Dean Chen and the three of them suddenly got up.

And then pulled him straight in.

At the same time, he said to the outside: "All urgent matters will be dealt with later, we will finish in about an hour, if it is a call from the imperial capital, wait first, just say that I have something urgent now!"

After speaking, he closed the door directly and no longer paid attention to the people outside.

Only the crowd was left staring at each other.

There are even people who have documents and want them to deal with them.

But looking at this posture, it is impossible to deal with the file.

Whether you can get out of the office in a short time is a question.

They looked at the Chinese copy in their hands and could only take it back again.

There's no way around it.

However, everyone is becoming more and more curious about what they are doing in it, so that the pillars of the three national levels can stay in it without thinking about it.

And not a single word is revealed.

Maybe it's another national-level super technology.

Their hearts sank.

It's better to ask less about something like this.

If they overdo it, they may be invited to tea and sign a non-disclosure agreement.

Academician Zhou sighed.

Turned around and left.

It is estimated that it will not be over in a short time.

Let's go research first!

Lin Feng didn't expect them to pull himself in directly, and he was a little confused for a while.

"Dean Chen, what's wrong?"

Lin Feng was a little furious by their gaze.

I feel that there is something wrong with the way these people look at me.

"No, I just want to see how your head grows!" Dean Chen sighed faintly.

Even if he is the president of the National Academy of Sciences and has countless honors, he can't help but feel some jealousy at this moment.

Eight hours!

It only took eight hours to

create the world's top strategic weapon.

If it spreads out, it will make people crazy with jealousy, even him!

It is precisely because of this that the protection of him must be strengthened.

Such a genius is a huge loss to damage even a single hair.

Lin Feng's existence is God bless Xia Guo!"

"It's just like a normal person, it's just that I've read a few more books, so I have some thoughts about these things, but in fact, it's not eight hours to come up with, I had an idea a long time ago, but I didn't sort it out clearly, and I just happened to have time yesterday, so I wrote it out."

Lin Feng spread his hands and said casually.

He spoke simply, but to the ears of others it was extremely harsh.

"You don't have to be modest, but I want to tell you that this matter must not be leaked in the slightest, otherwise what you are facing will probably be an endless pursuit, and the group of people abroad will never let go of such a genius, and they will definitely strangle you in the cradle!"

Dean Chen is definitely not alarmist.

The group of people abroad did not spend less money at home.

There have even been cases of tracking professors at certain national levels.

At one point, he even wanted to destroy the domestic environment.

What's more, this time they suffered such a big dumb loss.

They don't yet know where exactly the sixth-generation aircraft came from.

Next, they will definitely do whatever it takes to figure out what happened.

If they knew that all of this was done by Lin Feng, then Lin Feng would definitely fall into an unimaginable crisis.

Competition between countries.

It's a very common thing to die one or two people.

And they didn't do it less.

Even if they strengthened their defenses so much and protected Lin Feng in all directions, it would be difficult to protect him completely.

Therefore, it is fundamentally necessary to keep it a secret! We

must not put our own life and safety above the morality of others.

Not to mention the fact that the opponents they are facing are people who have no morals at all.

Lin Feng naturally knew how powerful this was.

"I haven't told anyone about this yet, don't worry, even if it's for the safety of my own life, I won't go outside and talk nonsense!" Lin Feng nodded and said.

Life is your own.

You still have to protect yourself!

lest those crazy people come and kill themselves.

Dean Chen nodded.

That's for the best.

He finally got down to business.

"We have just looked at all the data of laser weapons and your conclusions, and believe that the laser weapons you have developed have a great possibility of success, but all this still needs to be modeled and discussed with experts in laser weapons before it can be completely determined. "

Actually, they already believe most of it.

But the same has to be practiced.

Moreover, they do not have a complete understanding of laser weapons, and they can only design them together with experts from some domestic agency weapons.

Only then can we carry out real landing research and development.

"It's up to you to decide, and I'm only offering one of the directions. Lin Feng nodded.

"We had several problems just now, and now you can help us explain them. Dean Chen said that he was about to pull him over.

Lin Feng hurriedly stopped him: "Wait, the three of you are the supreme leaders and organizers of the flight base, you are all here now, many things have come to a standstill, or it will be a little later, anyway, I should not go back until the day after tomorrow!"

Dean Chen and the others were not reluctant.

I had to stop.

They looked at the time, and it turned out that more than three hours had passed since they came in, and more than three hours seemed like an instant.

"It turns out that the time is so fast, okay, that's it for today, Lin Feng, you have to explain to us well tomorrow, I will report to it today, and then set up a laser weapons working group, but you have to become the general counsel again!"

Dean Chen stared at him and said, not allowing him to refuse.

Lin Feng knew that he couldn't hide when he took it out.

But since he is doing things for the country, he has long thought of it.

"It's okay, but I have another research in my hands, and it's been a perfect success, so it won't be long before I go back to the imperial capital, and if I have any doubts, I can have an online discussion. "

The project here was a perfect success.

There's no need for him anymore.

It's better to go back to the imperial capital.

And he has a controlled fusion project on his hands.

This is also a major project.

If it is invented, it will be the first in the whole world.

I heard him say that he has another study on hand.

Everyone couldn't help but look at them curiously.

However, Lin Feng's tone is very strict, and he still doesn't want to reveal it until he succeeds.

"I'll go out first, go back and get a good night's sleep, don't work so hard!" Lin

Feng turned around and left directly.

After a few people looked at each other, they didn't ask too much.

This is the secret that belongs to Lin Feng.

Next, they unplug the computer from the network. Perform sealing.

At the same time, special forces were mobilized to cordon off this office.

Nothing in this must be allowed to leak out!

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