The paradise of the abyss does not support idlers

Chapter 49 Reunion with old friends!

At this moment, the old dean was still opening his arms and squinting his eyes, feeling the countless blood pouring into his body and enjoying the joy of recovery. His dry lips were also filled with blood, and his old body gradually straightened up.

to be honest.

When it saw Su Qi running from where he was, his expression was expressionless, his eyes were cloudy and cold.

It understands that every child in the orphanage is nothing more than a deformed product. At most, it has the strength and speed of some beasts, which is not worth mentioning.

But...the next moment.

"call out!"

A condensed ball of thunder suddenly appeared in Su Qi's hand, and along with his own movements, a sharp friction sound was heard in the air!

Everyone's eardrums seem to be affected by the volume of this frequency!

The old dean's expression changed. He looked at the thunder ball in Su Qi's palm with a look of surprise and shock!

What is this? !

It seems like something is beyond its expectations!

But it had no time to think about it, that thing gave itself a sense of fatal threat!

The old dean wanted to retreat, but Su Qi was already close!

In a flash of lightning!

The thunder ball in Su Qi's palm boomed, bringing up countless lightning bolts in the air at extremely fast speed, and threw it directly!

Although he is very handsome when sprinting.

But Su Qi, who turned around and ran away, also rolled and crawled without hesitation.

Oh shit.

Who invented this skill, with an attack range of five meters and an explosion range of ten meters!

Fortunately, he had the bullet time brought by the [Returning Post], and he jumped up in an instant and was out of the explosion range.


The thunder mass triggers an explosion and bursts out into an astonishing purple thunder! The huge explosion shook everyone's eardrums!

The old dean had no time to run and was wrapped up in the center of Thunder! Let out a heartbreaking scream!

When everyone in the orphanage saw this scene, their expressions were already dull! They have never seen such a scene before.

The snake-headed men knew Su Qi's identity, and their eyes were full of respect and a bit more determined heat!

Su Qi watched as the smoke and dust flew everywhere after the thunder exploded, and the front door of the entire house was blown away, which showed how powerful it was.

He used to think that the transformations in those movies and animations were nonsense, so why not kill him while he was sick? They had to wait for the villain to transform into his final form before the protagonist team came back to their senses, roared and charged forward, and then the fight lasted ten episodes before it ended.

Isn't this stupid?

When the smoke and dust dissipated, the old dean was blown to pieces. You could see parts of his body everywhere. Bones, flesh and blood were everywhere, and his head was also blown away.


They looked at the corpses in disbelief and murmured: "Are they dead?!"

Everyone couldn't help but show expressions of ecstasy and were about to cheer.

He saw Su Qi's figure and rushed forward again, very fast, still holding the ax on the ground in his hand.

Slash the remaining flesh and blood and head!

Everyone: "."

"Bang bang bang!"

The sound of the ax falling to the ground and the sight of Su Qi being splashed with blood on his clothes made everyone frightened.

Su Qi didn't pay attention to the eyes of the people around him.

As soon as he landed, he was already ready to hit the target immediately, without giving it any chance to recover!


The most important thing is that old Biden is not dead!

Su Qi's ax struck the sheep's head as if it were struck on iron!

The sheep-headed eyes were still open, staring at Su Qi, and his lips just moved!

The ax fell again without hesitation!


The old dean has lived for so long, and this is the first time he has seen this kind of guy who doesn't give him any time to react or even a chance to speak.

It finally couldn't bear it anymore!

"That's enough! Stop it, old man!" It roared!

"Just stop if you tell me to stop?"

Su Qi shouted loudly and continued to swing the ax with all his strength to strike down!

This time, the sheep's head finally showed a crack!

"Get away!"

The old dean's mind was shattered, and his turbid eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes. The next moment, the runes on the whole sheep's head flashed, and some kind of power erupted, forcefully shaking Su Qi's ax away!

Su Qi's figure was blasted away by this terrifying force!

[Health value -20%]

His body suffered internal injuries, and blood gushed out from his lips. Su Qi did not wipe the corners of his mouth, nor did he care about his health. He stared at the sheep's head calmly.

He already felt a familiar and terrifying aura.

The various runes on the sheep's head flashed crazily, and a large amount of blood continued to pour in from all directions!

Su Qi wants to activate the last [Thunder] again

But he frowned and realized that the blood did not flow into the sheep's head, but all rushed into the house!

at the same time.

The ground keeps shaking!

The wind is strong! The night is dyed red! The terrifying scream seemed to tear everyone apart!

Everyone in the orphanage looked pale, as if they were about to faint!


There were a lot of cracks in the whole house and it collapsed suddenly

And everyone saw where the blood was flowing, it was a black vortex floating in the center of the room!

Everything around you is being sucked in!

And that scream came from inside!

The hoarse voice of the sheep-headed head appeared in everyone's ears:

"I was lucky enough to receive a gift from Allah!"

"Although he has killed many people, I only intend to become one of them and go to that world to live forever!"

The sheep-headed head roared: "But after ten years of preparation, it was already going to succeed, but you want to stop it!"

Its hoarse voice broke through its throat word by word:

"Then, even if I die, I will drag all of you to be buried with me!"

Su Qi looked at the huge pale tentacles that had begun to stretch out from the other side of the passage, and powerful spiritual shocks were pouring out crazily!

[Spirit -5, currently 155]

[Spirit -5, currently 150]

Although Su Qi's mental power is not affected by the dungeon restrictions, everyone else has rolled their eyes and fallen down at this moment!

"The passage has been opened! Whether it's you, this city, or this world!" The sheep-headed head hissed:

"Everyone will welcome the real power tonight! From now on, it will completely turn into hell!"

Su Qi understands better than others that this power comes from pollution.

Once pollution enters this world.

At least it becomes a doomsday city like the Night Stalker.

In severe cases, it will completely collapse and become a completely collapsed world, with all kinds of evil spirits sprouting everywhere! He has already seen this.

In the black vortex!

A large number of tentacles are struggling to come out! Strange phantoms are entangled in it, and even looking at it can easily affect your mind!

And judging from the smell, it has exceeded Class D pollutants.

This is the death passage that the old dean opened after spending ten years collecting a large amount of flesh and blood full of despair, fear, and unwillingness!

"It can only be used once."

Su Qi's expression was solemn. If the last [Thunder Run] was useless, then he would be completely helpless.

He was just getting ready to move.

And this time.

An accident happened.

Countless burning iron chains were suddenly thrown out from the black vortex, and a large number of tentacles were directly tied up and screamed like a scream!

struggle! Scream!

But it's of no use!

The next second, he was dragged directly back into the black vortex!

Su Qi suddenly stopped.

He looked at the whirlpool in shock, not knowing what was happening.

And the next moment.

In the whirlpool, a figure slowly took a step forward.

This figure held a cane in one hand and a high hat in the other hand. He was wearing a purple tuxedo, and the chains came from the hat and dragged the tentacles in.

No more sound.

"A rare world that has not been polluted."

This person's voice had a calm tone and sounded softly in everyone's ears. He was obviously just talking to himself, but it had an indescribable power: "Don't throw this garbage in."

Su Qi's expression changed slightly.

At the same time, the exclamation mark on the sheep's head flashed slowly.

[Reunion with old friends, completed]

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