Everyone's hearts were in their throats.

The inspection team has boarded the plane to carry out a comprehensive inspection of the fighters.

With the entry of the inspection team, the individual parts of the fighter, began to be thoroughly inspected.

This inspection will last for about two hours.

It's the last step, there can't be any omissions, even if it's a little slow, you have to make sure it's safe.

Time passed slowly.

There was also a roaring sound from the parts of the fighter.

The intercom kept coming out with reports after the inspection.

"The airframe

is normal...", "the engine is normal...", "the fuel system is normal...", "the power supply system is normal...", "the landing gear system is normal..."

, "the aircraft control system is normal


... Except for the necessary staff, everyone else had already put down their work and stood beside the engine, listening to the constant sound of reports coming from the intercom, which was like a heavenly sound.

Every voice is the greatest affirmation of their efforts these days.

With the opening of the staff for the total control system of the fighter aircraft, the corresponding self-test program appeared on the large screen.

During the flight of the fighter, all the data will be transmitted to the ground.

In the event of any anomaly, the ground will be the first to know.

Adjustments can be made in a timely manner.

The final inspection lasted two hours.

Double-checked over and over again.

After making sure nothing went wrong, the inspection team emerged from the fighters.

Soon, video starts to be inserted from the home screen.

Everyone looked at each other, and they all received the news.

This time, the fighter plane was on a test flight, but it attracted the attention of the upper decision-making group, especially when I heard that one would pay attention to it.


As soon as the home screen was connected to the audio on the opposite side, the familiar figure appeared on the video, and everyone stood in unison.

"Thank you, outstanding warriors who are working the front line, for the development of the motherland and for the design and development of the sixth-generation fighter. A

strong voice came from the other side.

Every word is exciting.

"Promise to complete the mission, never disgrace the mission!" Dean Chen, as a representative, assured the one on the main screen.

Carefully selected pilots are ready to enter the cabin.

The fighter will be piloted by two experienced pilots who will fly synchronously.

They were all selected from the ace flying units of the imperial capital, and they were the best of the best.

The two were well-proportioned and resolute.

When they were selected, every condition was extremely harsh, and there were hundreds of top pilots, and in the end, only the two of them remained.

You must know that with the qualifications of these 100 people, they are all completely capable of piloting fifth-generation aircraft.

But even so, they have gone through layers of re-selection again.

And after the selection, they were once again subjected to high-intensity training.

If they don't make it, then they will be replaced by substitutes.

Although they didn't know what the specific mission was, such a large-scale selection made them know that this mission must be extremely important, and even leave an incomparably glorious page in their brief history.

So they did everything they could to hold on.

Eventually stopped.

At this point, they finally know their mission, and they will fly an unprecedented sixth-generation aircraft through the sky.

When they heard the news, they were so excited that they couldn't help themselves.

"Pilot Min Jianbai and pilot Cheng He are requesting boarding. The

two pilots saluted everyone.

At the same time, he asked Dean Chen for instructions.

Dean Chen nodded: "Two pilots, the development and design of the sixth-generation aircraft is very important, I hope you can make a record along the way, because it is the first experiment, the danger is not yet known, so you must pay attention to your own safety."

"The design of the sixth-generation aircraft is different from the past, as long as it is not to the last moment, I hope you must not give up, but if it really comes to the point of irreversibility, I still hope that you can put your own safety first."

Dean Chen instructed earnestly.

Although the sixth-generation aircraft is extremely important, and the value is comparable to gold.

But at the end of the day, everything has to be people-oriented.

The two of them were moved to tears and said in unison.

"Please rest assured commander-in-chief, we will definitely come back safely and will have a successful test flight

!" "I believe in you, I am here to celebrate you!" Dean Chen nodded and said with a smile.

There's no need to be so serious at this point.

The two men then entered the cabin, and the sixth-generation aircraft was then pushed into the runway for testing.

At this point, all tracking systems start to sync.

Everything that happens inside the sixth-generation aircraft is closely monitored, and these are the most precious data.

Lin Feng was also staring at the data between the various system components on the screen at the moment.

No one knows these things better than him!

If something unexpected happens, it must be stopped immediately.

"Everything is in good condition, you can take off!" Lin Feng said to Dean Chen after more than ten minutes of inspection.

Dean Chen heard his conclusions.

My heart is at peace.

He pondered for a moment, then gave a decisive order.

"The sixth-generation fighter has been fully prepared, all inspections and tests have passed, and the conditions for take-off have been met. Subsequently


The teams began to report on their areas of responsibility.

"The environment

is normal..." "The runway has been emptied and blocked

..." "The external radar interference signal has been blocked!"

"The air humidity is normal, the demeanor is normal, and the test flight can be carried out normally..."

"The cloud concentration in the air is normal, the visibility is normal, and the test flight conditions are met!"

Voices came from the various groups.

The external environment is normal.

At this moment, the sixth-generation aircraft has become the focus of everyone.

Countless staff members suddenly became nervous, which was their hard work day and night.

No one would want it to fail.

What's more, the stakes in the sixth-generation fuselage are too big.

It's about competition between countries.

"All departments are ready, and we will officially take off in three minutes!" Dean Chen ordered over the walkie-talkie.

Sixth-generation aircraft with the order issued.

All operating systems start to turn on.

The engine starts up.

There was a deafening roar, and everyone covered their ears and hid to the side.

At this time, the white morning sun of the fish belly in the sky appeared, dyeing the sky into a red glow.

Spectacular and beautiful.

The speed of the sixth-generation aircraft is already close to Mach 5, so if it is still on the side, then the deafening sound, which will cause some damage.

Everyone has stepped aside.

Wait for the departure of the substitute aircraft.

There is no turning back when you open the bow, and if you don't succeed, you will become a benevolent!

The decision-making team on the other side of the screen also raised their minds.

This time you can only succeed, not fail!

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