Lin Feng was sleeping on the bed in his new room when he was sleeping.

A grand meeting was also held.

Although the number of people is small, there are only about 20 people.

But the level of attendance is unimaginable.

There are several bigwigs.

Representatives from various research institutes were also sent.

Although there were too many things to come here, there was an important decision-maker, Song Lao, who had been waiting for a long time, and he kept flipping through the information in his hand, looking at the various reports that had been submitted, and analyzing the pros and cons in his heart.

Dean Chen, Director Liu and Wu Jian, as representatives, attended this internal high-level meeting and made a report to everyone.

Looking at so many high-ranking people, the pressure on them is not small.

Even Dean Chen, who is used to seeing senior decision-makers, still has his eyelids beating a little when he sees this scene.

Song Lao watched them come in, raised his eyebrows, and said with a smile.

"Welcome to our scientists, you can be regarded as coming back, we are looking forward to the stars and the moon, but we are all waiting for you to come back!" Dean

Chen and the others hurriedly greeted them.

After saying hello.

Song Lao no longer greeted and went straight to the point.

"The three of you should have gained a lot from this trip to Beichang, I have read the report you submitted, but there are some processes that I can't understand, so I only look at the results, Dean Chen, Director Wu, you are all experts in your respective fields, state your thoughts. "

Dean Chen and Wu Jian are both top experts in the field of aircraft expertise.

It involves a lot of military projects in the country.

A large number of flying machines were born in their hands.

It is not an exaggeration to call them the mainstay of the country.

As for Director Liu, he is the director of the Commission of Science and Technology, and he is also the deputy director of the National Security Bureau.

Dean Chen didn't hold it anymore and walked up directly, he knew that these people sitting at the bottom, each of them had a very tight time, and they all took time out of their busy schedules.

So he doesn't talk nonsense anymore either.

Let's talk about this trip briefly.

He opened the report on the big screen.

Pick and choose the key points for analysis.

Try to simplify some technical terms and say them in more popular words, because there are a few people below who may not understand these things.

Everyone nodded their heads as they listened to his analysis.

They've seen it in the report.

But there are some things that cannot be reflected in the report, and it is more convincing and convincing to say them.

After analyzing the report, Dean Chen finally stated his conclusions and stated the stakes.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I conducted a rigorous analysis with all the academicians and experts on this trip, and determined that the design and development data of the sixth-generation aircraft are completely credible, and we will test the sixth-generation aircraft model as soon as possible, if it is successful, then we will immediately test the prototype, because the time is relatively tight, so it may be necessary for all parts to cooperate closely. Dean

Chen expressed his final demand.

Because the sixth-generation aircraft is different from any scientific research product.

There are too many parts involved in the sixth-generation aircraft.

The parts required for an engine alone involve countless manufacturers.

Not to mention the manpower and material resources involved in the entire aircraft.

What's more, every part of the sixth-generation aircraft must be extremely accurate, and there is no room for sloppiness, and it must be rigorously tested.

So this request is understandable.

The crowd didn't have much of an opinion.

However, Song Lao did not express his position immediately.

Or wait for Wu Jian to also express his opinion on this matter.

He also believes that the sixth-generation aircraft is completely feasible.

He dissected the pros and cons in depth from his point of view.

After many things Dean Chen said, he didn't say anything more, but checked and filled in the gaps and said some of his own thoughts.

Director Liu is the director of the Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense.

It is responsible for the affairs of national defense science and technology industry, and the manufacture of sixth-generation aircraft in aviation is naturally the top priority.

He can coordinate various departments and has extremely high powers.

He also made his own report.

The three finished speaking.

Let's start a whispered discussion.

The three of them are first-hand witnesses of the sixth-generation fighter incident, and they are experts in various fields, and what they say is the most credible.

Since all three of them are in agreement.

Then they will wait to see the results.

There wasn't much left to discuss, and they couldn't come up with any other dissenting opinions.

Song Lao glanced at everyone in the conference room.

He said in a deep voice: "Now enter the question link, if anyone still has questions, you can put them forward now, and everyone will discuss them together." After

everyone looked at each other.

Some small problems were raised one after another, but they were all no big deal, and they were all solved one by one.

Finally, it goes to the vote of the meeting.

Song Lao stood up and said solemnly in front of everyone.

"Since you have no opinions, then start the sixth-generation aircraft project voting, the results will be reported to the decision-making body, due to the urgency of time, so at most tomorrow there will be a definite news down, in favor of the sixth-generation aircraft project feasible, please raise your hand. "

The people who were sitting there.

There are political circles, military circles.

There are also representatives of other research institutes.

It has almost included all the departments coordinated by the sixth-generation aircraft.

If the meeting passes.

Then it means that all departments will fully cooperate.

After Song Lao's words fell, everyone raised their hands one after another, and no one objected, the question they wanted to ask was over, and they also got the answer they wanted.

The three of them were overjoyed.

Although they have done countless scientific research and won countless honors, they have never been so satisfied as this time.

After seeing that everyone agreed and did not have any objections, Song Lao nodded and said directly.

"I will discuss the results of today's meeting with the decision-making team, and there will be an official document when the time comes, and once it starts, it will not end easily, so I hope you must seize the time, fight this battle, and win the competition!"

everyone got up one after another.

"Okay, that's the end of today's meeting, if you have any comments, you can ask me privately.

After Song Lao said this, he turned his head to Dean Chen and said with a smile.

"The genius you are talking about, it's called Lin Feng, find a time to see when he is free, I also want to meet our genius!"

Dean Chen was very surprised.

Hurry up and say yes.

Originally, I thought it was an interview with someone who was ranked lower in the decision-making group.

I didn't expect it to be Song Lao who came forward in person, this face is too big!

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