The crowd listened to his firm words and looked at each other.

Who is this guy?

This area of the school library was originally a nuclear major, so most of the people who came here were nuclear majors, but they had never seen this one.

"I seem to have seen him a few days ago, and he seems to have been here all this time, I don't know if he is a senior. One of them looked at his back and wondered.

"I'm not sure, if it's such a hard-working senior, I shouldn't have heard of it, and most of the nuclear students in our school know each other. But this one is really unfamiliar!" said the other man, shaking his head.

However, he is a little confident, how can controlled nuclear fusion be so easy to achieve, and now our country's most advanced fully superconducting tokamak device is close to 200 million degrees Celsius and has only been running for 100 seconds, and there is still a long way to go in the future. Another boy with glasses said.

They are all top nuclear students in the country, and they still know a lot about the development of controlled nuclear fusion in the country.

Controlled nuclear fusion is now capable of reaching close to 200 million degrees Celsius.

But it is also extremely unstable.

Even if it is tens of millions of degrees Celsius, the stable operation time is only a few tens of minutes.

Therefore, even if the temperature that can be reached is high, it will still be ineffective if it cannot operate stably.

So the road ahead is very difficult.

As nuclear students, they suddenly worried about their future.

No one better understands the attraction that controlled fusion produces for them.

The caretaker had also heard their complaints when he came to pack up, and he smiled and shook his head in comfort.

"Don't be so sad, you are the young generation of the country, as the top university in the country, you should take more responsibility, maybe a miracle will be born in your hands in the future. "

He is also a teacher of nuclear majors.

Later, after becoming a middle-level leader, there were many affairs and gradually fell into disuse.

The so-called ideals of the past have slowly become unattainable.

So he didn't want to see such discouragement in these young people.

"Teacher Zhang!" several people stood up one after another, with respect on their faces.

When Zhang Wenfu was a middle-level leader in the past, he also had a very good reputation and often helped some disadvantaged students.

So even if they don't feel it personally, they can often hear his name in the mouths of those seniors.

"It's normal for you to be relatively young, and it's normal to be a little sad, but no one can say for sure what will happen in the future, maybe one day a genius will appear in our country, and in one fell swoop will raise controlled nuclear fusion to an unimaginable level. Zhang Wenfu said with a smile.

When it comes to geniuses.

For some reason, Lin Feng's face appeared in his mind.

What impressed him the most was the lightness and confidence on Lin Feng's face.

Young people like this are the hope for the future of the motherland.

It is because of them that the inheritance has begun to continue.

He had a hunch.

In the future, Lin Feng will definitely achieve something.

Maybe far more than him.

I don't know where this hunch came from, but he believes it immensely.

"Teacher Zhang, don't worry, maybe one day I will become a professor and expert in the major, and maybe I can even be rated as a university scholar or even an academician!" said the boy who was wearing glasses before.

After the others were beaten by him, they were also in good spirits.

People who can be admitted to such top national colleges and universities and choose nuclear majors still have some enthusiasm and romance after all.

"Yes, yes, as long as you maintain this state, sooner or later you will far surpass the beautiful country, and even be able to truly implement controlled nuclear fusion to achieve stability!" Zhang Wenfu was very pleased.

When he saw these students, he was like seeing his own juniors.

Now the sixth-generation aircraft has appeared.

The country is getting better day by day.

This is also the thing he wants to see most when he reaches this age.

He smiled and chatted with them a few more words.

Just as I was about to leave.

Suddenly I found that I don't know when a piece of waste paper fell on the ground.

He frowned.

Which guy left it behind?

But it wasn't a big deal, and cleaning was almost one of his duties, and he bent down to pick it up and throw it away.

But when he picked it up, he subconsciously looked at it curiously.

But one of the above drawings caught his eye.

Although there are only a few paragraphs of text next to it.

If someone else comes, you will definitely not be able to understand it.

But he was born in a nuclear major, although after doing the middle level, he abandoned his research, but the basic skills are still there.

Especially in the past two years, I have been guarding the library, and I have also read a lot of books, and I have picked up some of my previous knowledge.

"Why does this design construct diagram look so much like

a tokamak installation?" "The design construction image in his hand is a circular structure, which is still a little different from the traditional tokamak installation.

However, he could still see at a glance that this was an essential resemblance to the tokamak.

However, there have been great changes in the design, construction, and details.

But although he was a little curious, he didn't take it too seriously.

In the library, from time to time, students will copy tokamak devices.

There are even professors who already treat it as an assignment.

However, there are some differences from traditional tokamak installations.

"Nonsense!" Zhang

Wenfu saw the dense formulas behind him, like a mess, and there was no specific explanation, only a few words.

So I just want to throw it away.

But at the moment when it was about to be thrown away.

Suddenly it stopped again.

Because in the midst of the lightning, he thought of something that was not quite right.

Because the design drawings in hand are too detailed, layer by layer, all the positions of the tokamak device are marked, which is equivalent to an extremely detailed design and construction drawing.

However, all the official announcements are simplified diagrams, only the general principle, and there is no such thing at all.

Controlled fusion is manufactured differently between countries.

What's more, this drawing is so finely marked.

That's so wrong.

In other words, this drawing is a proper leaked document.

So he picked it up again and put it under his nose to look at it again.

But after watching it for a while, he could only understand some of them, not even a tenth of them.

You can only get some information from some of the words and phrases above.

He has been away from the nuclear major for too long, even if he has made up for some after some study in the past two years, he still knows a little about it.

He walked over and pointed to the location, held up the paper in his hand and asked the people just now.

"Who was sitting here just now?" Lin

Feng's face suddenly resurfaced in his mind.

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