Among the military aviation bases of the beautiful country.

Once again, a heated discussion broke out, this time heavier than before.

Everyone's hearts were clouded with dust.

This is their biggest opponent.

It is the biggest imaginary enemy.

Now it has the strongest aviation weapons, not to mention that as long as the sixth-generation aircraft appears, the technology will definitely be transferred to other fighters and even other aircraft.

For Xia Guo.

That would be a terrifying ascension.

They dare not think about the consequences.

Now it can only be half-believed.

If the other party holds a press conference to admit even if it only reveals some, they can use public opinion to overwhelm the other party and crack the other party.

But now the other party does not accept the offer at all, only saying that he does not have a sixth-generation aircraft at all.

Then there is nothing they can do.

If people don't admit it, you can't force them to admit it!

But what they are very curious about is that since they don't admit it, why do they have to expose

it? Shouldn't it be secretly developed?

Moreover, according to the previous information, although they discovered in advance that they might have a new flying machine, they never expected that it would actually be the legendary sixth-generation aircraft.

From the time they found out to the present, it has not even taken a month, such a fast speed.

They didn't know anything.

That group of intelligence agencies should have been dragged out to feed the dogs.

What they didn't expect at all was that it was precisely because they released the fog signal of the sixth-generation aircraft that Xia Guo rushed to work day and night, and wanted to invent the sixth-generation aircraft at the same time as them.

If they learn the truth, I'm afraid they will spurt out a mouthful of old blood.

The clown turned out to be themselves!

After an hour-long discussion, they finally came up with a plan.

That is, to send the most advanced reconnaissance aircraft of the beautiful country at present.

Enter the airspace of Xia for reconnaissance.

However, a flagrant violation of airspace is a violation of international law, let alone at this juncture, so they can only test it on the edge.

If an unmanned reconnaissance plane is dispatched, it will reduce unnecessary losses, but it will not be able to achieve the desired results.

There is still a big difference between someone and no one.

What's more, this time they want to probe each other's reality.

Therefore, they can only send pilots to fly reconnaissance planes to reconnoiter and lure snakes out of their holes

! Although this is also very risky, there is no way to do it!

After making a plan, they immediately report to the general person in charge of the beautiful country.

But they only have the right to make suggestions.

Only at the top have decision-making power.

In order to show the seriousness of the matter, they deliberately exaggerated the threat of the other party and the necessity of doing so in the report!

When the head of the beautiful country and the staff group saw the email they submitted.

I panicked immediately.

The severity is recognized.

Their proposal was approved immediately, and

they spent half a day working out an incredibly detailed plan.

Including the international impact after the destruction, they took into account.

If they are really shot down, then they will also suffer this dumb loss, because the blatant violation of the airspace itself is not very reasonable.

But they don't think things will get to such a bad point.

Because their reconnaissance plane is a reconnaissance plane known as the Immortal Condor.

Known for speed and agility.

He has made great achievements.

Not a single one has been shot down for decades and is called a legend in the air.

Although most of them have been decommissioned, the covert research is still ongoing, and improvements are being made in many ways.

It has become a peerless secret weapon in the secret of the beautiful country.

Deployed in certain military bases overseas.

As the imaginary enemy of the beautiful country, Xia Country, there are naturally some around.

After the coordination of several parties, the order has been issued to the military base on the other side of the ocean.

The Undead Condor is officially dispatched.

Through some channels, the beautiful country directly sent the news to the Xia country.

They are not afraid of exposure.

Because Xia Guo is afraid that no fighter can intercept it.

What's more, they are only tempted at the edge.

Because they know that they simply can't find the exact location, let alone snoop.

If things don't go well, they'll turn around and leave.

If it happened on the high seas, then they would be justified!

This is a righteous conspiracy.


Xia Guozhong.

The grand celebration finally came to an end after several hours.

Countless researchers can relax.

Good wine and good food are almost enough.

After the celebration banquet, many tired staff members returned to the dormitory and fell asleep.

They no longer know how many hours they are working in a row.

Seeing this, Dean Chen did not stop them.

And some people were arranged to be on duty.

He endured his sleepiness and took Wu Jian and a few people to the general control room.

Other people can sleep, but they, the people in charge, can't sleep at this time.

Besides, the Internet has fermented like that, if there is no action in the beautiful country secretly, they will not believe it.

It was precisely as old opponents that they knew each other's personality very well, and they were absolutely unwilling to suffer a loss!

When they came to the general control room, they found that Lin Feng was already here.

He was looking at the data and indicators that came back.

These are today's test data for sixth-generation aircraft.

Everyone looked up in surprise, Lin Feng didn't notice their arrival at all, but still looked at the big screen intently.

Keep flipping.

Everyone couldn't bear to disturb him when they looked at him so attentively, so they could only stand behind him and watch him work silently.

At the same time, I couldn't help but sigh in my heart.

When people were in their early twenties, they were all the lights and all kinds of bar games.

When Lin Feng was in his early twenties, he had already become the pioneer of the sixth-generation aircraft.

The most important thing is that he has achieved great achievements at such a young age, but he is not complacent at all, let alone empty-eyed.

It has surpassed the state of mind of all ordinary peers.

They all had to sigh.

Lin Feng seemed to sense that there were people beside him, and turned to look at them.

smiled and nodded to them: "Dean Chen, Director Wu, Director Liu, why are

you here?" Dean Chen smiled and asked: "This sentence should be asked by me, when the celebration banquet ended, I didn't see where you went, and I thought you went back to rest, but I didn't expect you to sneak here to work, and I didn't even know that we were here

!" "Young people, don't always think about scientific research, if you have time, accompany the girls more!" I've heard from other people that you have a good friend at school?" Wu Jian said in a loud voice.

Lin Feng: ....

Who spread this

? Why is it getting more and more outrageous?

This has not yet reached the point of getting along!

Only Director Liu is more serious: "What were you looking at just now, I think you feel as if you have a new idea?"

Lin Feng nodded.

"In terms of where the weapons are, I think we can make some adjustments, because our weapons this time are not conventional weapons, and I want to carry laser weapons. "

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