Luo Kaifeng walked down from the observation room on the other side.

He could already see the cheers in the lab.

A top-of-the-line photoresist was born.

And with unprecedented success, all the indicators are working in order, even excellent.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sigh that he had spent so much money all his life and couldn't get a breakthrough photoresist, but in Lin Feng's hands, it was as simple as eating and drinking.

It only took more than two months to create an invention that can be compared to the world's top photoresist.

It's a real miracle.

"Professor Chen, have you succeeded?" Luo Kaifeng asked excitedly.

He will only be relieved if he gets the answer from his mouth with his own ears.

Chen Yixiao nodded and said with a smile: "Fortunately, in the face of such detailed data and information, if the photoresist cannot be developed, then I, the chief researcher, do not need to be the chief researcher, and retire directly."

Luo Kaifeng's face couldn't hide the joy.

The trial of top-of-the-line photoresists was successful.

The help and benefit for him is the greatest, because the Chongmingniao Laboratory has become independent and has become his laboratory.

The greater the achievement.

The greater the benefits he gets.

According to this level of development, it is also a matter of time before it is comparable to Juxing Technology Group.

But in a short time, he didn't have such extravagant expectations.

After all, Juxing Technology Group has matured.

Photoresists, although they have great prospects, are now only in their infancy.

It's hard to say what the future holds.

However, even if he can eat the share of domestic semiconductor photoresist, he is already very satisfied.

Anyway, other photoresist shares can be taken step by step, and there is no need to rush for a while.

As long as the top-of-the-line photoresist is in hand, it is only a matter of time before other photoresists are developed.

Chen Yixiao paused and said: "Mr. Luo, although the quality of the photoresist we newly developed is very good, after all, it must be tested synchronously with the lithography machine and adjusted to a certain extent.

"Nowadays, all the top lithography machine shares are in the hands of a few large companies, and it is too difficult for us to lend them!" he

shook his head, which is the hardest part.

There were imported lithography machines every year in China before.

But the top of the series.

It has always been strictly restricted.

The highest lithography machine in China is only capable of realizing the 5nm process.

And the number is very small.

Without exception, they are the foundation of various research institutes and companies, and they are almost never borrowed.

What's more, Juxing Technology Group only has some reputation in software, but it is the last of the last in the photoresist industry.

It is almost impossible to lend a lithography machine of this grade.

All they can think of is about a 20nm thread.

So even though they've invented the best photoresist, there's still no facility to test it.

"I can reach out to some of my friends and try to borrow some labs from other photoresist companies to see if we can test it, but it's not very likely, and our photoresist can't leak out yet. Luo

Kaifeng also had a headache.

The best bullets were made, but there were no guns.

It's hard to get hold of even the most ordinary guns.

The testing phase of photoresist is not simple, and there is almost a complete test production process.

There are not many laboratories in China that can do this.

If they want to make contact, it will take a lot of time, and it will not necessarily be successful in the end.

That's where the hardest part becomes.

Chen Yixiao said suddenly: "Mr. Lin once said that if the photoresist is successful, he can provide a lithography machine that can be tested, will he have a way?"

Luo Kaifeng was also bright.

Lin Feng did say it.

Testing lithography machines is not a problem.

Now that photoresist has appeared, maybe he really has a way.

"Indeed, I will contact him now to see if I can find a laboratory, not to mention that the formula of the photoresist was given by him, and his background is definitely bigger than we thought.

Luo Kaifeng's face suddenly appeared with hope.

He dialed Lin Feng directly with a phone call.

Lin Feng was debugging the parts of the lithography machine, and after seeing the phone, he also had a premonition in his heart.

Luo Kaifeng rarely called him.

If you extrapolate this time.

The photoresist should be almost finished.

With the formula, it is actually not very difficult to make, and if it is changed to a top research team, I am afraid that it will appear in less than a month.

But their research team is already the third tier in China.

Even if it was optimized and adjusted in the later stage, some talents were dug up, but it was still much worse than some of the more advanced laboratories in China, so it was good to be able to make it in more than two months.

He picked up the phone and picked it up again.

"Hey, Uncle Luo, you called me at this point in time, if I guessed correctly, it should be

that the photoresist has been successful!" Luo Kaifeng was also a little surprised: "Are you installing a monitor next to me? It is so accurate! Indeed, the photoresist has been researched, and it has been successful, and after experimental testing, it has reached the standard you need." He

said it was difficult.

"Although the photoresist has been realized, we have also encountered a big difficulty, that is, without the lithography machine test, especially the top lithography machine, without a complete test site, it is impossible to accurately know the use of photoresist in the whole system. Lin

Feng probably already understood this when he heard this.

However, the lithography machine in his hand that can make 3nm has not yet been completed.

It is still in the assembly stage.

It's not even started yet.

If you want to use a 3nm lithography machine for testing, you will have to wait for a while.


He glanced at Zhang Huairen, if anyone could find a testing site, it was him.

He said to the phone: "Wait a minute!"

After hanging up the phone, he walked over and asked: "Academician Zhang, I want to conduct photoresist experiments, so I need a domestic photoresist test site, I don't know if you can help me find it?"

After thinking for a while, he said: "There is no photoresist laboratory, but the lithography machine laboratory is all available, and it is a complete chip production line, it should not be a problem for photoresist experiments, if you need it, I can arrange it for you immediately, just here in the imperial capital."

Lin Feng nodded: "Then I'll trouble you."

After getting the address, he immediately called Luo Kaifeng.

Gave them the address.

Let them come with the photoresist as well as the core team.

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