But before you settle the account, you need to settle the matter at hand.

Qiao Zhenzhen folded her arms and leaned on the table deep in the pool to look at everyone.

The class was still making a fuss about the sanitary napkins. After a few girls recognized their belongings, they blushed and went to grab them. A few thick-skinned boys were still holding the things in their hands. The question was met with laughter and scolding.

In the chaos, someone suddenly said: "Every boy has it in his schoolbag. It looks like a prank at first glance. Have we misunderstood Chi Shen?"

This man's voice was loud, and everyone was a little embarrassed when they heard this. Just ten minutes ago, they were playing a high-ranking judge because they found sanitary napkins in Chishen's schoolbag. Ten minutes later, they found that they also had it in their schoolbag. At this point, how thick-skinned can you be when nothing happens.

"...We didn't see it in our schoolbag before," the boy who helped Zhao Lianqiao just retorted in a low voice, "Besides, he has been sneaking around with Qiao Zhenzhen all the time, and suddenly turned out Her personal belongings, no wonder we misunderstood."

"If you don't like him, just say it straight, don't use my name, it's like bullying people because of me." Qiao Zhenzhen said coldly.

"Where's the evidence?" Qiao Zhenzhen raised her eyebrows.

The boy was stunned for a moment, and immediately pointed to Zhao Lianqiao: "Isn't she a witness? She can see with her own eyes that Chi Shen is sneaking around in your seat."

Zhao Lianqiao, who didn't understand all of this, was stunned, but after regaining her senses, she tried her best to calm down: "Yes, I saw him go to your seat yesterday."

"Did you see him taking my tampon?" Qiao Zhenzhen looked at her indifferently, "See it with your own eyes?"

Zhao Lianqiao's lips moved, just as she was about to speak, she heard Qiao Zhenzhen say first: "The fingerprints on the sanitary napkin can be identified by the professional department, you better think clearly Besides, if it is detected that your fingerprints are left earlier than his, it means that you deliberately took it and framed him."

"I, I don't!" Zhao Lianqiao suddenly panicked, "I have nothing to frame him for!"

"So you saw him take my tampon?" Qiao Zhenzhen asked.

Under everyone's eyes, Zhao Lianqiao wanted to nod her head very much, but she didn't know whether what Qiao Zhenzhen said was true or not. It was also just now. If the specific time of the fingerprints can be determined, wouldn't it be possible to find out that she was the only one who touched it yesterday?

The more Zhao Lianqiao thought about it, the more nervous she became. When she looked at Qiao Zhenzhen again, she didn't dare to be so sure: "I, I don't know..."

"So you didn't see it with your own eyes," Qiao Zhenzhen had long guessed that she didn't dare to continue to frame things, and her tone was very calm, "I didn't see it, but took the lead in bullying, right?"

As soon as the word 'bullying' appeared, things got a little serious, everyone looked at each other, and another boy who followed Zhao Lianqiao to block Chishen hurriedly helped: "Although she didn't see it with her own eyes, it doesn't mean Chi Shen is innocent, maybe he deliberately put a bag in each table hole in order to confuse the public."

"Who? Chi Shen?" Qiao Zhenzhen asked mockingly.

The boy suddenly lost his face.

No one in the class knows that Chi Shen is a loner and a freak who does his own way, so he doesn't care about other people's thoughts. If he really wants something from Qiao Zhenzhen, just take it directly. With so much energy, he framed every boy in the class again.

The moment they found the tampon from each table hole, they didn't doubt the pool was deep.

"...Who did this?" Someone whispered.

"Yes, yes, it's not Chi Shen, it must be someone else, who is so perverted!"

There was another discussion in the class. When it was lively, someone suddenly asked the boy who was talking to Zhao Lianqiao: "Why don't you have sanitary pads in the hole of your desk?"

"Yeah! Neither does Chen Le!"

Chen Le is another.

The two boys were stunned for a moment.

This is a little more subtle.

The two boys had a vague feeling of not being good. Just as they were about to argue, the head teacher came in from outside, and when they saw they were crowded together, they immediately scolded everyone back to their seats. Qiao Zhenzhen went back to her seat and whispered to Chi Shen who was behind: "Go to the playground after school at noon, I have something to tell you."

Chi Shen was silent for a moment, then nodded slightly when she turned to leave.

Qiao Zhenzhen didn't see his response, so she went back to her seat and sat down. After a while, a girl couldn't help but tell the head teacher about the tampon, and by the way, there were only two boys with nothing in the table holes.

The two boys usually have bad reputation in the class. When the head teacher heard it, he immediately believed that they did it, and immediately reprimanded the two boys. They all had to usher in a more irritable reprimand from the head teacher, and in the end they could only shut up.

Zhao Lianqiao felt guilty and did not dare to speak for the two of them, so she could only bow her head uncomfortably. She has been smooth sailing ever since she wore the book, playing everyone in the palm of her hand. She has never been as embarrassed as today, but she still has no idea where the sanitary napkins in other people's table holes came from.

