The eight eyes looked at each other, and the atmosphere was a little awkward for a while.

However, they looked Lin Feng up and down for a while, and after finding that there was nothing wrong with him, they relaxed their hearts.

"Lin Feng, are you okay inside?" Dean Chen asked.

"It's okay, I just happened to be doing a study on the sixth-generation aircraft carrying laser weapons. Lin Feng said with a smile.

It dawned on everyone that it was no wonder that they had locked themselves in the office for so long.

However, they didn't think he could make any breakthroughs, because eight hours was too short.

Although laser weapons have been developed until now, I don't know how many generations have passed, how many scientific researchers have followed one after another, and they have paid their own life's efforts, but they can only push laser weapons forward a little.

"It's okay, don't be in a hurry, even if the sixth-generation aircraft carries conventional weapons, it has far surpassed the beautiful country, and the distance at this point is enough for them to chase for ten years, and after ten years, I believe that your laser weapons will also be available." Dean Chen was afraid that he would have psychological pressure, so he comforted him and said.

An ordinary person, even if he designs and develops a sixth-generation aircraft, is enough to leave a name in history.

This alone requires countless people to spend their entire lives catching up.

So he didn't think that Lin Feng would be able to develop the sixth-generation aircraft in such a short period of time.

So he stretched the time to ten years.

Ten years, with Lin Feng's genius brain, it should be enough to develop

it!" "Yes, yes, don't be in such a hurry, the development of this weapon is not so simple, it takes time and consumes a lot of money, as long as you have this idea, the country will use all its strength to help you, there is no need to worry about this!" Wu Jian also hurriedly comforted.

He's seen a lot of people go crazy because they're chasing some kind of science.

So he didn't want Lin Feng to fall into this state of madness as well.

"Rest well, finish your meal, get a good night's sleep, don't be in a hurry, we all believe in you!" Director Liu also patted him on the shoulder.

Lin Feng looked stunned when he heard them talk.

I couldn't help but say

: "I think you may have misunderstood, laser weapons don't take ten years at all, I spent some time today, and finally wrote it, now it's in my computer, do you want to take a look at it now?"

Dean Chen: ....

Director Wu: ....

Director Liu: ....

The three of them felt like they had misheard.

Even the neck is a little stiff.

They all looked up at him.

Lin Feng was a little hairy when he was stared at by them.

"It took me 8 hours to design the laser weapon, I have all the detailed data, and now I am waiting for the model to be built."

There was not a trace of adulteration in Lin Feng's words.

But the three of them looked at him like hell.

"What are you talking about? Laser weapons have all been developed? Didn't you still say yesterday that you only have some clues?" Dean Chen was very frustrated.

He knew that Lin Feng was a genius, but he didn't expect him to be able to be so genius.

Although he believed in Lin Feng very much.

But no amount of trust can also have a degree!

How can a world-class invention be developed so easily?

Just like those who have devoted their lives to scientific research, are they living their whole lives like a dog's belly

? They are not as good as a college student who has just graduated!"

"Lin Feng, are what you said true or false? Don't lie to us! The miniaturization of laser weapons is not so easy to do, I know your ability, and I believe in you, but the matter of laser weapons is really unbelievable to me. Wu Jian was also full of disbelief.

Whoever this happens is a fantasy.

If it had been said by others, they would have beaten him out long ago.

That is, Lin

Feng, they didn't do it!" It's true, I didn't lie to you, I've already done miniaturization, and I just want to configure him on the fighter, so I had some ideas before, but I made some corrections today, modified some data and content, but it should be credible, and the effect should not be bad!"

Lin Feng saw that they still didn't believe it, so he directly pulled them into the office, and then turned on the computer.

"All the information is here, you can take a look, miniaturize the laser weapon, super strengthen, and then the battle record will not need to carry conventional weapons, nor do you need to carry other missiles, you can greatly reduce your own weight, and you can fly tens of thousands of kilometers to carry out decapitation activities!"

Lin Feng said the most ruthless words in the most gentle tone.

If those military personnel in the beautiful country heard this, it is estimated that they would be even more unable to sleep.

It flies tens of thousands of kilometers, and it is also a sixth-generation aircraft that can be stealth.

Leave when you're done.

I can't catch it.

I can't beat it.

This will be their perfect nemesis.

It is a goal that they will not be able to catch up with in their lifetimes.

Lin Feng put all the data in front of them so calmly that they finally believed a little.

"Lin Feng, I can't give you an answer now, I can only read it first, and then ask an expert in laser weapons to determine how powerful the laser weapon you have made is!"

Dean Chen threw down a sentence.

Put all your mind on the file on the computer.

All the data and theories in the document are like a kind of magic, drawing their eyes to it.

The first time they see these things.

I already believe in seven points.

Because all the theoretical data Lin Feng listed in great detail.

In the eyes of the layman, it can be regarded as a book from heaven.

But they are all witnesses of several generations of fighters.

Although I am not particularly knowledgeable about laser weapons, I have also got some edges.

So you can roughly tell the good from the bad.

Such detailed data and logical theories.

They believed eight points in an instant.

The three of them stared at the data in the computer as if they were in a fixed position, but hundreds of thousands of words could not be read in a moment and a half.

They have now gone into a state of self-forgetfulness.

Ignoring everything around them.

Nothing is more attractive than what is in front of them.

If laser weapons are true, and can be installed on top of sixth-generation aircraft, then sixth-generation aircraft will become fighters with weapons of super-mass destruction.

Such offensive capabilities.

Plus its stealth ability and speed.

No warplane in the whole world can defend against it.

The fifth-generation aircraft is just like chopping melons and vegetables in front of it.

Even if a hundred fifth-generation aircraft are not enough for a sixth-generation aircraft to kill alone, this is truly invincible and crushing!

Lin Feng saw that they were completely addicted.

I also know that they can't be read in a while.

Walk straight out the door and bring out the cold food.

Be prepared to find something hot to eat.

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