After Zhang Xinzhi exchanged some pleasantries, he got down to business.

"You have made an indelible contribution to the design and development of the sixth-generation aircraft, and now that the physical object has been born, it proves that you are in the right direction, and the contribution you have made is unparalleled.

"I have said before that the country will not treat you badly, and you have indirectly saved hundreds of billions of R&D funds for the country, no matter how you give you excellent treatment, it is not too much.

"If you follow your contributions, it is a sure thing to give you the name of an academician, but some problems have also been taken into account above, that is, your age is too young, especially due to the particularity of the military industry, your identity and contributions cannot be disclosed for the time being, so I can only wronged you in this regard."

Zhang Xinzhi said apologetically.

Lin Feng's contribution has been grounded.

No amount of honor can be given to it.

But the military industry is too special, otherwise, so many military scientists and nuclear scientists would not have been incognito.

Once they are exposed, especially at such critical moments.

It's easy to get into accidents.

"That's okay, the so-called academician title is really not worthy of me, so even if it is awarded to me, I probably won't accept it.

Lin Feng saw his embarrassment, shook his head and said with a smile.

After Zhang Xinzhi saw that he was not angry, he was a little relieved in his heart.

He hurriedly said.

"But rest assured, all these contributions you have made will be written down one by one, and one day, these truths will be made public.

"In addition, although the state can't give you an award in person, but in private, your sixth-generation meritorious service award has come out, and the prize money may exceed 100 million. "

This number has just been determined.

Zhang Xinzhi was a little stunned when he heard this number.

Although when they are doing scientific research, they throw a lot of money down.

It is common for some large-scale projects to burn tens of billions of dollars a year, but it is the first time he has seen such a large number of bonuses.

Normally, a few million is not bad.

But the number of 100 million.

It's just too impressive.


This is probably the highest prize ever.

Even the most meritorious ones are far from getting this number.

Even he couldn't help but feel jealous.

But he thought about it again.

Lin Feng's contribution is far more than this 100 million.

When Lin Feng heard this number, his face was also full of disbelief.

That's too much, isn't it?

He had never seen so much money before.

What's more, with so much money in his hands, he didn't know how to spend it for a while.

Even if he knew that the things he had designed were sold far more.

But he couldn't help but be surprised.

If the money were in his hometown, it would be enough to buy a community.

What he didn't know, though.

Originally, there was not so much for the prize money for his invention of the sixth-generation aircraft.

But as soon as laser weapons appeared.

After discussion, the people in the upper decision-making group raised the figure again.

to reach this astronomical number.

Although 100 million is still too little compared to his contribution, this is already the biggest prize in the history of Xia Kingdom.

It can be regarded as a precedent.

But only he can enjoy this treatment.

Lin Feng raised his head, thought for a long time and said, "Principal Zhang, is this number too big, in fact, I don't spend that much money!"

Although it seems that he has made a huge contribution.

But in fact, these things were deduced by him.

It really doesn't take much time.

Zhang Xinzhi looked at him with an embarrassed expression.

There were bursts of black lines on the door of my head.

There are too few people.

It's too much for you.


Ahem, Lin Feng, you are still too young to know the benefits of money, and you will need money in all aspects of your life, including buying a house and a car, and these are all rewards for you, so don't really push it when you arrive."

Zhang Xinzhi said bitterly.

This 100 million is an astronomical amount.

But for the huge Xia Kingdom, it's really not a big deal.

If other countries really knew that there was a full set of data on the sixth-generation aircraft, they would shoot it even if they spent hundreds of billions.

Because there is more than just one generation of technology in the sixth-generation fuselage.

The strategic and practical significance it represents is incomparable to others.

It will take at least a decade or twenty for other mega-countries to catch up.

Not to mention those ordinary first-tier and second-tier countries.

"Okay then!" Lin Feng nodded.

I am also thinking in my heart that after getting this bonus when the time comes, I can also donate some to do some public welfare.

Money is enough!

And he has such a well-developed brain.

These top-notch scientific research are difficult for others, but for him it is as easy as eating and drinking.

When Hou Jingxing saw him accepting, he didn't say anything more, and talked about the laboratory.

"The laboratory is fully set up, it is a laboratory for you, if you want to choose a member of the laboratory, in the school, as long as you like whom, I can invite you to come. "

Actually, he didn't need to ask for it at all.

Only a little bit is needed.

There are a lot of people rushing to join.

Lin Feng nodded.

He doesn't need this lab for the time being.

Originally, this laboratory was used for aircraft research, but now the sixth-generation aircraft have been built, and the test flight has been successful.

But it soon came to use.

Because controlled nuclear fusion is about to come out.

It is a good choice to put it in the middle of the university.

And his lab was on the edge of the school, and he had seen it, and it was quieter, and there weren't many students, and it was vast enough.

It used to be a factory in the middle of the university, but it has been renovated.

The original design flavor is retained.

It's also enough for experimentation.

"Thank you, principal, but I don't need scientific researchers for the time being, if I need it, I will definitely tell you!" Lin Feng sincerely thanked.

"Okay, as long as there is a need, don't be polite, after all, you are personally invited by me, and you are also a member of our school, and we are honored that your scientific research has produced results!" Hou Jingxing said and stood up.

"I won't bother you for the next time, you should have something to do when you come back to the imperial capital, anyway, if you need anything, you can go directly to me or Professor Li, as long as there are some in the imperial capital, we can get them for you." Hou Jingxing patted him on the shoulder.

Prepare to leave.

He just opened the door.

As a result, I saw a girl standing in the doorway.

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