In this dark corridor, the snake-headed man in pajamas looked like a middle-aged man who had been turned away.

It was sluggish, confused, shocked, and showed a confused expression.

Then there is endless anger and surging murderous intent!

Damn waste!


Its eyes glowed with a terrifying glare!

How dare you deceive yourself!

What a joke!

In order to check the dormitory in the orphanage, the dormitory door does not have a locking function at all. It only needs to gently turn the door handle to open the door!

Wait for it to go in.

It swore that it must let this waste know what terror is!

It was so angry that it stretched out its hand to turn the door handle, and then pushed it hard!

The door didn't move at all.


The snake-headed man's expression froze again.


It works again!

I only felt another, more powerful force blocking the other side of the door! I can't shake it at all!

what happened?

It works hard.

But he couldn't push it away, and the snake-headed man was completely panicked!

How could that waste have so much power! Could it be that the other two people came to help him? !

At this time.

The sleep check light was on at the third door.

Listening to the voice, the snake-headed man showed great fear, as if he was extremely afraid of the existence of the sleep checker!

It was shaking all over! Pushing the door wildly!

And he didn't dare to speak loudly, so he could only say in a low voice:

"Open the door for me quickly! Otherwise you will be dead when I come in!"

"What you said is a bit idiotic, and it's night time. I'm a rule-abiding person and can't open the door." Su Qi's tone was serious.


The snake-headed man almost vomited blood when he heard Su Qi's words, and felt that the snake's heart was going to explode with anger!

But there is no way at all right now.

The bed check light kept shaking slightly at the door of Room No. 3, as if it was about to come out after checking.

The snake-headed man lowered his head, fear had completely taken over his heart! It breaks down and pleads humbly:

"I was wrong, let me in."

"I will never go against you again! I will do whatever you tell me! Save me! Otherwise I will really die! Save me!"

It was already kneeling on the ground. If it hadn't been unable to shed tears, it would have been crying!

And just then.

Su Qi suddenly opened the door a crack and asked with an innocent tone: "Really?"

"Of course it's true!"

The snake-headed man suddenly slipped in through the crack in the door. His anger arose in his heart, and his chest was filled with murderous intent!

As soon as he entered, he changed his crying and begging look.

The snake's mouth opened wide, revealing its poisonous fangs. The fierce light and killing intent burst out together, and it hoarsely said: "I will eat you now, and I will not live or die."

Halfway through his words, he suddenly stopped.

Su Qi reached out with one hand and grabbed its neck. The terrifying force made it unable to speak at all, and even its breathing became rapid.

The snake-headed man's eyes showed a look of fear. He turned his green pupils in disbelief and looked at Su Qi in front of him!

Su Qi thought: "Actually, I gave you a chance, but you don't seem to want it."

The snake-headed man was struggling. After the struggle, he became even more frightened. He was so powerful that he couldn't break free at all!

"Listen, the guy checking the bed has just opened the fourth door and will be here soon."

Su Qi stared at it: "What do you think I should do?"

The snake-headed man showed great fear, but it was not just because he was afraid of the sleeping person, but because of Su Qi!

At this moment.

Su Qi's eyes were scarleter than before in the darkness. The aura of the Night Demon was being released from his body, and the depressing feeling of the powerful D-level pollutants seemed to appear in Su Qi's eyes.


At this moment, the snake-headed man seemed to see a sea of ​​terror covered with endless red blood, which directly had a powerful impact on its spirit!

Su Qi looked at the other party's frightened and trembling appearance.

He expressed his composure, but was thinking in his heart.

Sure enough, this not only has a powerful effect on the powerful Night Demon, but also has a strong suppressive power against ordinary existences in this copy.

a long time.

It looked like it had been fished out of the water, panting heavily, and its eyes no longer contained any murderous intent or anger, only deep fear.

"How to say?"

"I understand. I will obey you in everything!" The snake-headed man lowered his head tremblingly.

Su Qi smiled and said: "Don't be like this, we are good roommates in the same dormitory, and if you look at the other two roommates, you should think so too."


The snake-headed man was stunned and looked at his two roommates who were sleeping soundly, but now seemed to be sleeping stiffly.

Are they already awake?

It's strange that he didn't wake up from the commotion just now.

Su Qi's voice sounded like a reminder in the darkness: "Two roommates, I want to be the head of the room. You will help me, right?"

"It will help!"

The snake-headed man also had a threatening tone and coldly spit out the snake letter.

You bastard, your position changed too quickly!

The two of them were trembling all over, then they both opened their eyes in fear, and each nodded feebly.


Two minutes later.

The existence of Cha Qiyue stood at the last door. It slowly opened the door, holding a lamp in one hand and a blood-stained saw in the other.

It walked in slowly.

Suki lay on her bed, eyes tightly closed.

This is the rule when checking the bed. You must not be awake. Even if you are awake, you must pretend to be asleep. If it is discovered, it will start using the saw in its hand to let you sleep peacefully.

The other party doesn't just walk around, it will wave a light in your face, use a saw to sweep your skin, and it will even suddenly come close to your face and spit out a stench! There is still a bit of lifelessness.

Especially when he was close to Su Qi, he stayed there for a while, with heat and greed flashing in his cloudy eyes. Su Qi could still feel this gaze even if he closed his eyes.

Rumor has it that the old priest and the old dean both like little boys.

Suki didn't move, but he was ready to fight back.

All kinds of things tonight happened unexpectedly, requiring him to make temporary responses. He was completely passive, so Su Qi decided to use the Night Demon gene to turn his passiveness into activeness.

In the daytime tomorrow, I will lose the night devil gene as a trump card.

Naturally, he needs to get some initiative and advantages, and he can even find opportunities to take the initiative.

Time passed slowly.

The sleep checker didn't do anything, but made sure everyone was asleep, and then prepared to exit the room.

And just then.

Su Qi narrowed his eyes slightly. The so-called brave and cautious person ranked first. He made sure that the light source was not in front of him, so he risked being discovered and took a look at the other party.

The other party's back is facing him, his figure is stooped and a bit old, but there is a dark red [! 】

As mentioned before, the darker the color, the more dangerous it is! I haven't seen this level of danger for a long time!

But Su Qi didn't look at the content at the first time, but moved his eyes towards the figure's head in surprise.

It was a huge sheep head.

The two sharp corners are slightly curved, and are covered with complex lines.

This guy's head is exactly the same as the evil god's shrine in the first copy!

And the content is also displayed on the dark red exclamation mark.

【Get victory in the game day, it will bring you to meet old friends again】

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