Lin Feng and the others glanced at each other.

Especially Father Lin and Mother Lin almost laughed out loud.

She still doesn't know what's going on with her eldest sister's daughter?

It's still fat.

Since she was a child, her family had money to spoil her, so she overeaten, and wanted to get her to study abroad, but she was dropped out of school in less than half a year.

When I came back, I didn't know what I was doing.

But I heard that he is not doing some money-making work, a hammer in the east and a stick in the west.

I don't want to go to work seriously at all.

I found a contract worker in a public institution.

On the first day of closing, I offended half of the people in the office, and it didn't take long to be fired.

She also said that the people in the office isolated her.

They also disliked this niece very much, because every time she came to their house, she was lying on the sofa, and even the fruit was almost delivered to her mouth.

And I also played with some friends who didn't care, and they started to take care of it, and then it was okay, and she went.

That's when the relationship was a little bit passable.

Relations have deteriorated even more in the past two years.

There is no intersection.

So when she heard her eldest sister say this, although she didn't say anything, the smile on her face was about to wrinkle with laughter.

There's really no need to show off these things in front of them.

No matter how good they are, it has nothing to do with them.

Father Lin and Mother Lin are now very satisfied.

Zhong Fangmei leaned over and whispered: "I just heard from a relative over there that Shao Wen has a child, and I don't know whose it is, and now I am looking for my biological father." "

Shao Wen is Lin Feng's cousin.

Father Lin and Mother Lin didn't know about this at all, and when they heard this gossip, they hurriedly came over.

Although it's my family's business, I can't help but be a little curious.

"Little sister, you can't talk nonsense about this, the eldest sister will be unhappy later!" Lin Mu whispered.

Lin Feng's ears also leaned over.

He really didn't have much feeling for this cousin.

And I don't like it from the bottom of my heart.

Every time I came to his house, I either got this or that, and many times his treasures were turned out.

Zhong Fangmei raised her head and glanced over there, where she was still making all kinds of generous statements, talking about buying a house and a car.

And this table is basically just their family, which can be regarded as marginalized.

So when I talk about these things, I am not afraid of being listened to by others.

"Although I don't like the eldest sister's family either, I won't talk nonsense about these things, and not only that, I heard another friend of mine say that the eldest sister's youngest son was arrested for drunk driving yesterday, and I heard that he also hit a traffic policeman, but fortunately there is no danger to his life, and now they are looking for people everywhere!"

Zhong Fangmei is a person in the education system.

I know a lot of people.

And they are all people in the same system, these things have been spread for hours, and she heard this gossip in the morning.

It's just that she never said it.

"No wonder the eldest sister looked gloomy, it turned out to be because of this!" Mother

Lin finally understood why they just said such a sentence, their eldest sister jumped out like she had been stepped on, and it turned out that the source was here.

"Don't mention these things in front of the eldest sister, lest she look unhappy again, but these two guys are really not worry-free, both of them have made such a big thing, and they still bump into each other.

Zhong Fangmei shook her head.

After all, these two are not strangers, they are her nephews and nieces.

After all, I still feel a little sorry.

She is a teacher after all, and every time she sees this situation, she feels very sad, because in most cases, parents are not playing their due role.

Because after all, school is a large class education.

It is not possible to be specific to each individual.

Not everyone can do well in school.

Parents also have a vital role to play.

But her eldest sister and the two sisters have doted on them since they were children, and they can't see them suffer any grievances at school, so they often have conflicts with the teacher, and over time, they don't even care about the teacher.

"They haven't studied well since they were young, and the eldest sister doesn't care, so what can I do?" Mother Lin shook her head.

I don't want to mention it again.

Although they felt like they were isolated at this table, they didn't feel anything.

Anyway, the money was paid today.

I have to eat enough to go back.

Their behavior was seen by others and alienated them even more.

But they're happy.

Lin Feng's mobile phone rang suddenly.

The caller ID was Dean Chen, and he hurriedly walked out the door to pick it up.

"Hey, Dean Chen. A

very solemn voice came from the other end of the line.

"Lin Feng, things have changed, there is major news from abroad, our opponent has made great progress in the sixth-generation aircraft of the beautiful country, and the high-level has issued an order, we must return as soon as possible to carry out a series of strategic deployments.

Lin Feng couldn't help but be stunned when he heard it.

The scientific and technological strength of the beautiful country is too strong, and he has already been calculated, so he has made the sixth-generation aircraft.

I didn't expect them to be so fast and make a major breakthrough.

This is a matter related to national strategy, and there is no room for sloppiness.

"Okay, but it will take a while for me to go over now, can I go to the imperial capital myself later.

Lin Feng asked, it will take at least two or three hours for him to go home now, and it is not very convenient, even if he is ready, it will take at least seven or eight hours to return to Beichang.

Dean Chen said on the other side: "No need, I have already sent a helicopter to pick you up, and you give me a specific location." Your role is extremely important, so we have to ensure your safety, and there are still a lot of technical difficulties that you need to guide us, so I'm really sorry, and when this project is completed, I will definitely give you more vacation!"

Lin Feng didn't mind too much.

He's been back for quite some time.

And he came back for such a long time, and he vaguely felt that his parents treated him a little... Disgusted.

If you stay any longer, you probably won't have a good life.

It's better to get to work.

But before that, he had to make a little advance.

"That, Dean Chen, I don't know when my incentive allowance will come down, I want to buy something for my family, and then buy a car after renovation, it may cost four or five hundred thousand, is my reward so much?"

Lin Feng said cautiously.

I'm afraid I'll have too much.

Dean Chen listened on the other side, extremely stunned.

It's only 500,000, are you still cautious?

He doesn't even know what to say.

Researchers are so weak that it seems that at the national congress in the future, a proposal on improving the treatment of researchers will need to be written.

A scientific and technological powerhouse.

Naturally, it is also necessary to improve the remuneration of scientific researchers.

"Don't worry, I'll transfer the money directly to you later, although your award application hasn't come down yet, but I can take the expenses. Dean Chen comforted him.

He doesn't know how many billions of dollars he spends on scientific research every year.

That's just 500,000.

or legitimate use.

Just a random note is enough!

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