The Paranoid Brother Relies On My Love to Live

Chapter 38: Mom is going to be angry

All the artillery fire will be concentrated.

And Qiao Zhenzhen is now that catharsis.

Most people hate privileges, and this new post points to Qiao Zhenzhen's use of privileges to protect her own interests, and instantly incites the vast majority of people, she originally thought she and Chi Shen are a good match Those people who were also suddenly changed their previous tone.

The administrator saw the post that popped up suddenly and deleted it without thinking, but he didn't expect it to add another barrel of oil to the burning fire. At this time, many students who did not participate were also annoyed, and they kept posting new posts to question the school, whether the daughter of the school manager was superior, and even made a mistake.

These topics intensified, the administrator deleted one, and countless new posts appeared, which quickly alerted the school's top management. When the head teacher saw it, he immediately sent a clarification and asked the administrator to upvote it, but the students who were revelling didn't listen at all, saying that she was intimidated by the power of the school manager, while asking the school to expel Qiao Zhenzhen.

They have to use their own way to seek a so-called justice.

Qiao Jian was still in a meeting in the company when he heard this. After hearing something, he smashed the cup beside him, and he was so angry that the whole person began to tremble. Dozens of people in the office looked at each other in dismay. , not one of them dared to speak.

"Block, block the forum!" Qiao Jian gritted his teeth.

The embarrassed voice came from the phone: "This will only irritate the students. It is said that several students have reported to the Education Bureau, and many students have written a joint letter, insisting that Qiao Zhen be fired Zhen, if you don't handle it well, it may also affect your right to speak on the board of directors."

High school enrollment has always been the top priority. If this incident continues to escalate and affects enrollment next year, Qiao Jian may be directly expelled from the board of directors.

Qiao Jian naturally understood these principles, and frowned instantly when he heard the words: "Then what do you say."

The phone was silent: "The public opinion is not under control, it is the school's fault, but now it has caused an irreversible situation. In order to avoid further development and become a scandal for the school, the best way is to... Make Ai transfer to another school."

Qiao Jian was suddenly silent. Transferring schools means acknowledging the fact that you were living with a man as a teenager.

"...I also know that Mr. Qiao is embarrassed, but there is nothing I can do. Now only the head teacher and your wife can prove that Qiao Zhenzhen and Chi Shen went home to make up the class, and there is no other evidence. , and the identity of the head teacher and your wife, even if you testify in person, you can't convince everyone, so you should think about it."

That person was polite, but what he meant was that the head teacher and Qin Jing were covering up Qiao Zhen Zhen.

Qiao Jian sat for a long time with a dark face, hung up the phone, put on his clothes and walked out.

"Mr. Qiao, are you not having a meeting?" the secretary asked hurriedly.

"What are you driving!" Qiao Jian gave her an angry look, and she didn't dare to speak.

He pressed the edge of speeding all the way home and rushed home. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Qin Jing sitting on the sofa reading a book, and immediately threw his clothes on the ground: "You still have the face to sit here?"

Qin Jing frowned: "What kind of evil fire are you making?"

"Evil fire?" Qiao Jian laughed absurdly, his face turned purple with anger, "You really have the courage to say, let me ask you Qin Jing, how do you educate children, give I taught such a shameless thing?!"

"Keep your mouth clean!" Qin Jing's face immediately turned cold when he heard him say Qiao Zhenzhen in such an ugly way.

"What's the use of my clean mouth! Your daughter is not clean anymore!" Qiao Jian was trembling with anger, pointed at her nose and asked, "Qiao Zhenzhen is living together with people such a big thing, Why didn't you tell me?"

Qin Jing was taken aback: "What cohabitation?"

"Don't tell me you don't know! Didn't you guarantee it when things broke out?!" Qiao Jian threw the phone to her, "I said why did you follow me because of that Chi Shen? The quarrel turned out to be because he was interested in being a son-in-law, it’s fine if Zhen Zhen doesn’t have the ability to distinguish, don’t you?!”

Qin Jing opened her face with a cold face, and saw the post that should have been deleted before.

Looking at the photos and messages above, her expression became more and more solemn, and she finally realized the reason for the call from the head teacher yesterday.

Qiao Jian stared at her, and gave birth to a twisted pleasure: "Didn't you say that you took care of the family very hard? Didn't you say that you did your best to take care of the children? You always accuse me of not treating her enough. Caring, I just don't care, and I won't be like you, watching her go astray..."

"She didn't," Qin Jing looked at him blankly, "she was just making up lessons."

"Do you think I will believe?" Qiao Jian asked.

Qin Jing looked at his blushing face, and was only disappointed: "You don't even believe your own daughter, but you believe these out-of-context photos?"

"Yes! I just don't believe it!" Qiao Jian said angrily.

Qin Jing took a deep breath: "Then there is nothing to say, I will find a way to solve this matter, so you don't have to worry about it."

"How do you solve it? Now all the students in the school are boycotting me, and they have to report me to the city. I spent so much money to enter the school as a director, and now it's all under your control Ruined!" Qiao Jian kicked off the slippers next to him.

