After the news broke, the self-media became more confident.

They sneered.

It's not that we're too strong, it's that the enemy is too stupid.

Forcefully provide them with so much material.

It seems that human blood steamed buns can continue to be eaten.

After this wave of traffic.

The gains they have made have skyrocketed.

What's more, in this era where traffic is king, their traffic can continue to grow.

The opportunity to become a big V has come!

Not to mention the fact that there was a paper fraud in the first two years.

As a result, Chinese people are particularly sensitive to papers.

It was almost a fatal blow.

There is no way to turn the tables around.

That's what they thought too.

One small essay after another, turned out, in addition to plagiarism, they also fabricated a lot of small news.

Smearing him in almost all directions.

The effect is also remarkable, and they receive an unparalleled amount of traffic that makes them smile from ear to ear.

Even more spared no effort to start discrediting.

"Lin Feng's paper plagiarism, the similarity is as high as 40%?"

instantly made headlines on the front page of major self-media.

They even marked it a little bit.

But in fact, only the framework and direction are similar throughout the whole story, and it has not reached the point of 40%.

Not many people care how many similarities there are.

As long as he proves plagiarism.

That's enough.

It is absolutely impossible to turn over again.

The voices that helped him clarify the truth have long been blocked, and no one will believe it.

Many people instantly fought back.

I want to knock him into the abyss completely.

"It's a real hammer!" "

I was slapped in the face, I thought I had recruited a scientific research genius to come in, but I didn't expect it to be a plagiarism monster, what kind of face do I think the Imperial Capital Aerospace University has?"

"I heard that his family background doesn't seem to be very good, and it really makes sense that it is difficult to get a noble son from a poor family, because it will only plagiarize

!" "Is a male college student so capable, isn't it a high impact factor for publishing SCI papers, plagiarism, who wouldn't!"

"Is this the virtue of men? In the future, graduate students will never recruit men, anyway, there are few good ones!"

"Girls are so good, and they can study, but they are not admitted, they are really blind, even if I recruit them, I will not go, it is simply an insult."

After Fang Yueke saw the remarks on the Internet, he was even more ecstatic.


! God help her

! Now there is no wind and waves at all!

They began to celebrate in an instant.

A beer barbecue was set up on the table.

"Sisters, this foul man, finally no more, I see that there is no one to speak for him this time, for our justice, cheers!"


The Imperial Capital Aerospace University was also stunned when it got the news.

The article in the main issue of the journal NATURE that has just been published.

It was actually plagiarized.

And the plagiarists are still graduate students they have just recruited and feel that they have great scientific research prospects.

Although the timeline is reversed.

Something is wrong.

But if this is true, then the face is disgraced.

And it was thrown to the extreme.

It would be fine if they were an unknown school, but they were a double-first-class university, ranking more than a dozen in the country.

Once it is confirmed.

The shame will be thrown over to the whole country.

Even all over the world.

School leadership quickly set up meetings.

Leaders gathered.

They had to figure out what was going on.

Professor Li Luowei hurried over, he was already old, and he couldn't stand it if he was tossed like this.

He also saw the news on the Internet, and he was simply dead.

The principal also doesn't care about accountability, and the first task now is to get things to the bottom of what they are doing.

"Professor Li, now it is said that Lin Feng plagiarized everywhere on the Internet, and you should have read the information, now please give me a bottom, what is Lin Feng doing? Can you contact him now?"

Li Luowei was also full of doubts.

Lin Feng's performance is almost impeccable, whether it is logical thinking, scientific research ability, and personal expression, all of them are the best choice.

He hurriedly explained: "Headmaster, you know my personality, never exaggerate, judging from his original performance, he is confident, and the research results are definitely his own."

"What's more, I've also read these two materials, and the similarity is not as fierce as it is uploaded on the Internet, it's just that some frameworks and directions are similar, which makes people feel like a lineage, but it definitely can't reach the level of plagiarism."

After hearing this, the headmaster's face softened slightly.


"The top priority now is to find him and ask him about the situation, otherwise, the rumors from the outside world are very unfavorable to us."

Li Luowei shook his head when he heard this.

If you can find it, it's simple.

"We've been trying to contact him since it happened, but we can't reach him, and even if we call his parents, they can't find him. The

headmaster sighed.

"If you can't get through to his phone, keep calling to see if there are any other contacts and contact information, and be sure to find him.

Li Luowei nodded.

Speaking of which, the principal talked about the latest issue of the journal NATURE.

"By the way, you should have read these two journal articles, the one on the latest issue is very imaginative and scientific, with great influence, and can be called the top article on the use of aircraft materials over the years, you must take a good look at it, it will be very helpful for our research here."

"But this article actually has reservations.,Some details haven't been announced.,I really don't know what kind of character it was published.,I only know that it's the nationality of the Xia Kingdom.,If you want to know the specific author.,You have to communicate with that side.。

Speaking of this, he couldn't help but show envious eyes.

Journal articles of this level.

Even academicians may not be able to publish often.

If there are so many journals around.

You can go to a double first-class university as a professor casually.

It's almost possible to walk sideways in academia.

Even if you have just graduated from graduate school, you can be directly admitted as an associate professor.

Even him, although he has countless reputations, is also a little envious.

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