With so much explosive news, if it were the usual, those self-media would have been chasing after the wind and making one small essay after another for malicious speculation.

But until now, they have not appeared, and they have not made any sounds.

Only then did everyone realize that they had probably been blocked a long time ago.

In those comments under the hot search, the painting style is extremely clear.

It's rarely the best in years.

Everyone is a little unaccustomed to it.

It always feels like something is missing.

It's not that those trolls don't want to say it, it's that they've been banned a long time ago, and those who jump the hardest have been banned for the longest time.

There's not a month I haven't seen them.

And if it is blocked repeatedly, the consequences will be more serious every time.

But even so, there are still countless people who are hotly discussing.

But in the end, no one had a positive result.

What is particularly surprising is that if such a major event had happened before, the media would have to comment on it.

But this time it was just news, and even the comments were closed.

As if it was just a briefing to them.

It made them smell unusual.

When did these large domestic media become good babies?

This action is extremely powerful.

There are not a few people who have been arrested.

As one of the executors, Director Liu was shocked to see the data in his hands.

He was a little afraid to go up and report.

I didn't expect that in just a few years, foreign forces would have penetrated so much, and if it took some more time, the entire online world would be ruined by them.

Now that the Internet is so developed, it has almost affected the growth of the three views of generation after generation.

In particular, some people have not yet grown up their three views, and it is easy to be led astray by others.

However, the things published by the bought media and individuals on the Internet are extremely sharp and full of malice, although when you think about it, they can't stand scrutiny at all.

But for those minors, they simply can't discern.

So it has to be official.

With such a big operation, many people were arrested.

In particular, there is also the famous Blue Whale live streaming platform.

If you are not careful, it will be easy to be taken advantage of by someone with a heart.

The consequences will get worse.

Therefore, the director repeatedly told him to be cautious.

And we must do a good job in dealing with the aftermath.

Director Liu thought about the wording this time.

Now that the arrest has begun, and the evidence is conclusive, there is no need to care too much about the feelings of the audience.

As long as the evidence is sufficient.

He believes that without those flies, netizens should still be able to distinguish right from wrong.

Some of Lin Feng's personal achievements should also be disclosed to the outside in a timely manner, so that he can block the mouths of the people.

However, the sixth-generation aircraft must still be kept secret, and all personnel involved in secrets must be strictly controlled.

Sign a confidentiality contract.

Be a secret!

This will be their secret weapon.

What's more, he recently heard that the beautiful country has been researching Gao Dai's flying machine, although it is extremely top secret, but there is still some news to reveal.

It may even be the legendary sixth-generation aircraft.

Their technology has developed too fast, just like they have obtained extremely exaggerated technology, although Xia Guo has been catching up, there are still some gaps.

Therefore, the project of the sixth-generation aircraft must be grasped.

In this way, we can compete on the same stage.

without falling behind.

Wait until everyone is arrested and brought to justice.

Director Liu is ready to start announcing some of Lin Feng's scientific research results.

Hung appetite for so long.

I have to keep hanging.

But if one day the truth is revealed, I don't know what kind of face these people who ridiculed back then will be.

That's the most slap in the face.

Director Liu is looking forward to this dramatic scene.

As for the crimes of several other people, they must also be completely disclosed to the outside world, and Fang Yue can instruct others to steal state secrets, which is already a sure thing.

Even if she doesn't know

it, but when it comes to the particularity of things, it can't be explained by just being unaware.

What's more, there is evidence of transactions with foreign forces in her mobile phone, which cannot be denied at all.

However, although Liu Chunhua and others behaved extremely shamelessly.

But after all, they are not considered to have violated the law, and at best they can only be accomplices, and they still do not know about the theft of state secrets!

They have already died in the whole network society, and the final result should not be too serious.

As for those who collude with foreign forces, the end will not be good.

Especially Jiang Jianliang, pulling out the radish and bringing out the mud, a series of crimes, it is really terrifying.

All of this is to be announced to the public in order to calm the recent turmoil.

That's all there is to it.

Only the sewage that was splashed on Lin Feng's body could be completely washed.

Therefore, it is necessary not only to do it, but also to make it loud and powerful, and to let the whole network know.

After some are ready, at two o'clock in the afternoon of the day.

Countless people are secretly speculating.

Almost all the media on the Internet began to publish articles in the Xia Guo Daily about the Lin Feng incident.

[In the midst of countless malicious speculations, if you are Lin Feng, how can you justify it?]

Everyone looked at the official media who ended up in person.

The shock was overwhelming.

This is almost the most authoritative media network in Xia Kingdom.

These often represent the country's attitude and perception of something.

In addition to the daily newspapers, countless state media outlets have reprinted them.

It swept the entire network directly at one time.

The main writer of this article is extremely subtle, and it is extremely sharp.

At the beginning, it goes straight to the core.

At the very beginning, he pointed out that when the rumors developed to the extreme, who was the murderer behind the scenes? It was

not Fang Yueke, not Liu Chunhua, not those foreign forces, but everyone!

The main writer took it step by step.

Disclose the whole incident in its entirety.

As an official media, it is natural to get a unique insider, and Lin Feng's identity has been officially revealed.

Everything about Lin Feng's past, his background, and all his performances in college.

When countless people indulged in dark sex in college, he was the only one who gave up all entertainment.

Alone in the laboratory, he completed one scientific research after another.

SCI articles have been published one after another.

Not only that, but he also used the pseudonym Lin Feng to popularize science on many scientific research websites, and wrote one scientific research article after another.

Most importantly.

The world's top journal, the dream of all scientific researchers, the articles in the main issue of NATURE journal, were completed by Lin Feng alone.

There is no borrowing or plagiarism.

Everything is based on his own theories.

And this article has caused a huge sensation at home and abroad, and countless emails have been received alone.

These things can naturally be announced.

Moreover, it won't be long before the identity of that article about flying machines will be revealed.

So when it was announced, it didn't have much impact.

When everyone saw these insiders, their eyes were full of disbelief.

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