Did she find out when she framed Chi Shen last night, and then was framed by Chi Shen in turn?

Impossible, Chi Shen is an idiot, how can someone who can't take up a page in the original text be so smart. She bit her lower lip and denied it without thinking.

Reversing Zhao Lianqiao's army, Qiao Zhenzhen was in a good mood, and Xiaoba also silently praised: "Host, you are so amazing, you can think of a way to do fingerprint identification, forcing Zhao Lianqiao to change his mind, but this world Has the technology developed so much? Even the time left by fingerprints can be identified."

"I don't know." Qiao Zhen Zhen didn't even think about it.

Xiao Ba was stunned: "Then you just..."

"Oh, I made it up." Qiao Zhenzhen was very calm. She is just an innocent high school student. How does she know if the fingerprint identification can determine the time? She just thinks that if she doesn't know, Zhao Lianqiao, who has to make up classes every week but only has an intermediate grade, must not know.

Xiao Ba: "...you're so smart."

"Thank you for your compliment." Qiao Zhenzhen was rude.

Xiao Ba: I have nothing to say.

Qiao Zhenzhen lazily handed over the papers, just as she was about to look for Chi Shen, she was blocked by two boys.

Most people in the class have already gone to eat, and only a few people left hurriedly ran away.

Qiao Zhenzhen frowned and looked at the two of them, her tone was not very good: "Why?"

"Did you set us up on purpose?" The two of them thought about it, and there was only one answer. Otherwise, why would there be no sanitary napkins in their table holes.

"Do you have any brains?" Qiao Zhenzhen was not guilty, "I haven't been here for a few days, what does it have to do with me?"

"Is that Chi Shen?" The boy hesitated.

Qiao Zhenzhen looked at the back row, didn't see Chi Shen froze for a moment, then thought that she told him to go to the playground first and wait for her own business, and then she was relieved, not in a hurry or slow. Looking at the two boys in front of him: "What kind of character is he, you don't know yet? Besides, if you don't dance so much this morning, even if there is nothing in your table hole, other people will not doubt you, then he does it. What's the point?"

“…what do you mean?”

"I mean, the people who framed you behind your back must first make sure you are involved in this matter."

The boys looked at each other.

"Think about it, who started first, who instigated you to catch Chi Shen, and who was invisible when you were scolded by the head teacher, I still have something to do, I'll go first." After Qiao Zhen Zhen finished speaking, she carried her schoolbag and walked out, completely ignoring the two of them.

The two boys frowned and thought about it for a long time, only thinking of Zhao Lianqiao herself, and immediately turned to look for her.

Qiao Zhenzhen was too lazy to care about the mess between the rotten pot and the rotten cover, she just ran all the way to the playground.

It was lunch time, most of the students were in the cafeteria, and a small number of students went outside the school. There was no one in the huge playground. After Qiao Zhenzhen ran to the place, she looked around for several times. , did not find the person you were looking for.

Isn’t it here yet?

When she thought of him looking at her anxiously without saying a word, Qiao Zhenzhen laughed angrily and walked towards him with gritted teeth.

Chi Shen faintly sensed the danger, and the yellowed sneakers moved back hesitantly.

Qiao Zhenzhen saw that he wanted to run again, and immediately narrowed her eyes: "I think you dare to move."

Chi Shen stopped and did not dare to move.

Qiao Zhenzhen's heart eased a little, she walked in front of him and looked at him from head to toe: "Did you get hurt this morning?"

Chi Shen was silent, just looked at her tentatively.

"Answer." Qiao Zhenzhen narrowed her eyes.


Qiao Zhenzhen breathed a sigh of relief, looked up at the sun, turned and walked to the shadow behind the teaching building. Chi Shen was silent for a moment, but still followed.

Qiao Zhenzhen stood there and waited, and when he came over, the corners of her lips curled up: "You gave me so much information about the mental hospital last time, did you take me for a neuropathy?"

"It's a mentally ill patient." Chi Shen corrected in a rough voice.

Qiao Zhenzhen smiled angrily: "Okay, mentally ill, you treat me as a mentally ill?"

Chi Shen was silent.

Qiao Zhenzhen glanced at him and threw the schoolbag to him angrily. Chi Shen caught it, clasped it tightly in his hand, and looked at her hesitantly with his dark eyes.

"Open it, a gift for you." Qiao Zhen Zhen folded her arms.

Chishen opened it silently, and raised his head hesitantly.

"Take it out." Qiao Zhen Zhen narrowed her eyes.

Chi Shen's face gradually turned pale, after a long time, he took out a complete package of sanitary napkins, his voice was hoarse and trembling: "You said you believe me..."

He didn't steal it, and didn't want her to give him this.

Zhenzhen Qiao: “…”

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