In unnoticed places.

One of the students showed a different color.

Although his heart was extremely entangled, he still recorded everything around him accurately.

Just a few days ago, one of his classmates approached him and offered him a sky-high price.

Even if only one of the two of them was selected, it would be unimaginable in return.

In particular, the data on controlled nuclear fusion is the most needed information for the Bald Eagle Nation at present, and they need to obtain the detailed information even if they spend a sky-high price.

All he did was sell the information of the Fusion Academy, and he didn't need to do anything.

This is good for him.

So after several entanglements, he still chose to agree.

And not only because of his classmates.

is also because this money is enough for him to live his next life with a drunken gold fan.

It's unimaginable temptation.

It is also an irresistible temptation.

It's something that the Fusion Academy can't give him at the moment.

Although he knew that the consequences were extremely serious, and if he was found out, his life would be completely ruined, and even his descendants and relatives would be affected in other ways, but he couldn't care about it.

Wealth and danger are sought.

As long as it succeeds.

Then all of that is fine.

This is his chance to change his fate, so he must seize it.

He kept a complete record of the information of the leaders and the surrounding environment.

Maybe it might be useful.

There is a lot of money just to pass it on.

As long as he continues to work hard, one day he will be able to truly enter the controlled nuclear fusion project and get in touch with the core information.

Until then.

Only then can we truly achieve financial freedom.

For this huge wealth, he will not hesitate to pay no matter how much he pays.

In fact, this is also something that cannot be avoided.

Because there are so many people.

And their disappearance will attract the attention of some people.

What's more, the nuclear profession itself is their focus.

Even in the end, less than 200 people were selected to study.

That's also a huge number.

There will always be some fish that slip through the net.

Although they will be screened one by one in the end, and all their past records will be screened, but this is also a big project, which cannot be completed for a while, so they have a chance.


The head of the Bald Eagle Country, Poden, quickly got the detailed information and immediately summoned Eric, the first head of the Ministry of Defense, and members of the nuclear fusion experts.

When the crowd looked at the information that had been passed back, they fell into deep thought.

Dean Chen is the focus of their attention.

Of course they do.

A few other vice presidents, they also know who they are.

These people have always been their focus for many years, so they are constantly investigating their past and the people they come into contact with.

However, after investigating during this period of time, it was found that the defense force around them had increased significantly compared with before, and the spy personnel they sent could not penetrate the needle and splash water.

Moreover, the last time the loss was heavy, and the power they were able to use had been greatly reduced, and it was impossible to accurately find out who was around them.

But this Lin character

is already the biggest clue they can get their hands on.

They thought they would be able to search for relevant information through this word.

It turned out that this was just a word, and there were many people in the Xia Kingdom who had this word, and it was almost impossible to find him out with this as a clue.


There is also a major suspicion of his identity.

There is no identification, only one name.

And it's the dean of nuclear fusion.

Then his identity is definitely not ordinary, and it is likely that he is the one they are looking for.

Brody, the leader of the Bald Eagle Country's nuclear fusion, shook his head and said

, "Mr. Chief, I can be sure that Xia Guo's Lin is what we are looking for, but we can't find any clues, because this surname is too huge, and Xia Guo hardly has any top expert members with the surname Lin."

The general director, Pu Deng, had a solemn face.

This forest character is naturally extraordinary, with a huge secret.

If they could find out who he was, they might be able to solve all their doubts.

He turned his head to look at Eric, who was in charge of everything.

"Erik, tell us a little bit more about the situation and see if you can give us some clues.

Eric put down the note in his hand, looked up and said solemnly.

"Our intelligence department has made great progress in the Xia Kingdom, successfully bribing a student who has entered the Academy of Controlled Nuclear Fusion, and obtaining a certain level of information, which is the most scarce information we currently have.

"At the same time, we also got a secret, that is, there is a top-secret information hidden in the Academy of Controlled Nuclear Fusion, maybe we can improve our nuclear fusion theory system after we get it."

"At present, I have arranged for intelligence officers to actively obtain that information, and if the time is right, whether it is by stealing or other means, it will make our nuclear fusion career development really shorten by decades, and save a huge amount of money, and at the same time be more successful."

Brody was shocked.

Nuclear fusion has always been a problem on his mind.

And it was what he could not ask for.

If it can be obtained, then the Bald Eagle Country, with its strong scientific system, will once again come to the forefront of the world, and even develop to a certain point where it can explore the outer planet to a greater extent.

Still, he was a little worried.

"Mr. Eric, this

secret is so easy, if we can easily get it, will it be a trap?" Eric shook his head: "It's hard to say at the moment, my informants can see some teachers coming in and out almost every day, even if there is no top-secret information, there will be their research theoretical directions, even if we get some, it will play an important role in the development of the future road, so it is worth the risk."

Brody didn't say anything more.

After listening to the various discussions, Puden tapped his fingers lightly on the table, and then concluded.

"Immediately arrange for someone to probe their top-secret base, and at the same time increase efforts to investigate all the vice presidents of the Fusion Academy to find out their recent whereabouts. "

No matter what, we must find out who Lin is, we must find him, and after finding him, if we can bring him back to China, bring him here, if we can't bring him back, then destroy him completely!"

"Mr. Chief, please rest assured, I'll do it immediately!" Eric

immediately accepted the task and began to take action.

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