The paradise of the abyss does not support idlers

Chapter 94 It turns out to be me! (First order required)

The last time I heard the word despicable was the last time.

The traveling businessman mentioned it in the orphanage, but unexpectedly, I heard it again here.


The most important thing is that Su Qi noticed something.

He felt something was wrong, and confirmed again: "Red-haired student, I would like to ask, who is the existence you mentioned?"

Chi Dao narrowed his eyes slightly: "Don't tell me you don't know? The other party's name is like a taboo here. He is the most terrifying existence in the abyss and is served by countless cultists."


Needless to say.

He already knew who it was.

".I always feel something is wrong."

Brother Evil God has been mentioned many times and has appeared too many times.

And most importantly.

Is it possible that they are despicable people?

Su Qi raised his head and looked at the sculpture.

There is no face, only short hair, a slender figure, and other unknown features. He is holding a long knife in his right hand, an ax in his left hand, and a shotgun on his back.


Looking at this vaguely familiar sculpture, Su Qi gradually understood everything.

At this time.

He patted Su Qi's shoulder with his left hand:

"It seems that you are not well informed. These matters have been spread not only in various dungeon worlds, but also in the paradise."

Su Qi glanced at him and said:

"Teacher Zuo, tell me?"

He coughed with his left hand: "You are so polite, then I will satisfy your intelligence base. The despicable person has been issued a wanted order by that existence. Once his existence is discovered, all his followers will be immediately used to hunt him down!"

"But it's not over yet."

"All other forces, all kinds of powerful beings, even some big figures that we can't get in touch with! They are all searching for this despicable person, because it is said that the one in the abyss has made a condition that makes them all excited."

Su Qi: "."

"Can I ask how excited you are? Have you ever been so excited when you saw a branch as straight and smooth as a sword on the roadside?"

This time the left hand was silent.

What the hell is this heartbeat!

He hesitated for two seconds and nodded solemnly: "Almost!"

That's bad!

He spread his left hand and said, "I don't know the details anyway, but once this despicable person is exposed, I'm afraid he will be hunted down all over the world!"

He looked at the sculpture and touched his chin curiously:

"However, I am really curious about who this despicable person is."

"Even the existence itself doesn't know his true identity. These people can only build the sculpture according to the wanted order."

The left hand sighed: "This despicable person must be an extraordinary and majestic being."

Su Qi patted him on the shoulder: "Thank you."

The left hand thought he was thanking him for sharing this information, and waved his hand: "It's a small matter, you can know more about these contents if you ask more."

Su Qi looked at his sculpture.


I didn’t think much of it before, but now I look at it and it’s so cool.


Now that he knew that he was a despicable person, Su Qi didn't feel much fear.

After all, he got into trouble with Brother Xie Shen at the beginning. One slap or two slaps were the same.


Su Qi suddenly thought of something: "If I expose myself as a despicable person, my reputation will be ruined."

Under Brother Xie Shen’s advertisement.

The despicable person has already resounded throughout half of the Abyss Paradise. Once admitted, Su Qi can predict how crazy his reputation will increase.

But at the same time.

The consequences to be borne are also extremely shocking.

Qinglang came over at this moment. He had just gone over to inquire about some information, and his expression was slightly solemn:

"The situation is indeed what the guy said, and it is more dangerous than imagined. The so-called daily missions in the Pure Land are murderous at every step, and you will die if you are not careful."

He just looked at a bloated and pot-bellied overseer. It was holding a whip and would whip anyone who dared to be lazy or make mistakes!

This whip can break apart stones, which shows how terrifying its power is.

"If we want to take action, it's best to spread out. There are a lot of weird tasks in the Pure Land. You can choose what you are good at to complete. Be careful to be careful of the people in Free City and the cultists."

After everyone understood a little bit, they determined the basic strategy.

The first thing is to survive!

This place is too dangerous, earn as much money as possible during the day in exchange for the advantage of surviving at night!

Only by doing this can they have a chance to compete for the precious hidden job-changing items!

He looked at Su Qi with his left hand: "Where are you, Su Buxian?"

Although there was no clear grouping, the two of them walked all the way when they entered the dungeon and were already relatively familiar with each other.

Su Qi pondered half the salary: "I know English, let's see if I can find a job as a tutor."

"If you can find someone willing to learn this thing, I'll stand on my head and wash my hair." Zuo Zuo said helplessly, "I'm going to go to the other side of the city to see if there's anything suitable for me."

It's not that you can't do physical work, but being watched by such a supervisor, who squeezes you, whips you, and insults you from time to time, none of the super rookies would be arrogant.

"Everyone, please be as careful as possible and try to enter the inner area. If you have any news, please contact us through this prop." Qing Lang took out the stone in his hand.

Everyone dispersed.

Su Qi began to walk in this city called Pure Land.

The interior of this city has not been introduced before

It is actually the same as the Lost Land, made up of various fragments, but it will not be distorted and is more stable.

The first few steps were still a garbage dump, then a gloomy school appeared, and behind it there was a dilapidated thatched hut with an ancient well!

"Everywhere, there are weird stories."

And some of them have missions to manifest blood characters, and you can earn coins.

Coins in this city are not ordinary currency, but carry the condensation of weirdness. They are the most important thing in the Pure Land. Weirdness can use it to make itself stronger, and pollutants can also use it to enhance their abilities. .

Twenty coins can cause others to covet you, and fights can break out.

With fifty coins, you can borrow part of your power. Of course, you need to negotiate the price with the other party. Different strengths and different powers require different numbers of coins.

For one hundred coins, you can trade with the strange things in the city. You can get shelter here and be safer during the night purge plan.

The token requires five hundred coins to gain the qualification to enter the inner zone.

"I don't need a token, but most tasks start with 5 coins, and they all seem to be quite troublesome. They take too long."

Su Qi just wants to have a quick meal now.

After wandering around for a while, I saw a black car parked in a car wash. The car was covered with flesh and blood. It looked like it had killed many people. It looked extremely weird and intrusive, and it also contained a kind of pollutant. breath.

There is also a sign in front of the car dealership with blood characters on it.

[Wash it clean to get two coins]

this is not bad.

Su Qi looked at the car and walked straight up:

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