The paradise of the abyss does not support idlers

Chapter 55 An unexpected incident occurred when entering the team copy

[Player Su Buxian, level 12]

[Player night watch, level 11]

[Team difficulty dungeon matching in progress]

[Note: Both players are over level ten, and team copy restrictions have been lifted]

[1. Team copies will increase the probability of triggering exploration tasks such as world view and paradise]

[2. Players will unlock the reputation system, which can be viewed after entering the instance]

[3. Team dungeon experience value and game currency acquisition will be increased by 10%. The system will allocate players based on their performance in the dungeon. The MVP will be announced when the main line is completed. MVP players can obtain 30% more experience value and game currency, and have a chance to do so. Trigger additional rewards]

"It was said before that the team matching will change after leaving the novice protection." Su Qi looked at these two items: "It seems very interesting."

A voice came from the night guard: "The system seems to encourage everyone to explore together, and it also prevents fishing and negative behaviors. As for the reputation system, it should be the same as the title."

Before he could finish speaking, he was cut off.

[Matching successful]

[The team copy has been confirmed, number of people: eight people]


Listening to the broken voice over there, Su Qi also saw the darkness coming like a tide, about to drown him.

And just then.

An accident happened!

The darkness suddenly stopped, as if the entire time and space had stopped.


Su Qi raised his eyebrows. If you encounter this situation in the game, it is usually called a freeze, and usually it will be followed by a crash.

But this is no ordinary game. This one doesn't count.

He already felt something was wrong.

Su Qi asked Ye Shou: "Are you still here?"

But there was no response.

It seemed that there was some force that forced him to temporarily stay in his personal space, preventing him from entering the dungeon immediately.

Su Qi raised his head, his eyes changed slightly, and he looked at the sealed window of the personal login space.

A large amount of black fog filled the outside of the room.

There was a strange figure standing there, seeming to be watching him.

A strange voice sounded slightly. Why was it strange? He couldn't tell whether it was a male or female, and he couldn't tell whether it was a monster or a human.

It said something.

"Su Buxian."

"Welcome to the abyss."

Su Qi shouted: "Brother, if you have something to tell us clearly, why bother talking to each other across the wall."

But the other party seemed unable to hear him, or perhaps ignored him.

The next moment, the play button seemed to be pressed in the personal space again, time began to flow, and darkness rolled in again, swallowing Suki.


[You have entered the team copy]

Su Qi ignored the prompt, he was thinking about what just happened.

He didn't think it was the effect of the show. Who was that figure? Why did it suddenly appear and call his name? What about the world outside the room?

He doesn't know anything yet.

At this time.


A clear mechanical beep sounded in Su Qi's ear.

It seemed to be very close, with a hint of urging.

When he opened his eyes, he found that he was lying in a narrow game cabin-like thing, with a ventilator on his face, nutrient liquid around him, and a red button next to him.

"Is this a dormant cabin?" Su Qi guessed based on watching so many science fiction movies.

The cabin is opaque and soundproof, so you don't know what's going on outside.

He didn't put what had just happened behind him for the time being.

Su Qi stretched out his hand to remove the ventilator from his face, and then looked at the conspicuous red button, which should be the control switch to open the hatch. He was considering whether to press it.

"It's quite comfortable to lie down like this, but from the current point of view, I can't advance any main line by staying still."

And this is a team copy, so your teammates should be in other dormant warehouses?

Su Qi reached out decisively and pressed it.


The flute sound heard at the beginning was heard again, and then the hatch in front of me began to make a pressure-releasing sound.

Su Qi took out the Hundred-Man Killing Sword and maintained a defensive action at any time.

When the hatch was fully opened, Su Qi heard all kinds of noisy sounds!

"Block it! Don't ask brother! Don't let those things come in!"

"Be careful, that thing is coming!"

"I'll come." A shout came.


"Damn, you're so awesome, you deserve to be the boss of the first-order club!"

The big guy’s voice was very calm:

"Close the door quickly!"

There were sounds of various fierce battles outside, as well as the rumble of the door falling.

On the other hand, Su Qi was lying in a comfortable sleeping cabin, and the years were quiet.

He found that he seemed to have missed something.

He stood up silently

Then I saw a group of blood-stained players, panting heavily, and then leaning in front of the closed metal door: "It's too difficult. Let's rest and recover our physical strength before we think about it."

The voice of the player who was speaking suddenly stopped, and he stared blankly at Su Qi who was sitting up.

The others then looked at Su Qi.


An odd silence fell in the air.

Su Qi was stared at by everyone, and she always felt that she should say something at this moment.

So he stood up and waved to the people around him.

"I'm out of the cabin and feeling fine."

Everyone: "."

Ye Shou couldn't help but blurt out: "Damn! So Brother Su, you are still here!"

Some players said angrily: "The eight-player dungeon started with one player missing. I thought I had quit the game."

"As a result, it has been lying in the dormant cabin."

"I'm sorry about this matter." Su Qi left the dormant cabin, wearing close-fitting clothing made of high-tech materials, and said: "I think it is necessary to explain that my home is in a remote village, and the network cable is pulled from the village next door. So there’s a delay.”


Ye Shou rolled his eyes, I believe you!

And this game requires a damn network cable.

"Anyway." A middle-aged man wearing glasses held a firearm and said with a simple smile: "Now we have another fighting force, which is a good thing."

Su Qi looked at the middle-aged man's ID: "Playing games secretly without telling his wife"

In addition to this, there was also [Jun Mo Wen] whom he had met offline. The other person nodded flatly towards him.

The remaining four people.

Ye Shou came over and introduced Su Qi one by one.

The female player with a ponytail is called [Love Eating Jam]

A fat boy wearing glasses holds a crossbow and screams "stains are not good"

The young man squatting in the corner gasped a little. His ID was a bit long and he called [Something good-looking + my skirt is 738*******]

Su Qi couldn't help but glance twice.

The young man tilted his head and said, "Don't look at me. I had a bad hand when I picked the name. Who knew I couldn't change it after I picked it."

"Then I'll call you the movie-selling brother."


The last person is about the same age as Su Qi, already level 14, and his name is [Yun Zhantian].

Ye Shou said: "Brother Yun is a newly trained member of the First Sequence Club. He is very strong. If Brother Yun hadn't taken action just now, we might not have been able to withdraw."

Although Yun Zhantian has a domineering name, he himself is not arrogant. He smiled: "It's okay, we are all on the same team."

"Now that we have this one more player," he looked at Su Qi's ID: "Player Su Buxian, we have an extra chance of winning."

Su Qi was now acquainted with everyone. He looked at the traces of battle at the door and the faint voice coming from behind the door:

"So, what's going on now?"

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