Although there was an espionage incident in this group of people, it had nothing to do with him.

But he was also aware of a drawback.

That is, the salaries of scientific researchers are too low.

It can be refracted even at the student level.

The subsidy given by the Institute of Controlled Nuclear Fusion is relatively good, but it is only relative, after all, they are just students.

But what about the future,

even if they don't want to do it now.

In the future, when they enter the project and receive the same meager salary, can they still have the same feelings and continue to work?

After all, the people of their era, unlike the people of the previous era, can support everything with feelings.

Feelings can be had.

But in the imperial capital, this place.

I want to settle down.

Without a matching wage, it is almost unattainable.

At present, relatively speaking, the salaries of the personnel of various scientific research institutions are far from matching the intensity of their tasks.

Except for the imperial capital.

It's the same almost everywhere.

Even the salaries of many scientific research personnel are not as good as those of public institutions of the same level, not to mention the bonuses given for some special contributions.

In this day and age.

If there is no strong bonus temptation.

Some inventions are likely to stagnate.

It may not sound nice to say, but it's just the way it is.

Although we have to talk about feelings, we must always survive.

Daily necessities of life.

Even some top-level scientific researchers, such as those at the level of Dean Chen, are actually inferior to some third-tier stars in the entertainment industry.

Many celebrities have evaded taxes and evaded hundreds of millions.

However, even the top scientific researchers have an annual salary of less than one million.

Not to mention some low-level researchers.

Therefore, with so much scientific research funds flowing in their hands, it is already commendable to be able to maintain their hearts and not be tempted.

In the past, Lin Feng had always heard that the salaries of scientific researchers were too low, but he didn't have an intuitive feeling.

Because what he has access to is almost unlimited use of research funds.

Even for his bonuses, they all start with 100 million.

No worries at all.

So he subconsciously ignored the salary of the scientific researchers at the bottom, which is actually not high.

In comparison, it is far less than those so-called entertainment stars.

Moreover, there is no status of civil servants and personnel of public institutions.

This is still a technical work, and even if the technology is improved, there may not be many major invention rewards.

Today's espionage has indeed given him a wake-up call.

In fact, it is not necessarily that Dean Chen does not know, they also know this drawback, but after all, this is the drawback of the entire system, and it is almost difficult to reconcile at present.

The amount of money invested in scientific research is huge.

These are not appropriate.

There is even a period of time every year when wages are not paid.

Now, he wants to try to change them.

With a number of his inventions, he has indirectly saved countless R&D funds for the country, and if these funds are invested in the hands of scientific researchers in the corresponding fields, then their salaries and benefits will be greatly reflected.

Only the salary and treatment came up.

Only then can they contribute to the country with more peace of mind.

As a contemporary college student, he feels this most deeply.

If the state can give them the appropriate treatment, who is willing to go abroad?

We cannot train foreign talents in vain.

There is also a large number of talents in China, especially now that it is in the moment of take-off,

so he directly drafted a proposal to increase the salary of scientific researchers.

Dean Chen has concerns, and he understands.

Because he was already in the system, he was involved in a move, and he was involved in too many things, and he would not change it easily.

Therefore, it can only be rampant by a young man like him, and there will be no serious consequences.

After all the drafts were completed, he went directly to Dean Chen, and the matter had to be discussed with him before it could be submitted.

Although he can also face a big man like Song Lao,

this time is something that will change the entire system after all.

Because of the content of the work of scientific research personnel and institutions, there are also differences, and they cannot be compared with public institutions of the same level, so it is best to reset them.

After Lin Feng drafted the proposal.

I went directly to Dean Chen.

"Raise the salary for all scientific researchers?" Dean

Chen was also taken aback by his bold idea when he saw his proposal.

Although he has tried before, he has not achieved much.

Because it involves one hair and moves the whole body, there are too many relationships involved.

The more you are in a high position, the more you must be cautious in your words and deeds, and any inappropriate behavior and proposal will offend some people.

So I can only wait for an opportunity.

Now that Lin Feng has directly mentioned it, it seems that the opportunity has come.

"Dean Chen, I have seen the salary composition of many scientific researchers, in fact, many people just enjoy the same treatment, whether they really get actual benefits, which is not fair to them.

"Scientific research personnel are special, in fact, more in line with the distribution according to work, after all, their work compared with public institutions, there is still a gap, in recent years, the top colleges and universities to train talents, many have gone abroad, this is also a huge loss.

Lin Feng said his reasons.

He was also observing Dean Chen's face.

He thought it through more than he did.

Sure enough, Dean Chen's face was a little solemn, he knew that this was of course a good thing, but there were some words in the proposal that needed to be revised and some data to be added.

It seems more convincing.

And changing a system is not a matter of one or two days.

Even if the submission is submitted and the response is given, it will be a few months later.

So he had to be on the alert in advance.

"Lin Feng, I will submit this proposal, but the measures in some places are not very clear, so I will make some changes to it, but then again, this matter is the most effective for you to do.

"Now the time is ripe for a lot, a lot of scientific research funds have been saved, and there will not be much expenditure on raising their salaries, but it may take a while, because this time there are too many involved, and it must be stable."

Lin Feng also nodded.

Dean Chen is living in the scientific research circle, and he knows how to do it, and he is more skilled than him.

"It's okay, then I'll wait for good news!" Lin Feng didn't care, and it wasn't a matter of burning his eyebrows, so he wasn't too anxious.

After he left Dean Chen's office.

Directly to the research base of the lithography machine.

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