Lin Feng's parents are very gentle people.

Special attention was paid to his education.

So even if the economic conditions are not particularly good for so many years, he has always satisfied his desire to study.

There are even times when the economic benefits are not very good, and he has to borrow money to pay for his education.

Therefore, for a long time, Lin Feng's spirit has been very rich.

I have never been compared to others.

Although you may have less.

But what I have is full of love.

There's no need to compare.

After Lin Feng washed his face and hands a little, he was already salivating when he looked at the food on the table.

In order to enter graduate school, he has not been home for a long time.

After taking a seat, I immediately began to feast.

Father Lin and Mother Lin looked at their son gently, they just wanted to live such a warm and ordinary life, and everything else was not important.

As for what happened two days ago, they don't want to mention it either.

Although I more or less heard some things about Lin Feng from other people's mouths.

There are good and bad ones.

There were even people who spoke ill of them.

Later, there were people who claimed to be from the Law Enforcement Bureau to protect them.

They didn't know why, and they wanted to ask them something, but they wouldn't say anything.

So these days, I'm also worried about it.

It's not that I'm worried about myself, but I'm worried about Lin Feng.

But now everything doesn't matter.

Their son had returned, still with the same familiar silhouette, but a little thin and a little dark.

They were even more distressed and kept holding him food.

"What have you lost weight, you have to study so hard outside, you have to get yourself more delicious food, occasionally go to dinner with your classmates, eat some meat, and don't have to save money for your family.

"I must make up for you when I come back this time, why is it so dark." "

They are disgusted and distressed.

Lin Feng raised his head, his mouth bulging and said, "Mom and Dad, you eat too, don't eat it alone, I can't finish it." "

Now he doesn't look like a top figure in the scientific research community at all.

It's like a wanderer returning home.

"It's okay, we often eat at home, you eat less outside, you have to eat more, and then get you

a bowl of chicken soup!" Lin Mu said as she filled him with a bowl full of golden chicken soup.

Lin Feng looked at this bowl of chicken soup, and his eyes lit up.

The chickens that grow up in their own orchard are delicious.

He had missed the smell for a long time.

Drink the chicken soup in one go, so delicious that you don't change it for a fairy.

After eating and drinking, Lin Feng chatted with them about the past few days.

I told them all about the past few days.

Let them not have to worry.

He has nothing to hide from his parents who love him so much, but the kind of ability he has acquired is too terrifying, and he still chooses not to say it.

And he also hid the information of the sixth-generation aircraft, only saying that it was a more important invention.

After all, the sixth-generation aircraft is still in the stage of secrecy.

It's also for their good not to let them know.

After all, spies are pervasive now, and if they knew about the sixth-generation aircraft, then they would definitely find a way to get close to their parents.

Not a good thing for them.

There is nothing else to hide other than these things.

He went through the whole story.

Shocked his parents so much.

There are several times when it comes to thrilling places, and my mouth is even more open.

Although they feel that their life experience is also rich, compared with their son, it is still a little inadequate.

But at the same time, they felt a lot of pride.

This is his own son.

Able to pull the whole city and find confidential information for his son.

How many can there be in this world?"

Feng'er, I didn't expect you to go through so much and take the graduate school exam so much, it's better to work early, anyway, your scientific research is also working for the country in the end. Mother Lin said distressedly.

Father Lin glared: "It's better to work early, this is a graduate student! There are a few graduate students in our village, if you want me to take the exam, I will take the exam, as long as I don't do anything wrong, I can check it as they want!" "I'm

also for my son, he was splashed so much dirty water by others, and I am also distressed." Lin Mu said.

Father Lin looked at his outstanding son and nodded with satisfaction.

"You can be regarded as contributing to the country, and now the blow to the country from outside is very serious, there is a lack of scientific research talents like you, you must fight back against them!" Father Lin was also half an intellectual when he was young.

Now that I'm older, I want my son to do more for the country.

Lin Feng nodded and smiled.

Watch them discuss.

He didn't explain anything, just kept nodding his head.

Lin Feng walked into the room and took out his red admission letter from the box.

As soon as he took it out, his parents' eyes were instantly fixed on it.

I can't pull it out.

The two of them took it carefully and stroked the admission letter.

Lin Feng looked at the scene in front of him, which was familiar with ten years ago.

I remember ten years ago, when I received a college admission letter, it was the same picture.

"This is the graduate notice of the Imperial Capital Aerospace University! This is 985, I heard that the ranking in China is very good!" Father Lin said very knowingly.

"985, will the salary be very high after graduation?" Mother Lin opened it and looked at the bright red steel seal, very satisfied.

"You know money, this is a testimony of hard work!" Lin Feng criticized.

This is their pride.

It is also the consolation that they have worked hard for so many years.

The two competed for admiration.

They all knew in their hearts that for this admission letter, how much did Lin Feng pay for this admission letter?

"I really want to post a circle of friends!" Lin Mu said with a happy face.

"Don't post it, the turmoil has just subsided, and it's not good if you post such a circle of friends again. Father Lin remembered the events of the past two days and immediately stopped him.

Lin Feng didn't mind at all.

Anyway, the iron needs to be hard.

And it's just a notice, and it can't turn the sky upside down.

"Son, how is the tuition fee for your graduate school? I heard that the cost is relatively high in the imperial capital, and you can tell me a rough number, which makes me feel a little bottom.

Lin Feng was a little worried, thinking about his wallet, if it really didn't work, he could only take out a loan.

Lin Feng shook his head: "Mom and Dad, don't worry, the tuition fees for graduate students have been completely waived, and there is also a subsidy fee."

"Didn't I say just now that I created an invention for the country, it seems that I also have a large amount of money, and when the time comes, I can use this money to build a house and decorate it. Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Oh my God, who said that studying is useless! I haven't graduated yet! I'm making money for my family!" Father Lin put all the worries just now behind him, and suddenly said in a loud voice.

"You be quiet, why are you talking so loudly!" Lin Mu patted him and said.

"Aren't I excited!" Father Lin said with a smile.

Lin Feng likes this kind of warm scene.

For the rest of the day, he gave himself a good vacation.

After all, there's not much to worry about now.

The graduate school has already been admitted, and there is no need to worry about the tuition fee.

There is also a large fee.

After working in the future, there will be no such comfortable vacation!

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