Everyone followed the pointer towards the so-called Pure Land.

"It always feels a little strange." His left hand has recovered from the hallucination at that moment.

Bai Qiangwei nodded: "Yes, I think so too."

Qing Lang pondered: "That dark shadow existence was calm and expressionless before. Why did he suddenly reveal so much information to us just now? He even took the initiative to clear the way and point the way for us."

The tuner added: "And the tone was a bit fearful."

Everyone was puzzled and could only attribute it to the necessary guidance after the illusion ended.

Only Su Qi is the most transparent.

On the head of the black shadow [? 】Has shown what that guy is thinking.

[Based on your previous words and your performance just now, it believes that you definitely have a close relationship with the evil god]

[It is afraid and keeps away from you]

"That guy knows how to be a man."

There is a lot of meaning in this, and the favor comes from the evil god, and the beneficiary is Su Qi.

Another day when Brother Xie Shen comes into play.

Without the subsequent weirdness, everyone's speed was obviously much faster.

"The City of Pure Land is getting closer."

Qinglang looked at the pointer on his wrist.

The distance can actually be judged by the arc of the pointer's rotation. It is now almost pointing straight ahead.

And soon.

Everyone also saw the so-called Pure Land City.

This place is surrounded by tall walls! A monument was erected outside.

It has the word "Pure Land" written on it.

at the same time.

A prompt box was also displayed in front of all of them.

[Arrived in the pure land, the unpolluted city]

[The second phase of the main mission has been completed]

[Reward: All inventory and skill bars are unlocked for everyone]

Everyone was visibly relieved.

Pulling off the bandage on his left arm twice with his left hand, the tuner took the dove out of the hat and placed it on his shoulder.

The muscle thug even took out a double-barreled cannon.

"Damn, there are finally no limits."

The attribute points brought by levels are far less important than equipment and skills. This is the key to improving their combat power.

And this time.

An eye-catching prompt box pops up again!

[Attention, the final stage of the main mission]

【Live until the day of silence! 】

"Have you all seen it?"

"Well, you just want to live?"

The muscle thug laughed and said, now that he has equipment and skills, he is obviously more confident: "This seems to be looking down on us."

"Or is it that the existence inside is more dangerous than the strange things outside?" Zuo Zuo recalled the words of the black figure.

At this time.

A voice slowly sounded from not far away, with a slight smile: "They say the super newcomers in District 9 are of good quality, but I don't think so."


They immediately looked over with vigilance.

It was a young man with red hair standing in the distance with his hands in his pockets.

"You are the first sequence [Red-haired Red Sword]." Bai Qiangwei recognized the other party's identity.

"Be careful. This guy's sword skills are very strong!"

The red-haired young man indicated that his sword was in the sheath but had not been drawn out. He said calmly: "Don't be nervous, I'm not here to be your enemy."

Qing Lang narrowed his eyes: "Which of your eyes saw us getting nervous, or did you just want to kill us all?"

Chi Dao had a frivolous smile on his face: "This may not be impossible."

So crazy!

The muscle thug had the barrel of his gun trained on him.

"As I said, I'm not here to fight."

Chi Dao clicked his tongue: "I am here to discuss cooperation with you on behalf of everyone in the first sequence."

The tuner stroked the pigeon's feathers: "Why do I want to cooperate with you?"


"If you don't cooperate."

His smile gradually faded, and his tone became a bit cold: "The probability that all of us will live until the Day of Silence is no more than 30%!"


The damp streets, the pungent smell of blood.

Like mice, they only dare to walk in inconspicuous corners and avoid making any noise.

"This city is more deadly than you think, and is full of dangers!"

Chi Dao led the way and said calmly: "Most of the people in the city are various beings who have poured into the Pure Land City from the Lost Land, including violent massacres, crazy gamblers, and powerful weirdos."

Everyone understands.

Just like the family of three in the mansion before. If they want to escape from the lost place, they will naturally want to rush into this pure land.

"So, to avoid population congestion."

"It will be carried out every night, population eradication plan, unlimited killing of each other!"

Left hand couldn't help but said: "This is not a pure land. It is clearly a slaughterhouse."

Chi Dao said calmly: "But this is the rule, and as long as you kill other people, you can get coins. After accumulating enough coins, you can get tokens and enter the inner area without participating in the killing at night."

"It's just that you don't have to think about it. This token is extremely difficult to obtain and it is impossible to obtain it through normal means."

Su Qi, who had been looking around, paused slightly.

Extremely difficult?

Suki looked at the token in his inventory.

This is the one obtained from the gambler in the "Love, Death, Super Player" program. It seems that you can use this to enter the inner zone.

Su Qi then asked: "Speaking of red hair, what's in the inner area?"

Chi Dao couldn't help but glance at Su Qi.

Even though his name is Red-haired Chidao, shouldn't a normal person call him the last two words in a special way?

He felt a little depressed, but he still said: "The inner area is actually a casino of death. Anyone who enters must participate in the gambling, so getting the token does not mean that you can sit back and relax. If you lose the bet, you will either lose all your money or... Die inside.”

Suki: "That's really scary."

"Of course. In addition to killing and robbing, you can also earn coins through work."

Chi Dao said in a deep voice: "Everyone in our team has already gone to work to save coins to prepare for the future."

"In that case"

Bai Qiangwei narrowed her eyes and said, "It seems we don't need to cooperate with you."

Chi Dao turned back to look at the crowd and laughed strangely:

"You think we want to?"

"The reason why we want to cooperate with you is just because we discovered the existence of those cultists, and the madmen in the City of Freedom are actually making deals with them."

As soon as these words came out.

Everyone's expressions darkened, showing a bit of solemnity.

Chi Dao said no more, looked forward slightly, and stopped.

"Okay, now we're at the right place. This is where we found the work place."

He pointed to the construction site of a huge sculpture, where many people, including Weird, were busy.

"Build a sculpture? For whom? Do these crazy guys still have faith?"

"Wrong, this is not faith. It is star chasing."

Chasing stars?

Chi Dao said softly: "This world has been eroded by the power of the abyss. Many people naturally fear and hate it, but they are unable to resist. After all, it is an existence that they can never compete with!"

"But recently, someone has angered that person, and seems to have taken advantage of him! As a result, he has been offering a large reward for his arrest, and his name has spread throughout the blockbuster world!"

"And for them, this is something they've never done before! They're proud and crazy about it!"


Chi Dao looked at the sculpture in front of him and spoke softly, with a hint of admiration in his tone:

"They built this sculpture! Praising the being called the 'despicable one'!"

Su Qi was still thinking about his next plan, but when he heard these words, he suddenly raised his head.

? ? ?

Who are you talking about?

It will be available tomorrow Friday at 12 noon!

I will post a review later!

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