Qin Jing was stunned, and looked at him in disbelief: "You are so angry, not because you are worried about Zhen Zhen, but because you are afraid of losing your black gauze hat?"

Qiao Jian was too lazy to talk to her, and after a quiet moment, he said gloomily: "I've already made up my mind, let Zhen Zhen go abroad early, and leave next month."

"What do you mean?" Qin Jing lowered her face.

Qin Jing looked at him, only to feel that the blood in her whole body was cold, and her heart seemed to be in pain: "...Do you know that if Zhen Zhen left, it would be an admission about this.”

"Anyway, I've already gone, why do I still care if I admit it?" Qiao Jian frowned, "The most important thing now is to calm the anger of those students, keep my position as director, and other things. I'll talk about it later, you tell her not to go to school tomorrow, I'll finish her withdrawal procedure in two days."

After speaking, she turned her head and left.

Qin Jing sat in the living room for a long time, and finally leaned back on the sofa tiredly.

An hour later, she called the head teacher.

"Mr. Zhou, can you do me a favor?"

The school's public opinion was still fermenting, Qiao Zhenzhen frowned, Chi Shen's face was not very good-looking, it was obviously affected by this incident. Fortunately, although there was a lot of trouble on the Internet, no one really dared to make trouble in front of them.

She looked at it for a long time, and finally turned off her phone: "Forget it, I don't listen to the explanation. If you press your head, I will live with you, so don't watch it at all."

Chi Shen pursed his lips, although he hadn't read the content, he could think that there would be no good words.

He once again regretted not killing Zhao Lianqiao that night.

The evening self-study will be over soon. Today, Qiao Zhenzhen is not in the mood to follow Chi Shen to make up the class, so she sent a message to Qin Jing early and asked her to pick her up in time.

"Don't think too much, let them scold them for two days and it will be over." Qiao Zhenzhen comforted.

Chi Shen nodded and watched her get into the car silently, then turned around and left along the road to the community. When passing the store near the community, he suddenly stopped and looked silently at the corner of the wall monitoring.

On the other side, Qiao Zhenzhen got into the car directly, and after sitting up, she realized that the driver was coming to pick it up today, she was a little curious for a while: "Where's my mother?"

"The madam went out before and just got home half an hour ago, let me pick you up." The driver replied.

Qiao Zhenzhen frowned, and let the car drive.

The car went all the way back to the house, Qiao Zhenzhen got out of the car and went upstairs with her schoolbag, but as soon as the door was opened, the room was pitch black.

"...Isn't it at home?" She murmured softly, and pressed the light switch to go into the house, but she was startled by the dark shadow on the sofa when the light was on.

After seeing that it was mother, she patted her little heart: "Mom, why are you silent."

Qin Jing remained silent.

Qiao Zhenzhen paused for a while, then stepped forward worriedly: "Mom, what's the matter?"

"Why don't you tell your mother about the school?" Qin Jing looked at her.

Qiao Zhenzhen was stunned: "How do you know?"

"Your dad told me!" Qin Jing suddenly lost his temper, "Qiao Zhenzhen, are you skilled enough to hide such a big thing from me, do you have to wait for yourself? After I was ruined, I remembered that I still have a mother?!"

"...I just don't want you to worry, I didn't tell you, and you know that I was wronged." Qiao Zhenzhen counseled.

"It's because you were wronged that I'm afraid you will be wronged!" Qin Jing said, the corners of her eyes reddened, "Do you think I'm too useless to be a mother? didn't tell me anything?"

"No, no, I definitely don't mean that!" Qiao Zhen Zhen quickly comforted.

Qin Jing calmed down a little under her comfort, and said lightly after a while: "Your father said that you should not go to school tomorrow."

Qiao Zhenzhen was stunned and suddenly realized the seriousness of the matter: "Mom..."

"What do I do?" Qin Jing frowned.

Qiao Zhenzhen swallowed her saliva, and said slowly after a while: "I don't agree, even if you support him, I won't agree."

Qin Jing was stunned for a while, and the folds between her brows suddenly deepened: "When did I say I support him? Co-authoring is in your heart, your mother is not only useless, but also an unreasonable man who only listens to him. Do you speak?"

"...What do you mean?" Qiao Zhen Zhen cautiously.

Qin Jing was silent, and after a long time, she slowly said: "Tomorrow morning, I will go to school with you."

"What are you doing at school?"

Qin Jing glanced at her: "If you don't tell me about you, why should I tell you about me?"

Qiao Zhenzhen knew that she was right, she laughed dryly and didn't dare to ask any more.

"By the way," Qin Jing stopped her when she saw that she was going back to the room to rest, "Are you and Zhao Lianqiao still good friends?"

Qiao Zhenzhen paused: "Why are you asking this?"


"No." Qiao Zhen Zhen said quickly.

Qin Jing nodded: "It's alright, go back to the house and sleep."

Qiao Zhenzhen: "?"

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