have to rely on his parents to earn school fees.

He hurriedly dialed the phone at home.

"Hey, Mom, I've been admitted to graduate school, Imperial Capital Aerospace University.

"Don't worry, although the tuition fee for graduate students is expensive, I have a subsidy from the school and a subsidy from my supervisor, so don't work so hard, thank you for always supporting me!"

Lin Feng was full of excitement.

The phone rang for more than ten minutes before he put it down.

After sending a message to a few of my best friends.

He began to slowly calm down.

Although I was admitted to graduate school.

However, the scientific research materials in their hands still cannot be relaxed.

He looked at the seventh-generation aircraft data in his hand and fell into deep thought.

For three years, he has been continuously overcoming one problem after another and collecting all kinds of information, but because the seventh-generation aircraft itself is in the future, there is nothing for reference.

It's still stagnant.

"Strange, why is that? There's always a formula that can't be deduced, it's all right, no, you still have to take the time to go to the library!"


In a university dormitory.

Not unlike his excitement.

A girl sat in front of the computer, looking at the list of proposed admissions published on the official website, her face gloomy.

How is it possible?

No, it is absolutely impossible!

You know, although it is a 1:2 ratio to enter the retest, only one person will be recruited.

However, she was a full 60 points higher than the second place in the preliminary exam.

That translates to 6 points.

You must know that in the test, even if it is only a 0.1 point difference, it is infinite.

It's harder to counterattack than to climb to the sky.

Well, there is only one result.

Her quota has been taken away!

Why? Why is God so unfair to her

? Is it not as good as the bloody accumulation of capital after more than 10 years of hard study?

She directly cried out loud.

And the roommate behind her, who thought she was crying with joy, originally wanted her to invite her to dinner.

As a result, as soon as I walked over, I saw the list of proposed admissions displayed on the computer.

Her roommate, Liu Chunhua, actually ranked second.

More than 60 points.

actually ranked second.

If only there was no shady.

She didn't believe it to death.

"Chunhua, you have actually been overtaken? How is this possible, there is definitely a shady scene.

Liu Chunhua shook her head while wiping her tears.

"Forget it, what if there is a shady scene, we can't fight others after all, it's a big deal that I'll prepare for World War II, I don't believe I won't be able to pass the exam the next year. Although

she said so.

But the hatred in his eyes could not be concealed.

She was not reconciled.

Not at all reconciled.

Fang Yue hated iron and said: "World War II, why did World War II, such a big shady scene, why did we recognize it like this, is it because he is a man and has a hook?"

After the other roommates heard their voices, they all gathered around.

It's also a lot of help.

"Now the advantage of men is too big, and they can be overtaken by more than 60 points, if there is no shady, I absolutely don't believe it. "

Maybe people are good at home, I heard that many people are looking for a mentor in advance, maybe he has already found a relationship and said hello to the mentor, otherwise how can it be so easy?"

"The gender advantage is simply absolute, just like my career exam, we girls can't get it if they work hard, and boys want it as long as they can talk." "

Grass, no, we can't eat this dumb loss, we have to find a way to retaliate back, we must get rid of his quota."

Liu Chunhua looked innocent.

"How can I get revenge? I have no power or power, and I don't know my mentor.

Fang Yueke's eyes rolled, and he immediately had an idea.

"We really can't help it, even if we call and ask, those garbage mentors won't listen to us, but that doesn't mean we can't do it.

"Let's send this screenshot to the Internet, operate it well, I don't believe that there is no truth between heaven and earth!"

"I'll contact you, I have a fish that is an Internet celebrity, and I'll ask him to find someone to forward it." "

Just do it.

They don't have a low IQ either.

It's even more handy to write this kind of small composition.

Although it's none of their business, they like to watch this kind of episode.

Let the society die.

Administering justice.

They are justice!

"Little trash, you want to go through the back door, I see how you go, today I want you to die in the entire network club, and you want to go to graduate school, I let you pick up garbage and no one wants to take it, and no one takes your job!"

You say a word to me.

A small essay was quickly compiled.

In this little composition, they add oil and vinegar.

In order to increase the popularity of eyeballs to attract the public, I added all the things I subjectively thought to it.

Especially after searching for Lin Feng.

It was discovered that he actually had the same surname as a dean.

Father-son relationship was arranged directly for them.

At the same time, the searched Lin Feng's ID card information, photo name and school were all added to the small composition.

After all is written.

Fang Yueke directly contacted his fish.

He wanted to spare no effort to expand the impact of this matter to the maximum.

Let the whole online world know about it.

It is necessary to rush to the hot search as quickly as possible.

They want Lin Feng to die directly.

There is no place for you.

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