Chen Yixiao was already a little amazed, and the professionalism of the core team he brought was even more so.

Like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, they are the first time they have seen such a scene.

There was no such opportunity before.

It is a pity that all the technologies of these lithography machines belong to foreign countries, and there is no such technology in China.

They hadn't even seen seven nanometers before, not even a dozen nanometers.

They even saw a lithography machine the size of a bus.

When Chen Yixiao saw it, his pupils suddenly shrank.

That one lithography machine.

It's so different in his eyes.

And it's at the heart of the most important thing.

I am currently testing and experimenting with the project.

This glass room also has the largest number of staff, conducting all-round research and testing on this machine.

He can also see that this lithography machine is definitely the top in the laboratory.

If he's not mistaken.

This is likely to be the 5nm lithography machine newly imported by the country.

You know, not long ago, this kind of lithography machine was among the top positions in the world.

Almost never sold to Xia Guo.

Now that time has passed, it is here.

Regardless, it's still one of the best lithography machines in the world.

Of course, the strongest lithography machine that can be mass-produced at present is the 3nm process.

It's just that this level will almost never be sold to Xia Guo.

Even for their partners.

There are also very few companies that can get 3nm process lithography machines.

If only all these technologies belonged to Xia Guo, then they would no longer have to worry.

Just when they saw these test lines in a state of fascination.

Lin Feng and Zhang Huairen had already come behind them.

"Uncle Luo, Professor Chen.

Lin Feng shouted behind them.

When several people heard this, they quickly turned around.

"Lin Feng, here you are, the laboratory you found is too big and complete, and there is hardly any more complete test line in China.

Luo Kaifeng exclaimed.

"This is the experimental site of the lithography machine, and there is indeed no laboratory in China that can compare with it, let me introduce to you, this is Professor Zhang, a research expert on lithography machine.

Lin Feng still chose to hide it a little.

Otherwise, the identity of an academician is still very scary to talk about.

"Hello, Professor Zhang!"

they guessed in their hearts, it seemed that they should have found this one, so they could have a chance to come in.

After greeting each other.

It's ready to start testing.

Now they are even more curious about Lin Feng's identity, but they can only guess in their hearts.

Even a lab of this caliber can get it, and what else can't he do?

The photoresist they brought this time is enough to test thousands of times.

Because the chip is that big.

In fact, there is not much photoresist used.

This time there are more specialized professionals.

They originally thought that they could only test one type of lithography machine, but they didn't expect Lin Feng to let them test all the idle lithography machine test lines at the same time.

When they heard this, they were all stunned.

They had never been so arrogant.

They suddenly have a nouveau riche feel.

In the outside world, 20nm threads are hard to come by, and here, everything can be used casually.

Even 5nm threads can be used.

This great contrast made them all feel a little unreal.

They are no longer needed for the testing process.

Now they are all spectators.

Watch all the different lithography machines go through the process of producing chips.

It's an experience like never before.

It's something you can't experience with any amount of money.

The testing process is relatively boring, because this is a whole test production line, which can manufacture complete chips.

At the same time, the process of manufacturing chips is also more than once.

Because there is also a question of yield rate to consider.

At the same time, there is the completeness of the manufacturing of the chip.

So it's not only complicated but also boring.

But everyone watched with relish.

Especially Zhang Huairen, the more I look at him, the more I feel that this photoresist is unusual.

As a top-of-the-line consumable.

Photoresists are indispensable.

Moreover, high-end photoresist has always relied on foreign imports, and there are almost no domestic companies that can produce high-end photoresist.

Therefore, in the past two years, foreign countries have been reducing the import of photoresist to Xia Guonai, and they have no way.

Because the fundamental technology is in the hands of others, they can only do what they want to do, and even if they are humiliated, they can only endure it.

Now, with the test, he has more and more hunches.

If this photoresist can be successful, it will play an influential role in the domestic and even international markets.

Because the policy that has been pursued abroad is that if Xia Guo has made a major breakthrough in a certain aspect, then their corresponding products will definitely be reduced.

But if Xia Guo's products can even be cheaper than theirs, then they will be hit by dimensionality reduction in the market, and even the largest companies will not be able to resist the price advantage crisis.

When the time comes, it will completely change the landscape.

Everyone has been paying close attention and looking forward to the final result.

All the processes are completed, and the chips are produced.

After extremely rigorous testing, it was found that the chips produced by this photoresist were almost identical to their previous formulations, and even surpassed in some data.

It can even be used as a substitute altogether.

Some deficiencies can be adjusted slightly, which can perfectly meet the use of lithography machines.

After all, there are still some small differences, but with excellent quality, these differences are almost negligible.

And by the inspection of all chips.

The stable performance of this photoresist was found to be excellent.

And the yield rate is outrageously high.

The quality is the best of the best.

After all the testing processes were completed, Chen Yixiao was already so excited that he could barely control his emotions, but the few people in the core team he brought were already ecstatic.

I can't wait to start celebrating right away.

Even many of the staff in the laboratory were amazed when they learned the purpose.

However, everyone's tacit understanding did not say Lin Feng's name.

lest anyone go out of their way against him.

It's enough for them to know.

Luo Kaifeng didn't know how to feel now, as if he had hit a big luck.

This grade of photoresist in hand.

It's like holding a golden key.

The domestic market has always been relatively blank and needs to be imported.

He can completely fill the gap in the domestic market, without squeezing any enterprise, only abroad.

The future is bright.

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