How did this happen?

Qiao Zhenzhen sighed as she looked at the well-decorated living room.

An hour ago, Mr. Chi entered the house with his grandfather. The moment he saw Chi Shen, his eyes were red, and then he was pulled into the study by his grandfather, and he has not come out until now.

And now, she is sitting in the living room with her mother, uncle, and Chi Shen, staring at each other, the atmosphere is inexplicably heavy.

After some time, Qiao Zhenzhen poked Qin Jing next to her carefully: "Mom, do you want to visit them?"

Qin Jing returned to her senses: "Huh?"

"...what are you thinking?" Qiao Zhenzhen was speechless.

Qin Jing cleared her throat and looked at Chi Shen thoughtfully: "It's okay, I'm wondering if there is a possibility..."

"What's the possibility?" Qiao Zhenzhen approached curiously.

Qin Jing pushed her face away directly, after thinking for a long time she made up her mind, and walked to the study with a serious look: "You three, be honest, I can't go anywhere until I come out ."

"...I'm in my thirties, why should I be trained with the two of them." Qin Zhao was helpless.

Qiao Zhenzhen gave him a sideways look: "Why don't you refute in front of her."

"I'm afraid of her." Qin Zhao was quite frank.

Qiao Zhenzhen was amused by him, when she looked back, she saw that Chi Shen was distracted, she paused and asked, "what's the matter with you?"

"...It's okay," Chi Shen looked at her and asked after a long hesitation, "I think I seem to have seen him."

"Who, Mr. Chi?" Qiao Zhenzhen asked immediately.

Chi Shen did not speak.

"You seem to have mentioned it before, but it's about his restaurant, how did I answer... Oh, he is often on TV, you may have seen him on TV."

The main place to show grand plans, so there is no contact with Chi Shen at all.

It was Qin Zhao. After thinking about it for a long time, he felt that it was not right: "Mr. Chi was emotional when he saw Chi Shen just now. Could it be that you two met before?"

"I don't know." Chi Shen replied.

Qin Zhao glanced at him inadvertently after hearing the words, and suddenly realized something after scanning, and immediately walked from the dining table to Chi Shen, squatted down and stared at his face carefully.

"...Hey, are you too close?" Qiao Zhenzhen complained.

Qin Zhao looked serious: "Shh."

Qiao Zhenzhen frowned and settled down.

Qin Zhao stared at Chi Shen for nearly a minute, and suddenly came to a realization: "I said, no wonder Mr. Chi is sad."

"What's the matter?" Qiao Zhenzhen immediately asked.

Qin Zhao went back to the table and sat down: "I don't see much with the Chi family, so I'm not sure if I'm right, but Chi Shen looks a bit like Chi Li."

"Chi Li?" Qiao Zhenzhen was curious.

"The only son of the old man died in a car accident more than ten years ago," Qin Zhao said with a sigh, "The old man is actually quite pitiful, his son was in a car accident when his daughter-in-law was pregnant. , the daughter-in-law died of depression after giving birth to a child, and only a grandson lived with him, but when the grandson was three years old, he was kidnapped by traffickers."

Qiao Zhenzhen was stunned: "Human trafficker?"

She didn't know this, Chi Cheng was a character with the same background in the original text, and his family background was even mentioned in one stroke, Qiao Zhenzhen only knew that he was alone when he appeared on the stage, But do not know the specific content.

"Well, if that child can grow up safely, he should be about the same age as you now." Qin Zhao regretted.

Qiao Zhenzhen's heartbeat suddenly increased, she swallowed and said carefully: "Is it possible... Chi Shen is his kidnapped grandson?"

Qin Zhao was stunned for a moment, then laughed: "How is it possible, isn't Chi Shen a child in the countryside of Linshi? How can a father and mother be the grandson of the old man."

Qiao Zhenzhen laughed dryly, and then realized that she hadn't told the important information: "...Chi Shen is not the biological son of his parents."

Qin Zhao: “…”

In the study, Chi Cheng was completely stunned when he heard Qin Jing's words.

"This matter can't be nonsense, are you sure?" Qin Sheng asked seriously.

Qin Jing sighed: "How dare I talk nonsense in front of Uncle Chi, Zhen Zhen really told me personally, she said that the couple admitted it in front of their head teacher, Chi Shen Not their own."

"Chi said the child's surname is Chi?" Chi Cheng's heart sank, "Do you know what those two are called?"

"I don't know this, I have to ask deeply," Qin Jing frowned, "Do you need me to call him in?"

"Don't, don't worry..." Chi Cheng, who has always been as steady as Mount Tai, was rarely nervous, "Let me slow down."

"If it really doesn't work, just ask Zhen Zhen, that girl knows Chi Shen quite well. She broke the matter of whether she was born or not. I guess she knows the two of them." Qin Jing retreated step.

Chi Cheng thought for a while, then nodded with red eyes: "Trouble."

So Zhen Zhen Qiao was called in.

Qiao Zhenzhen thought that the person in front of her might be Chi Shen's grandfather, she was a little nervous: "Hello, Grandpa Chi."

"My dear boy, grandpa wants to ask you a question," Chi Cheng quickly greeted him with a cane, "Do you know what Chi Shen's parents are now?"

"One is Liu Guifang, the other..." Qiao Zhenzhen remembered that the bald head reported her name yesterday, but she couldn't remember it for a while.

Chi Cheng was already excited when he heard Liu Guifang's name: "Who is it, is it Chi Qiang?"

"That's right, it's called Chi Qiang." Qiao Zhen Zhen nodded quickly.

Chi Cheng was suddenly angry: "This bastard! bastard!"

Seeing that his face suddenly turned red and his breathing was a little unsteady, Qin Sheng and Qin Jing quickly helped him sit down, Qin Jing winked at Qiao Zhenzhen and motioned her to go out first.

Qiao Zhenzhen stood still: "Grandpa Chi, do you know Chi Qiang?"

The couple stole things and were kicked out by me, and we haven't contacted them since, and after a Jingchen was lost."

Because they left early and didn't show up again, so after the grandson lost, he didn't think of them.

Qiao Zhenzhen looked at him fixedly: "So... Chi Shen may be your grandson?" She paused for a moment, "When I went to the restaurant of your company with Chi Shen for dinner , he thinks it's very familiar there, and when he sees you this time, he also thinks he's seen it, I don't think it's a coincidence."

Chi Cheng wiped the corners of his eyes when he heard the words, his fingers were shaking, but he couldn't say anything.

"This matter is no trivial matter, and we still have to do a paternity test."

Qiao Zhenzhen nodded: "Of course, we still need to do the appraisal first."

"It's not too late, let's go now," Qin Sheng stood up, "I have a friend who can do this, let's go to the test now, and wait for the results on the spot after the test."

"Let me ask Chi Shen's opinion." Qiao Zhen Zhen said.

Chi Cheng paused: "Yes, yes, I still have to ask him what he thinks."

Qiao Zhen Zhen nodded and went out directly.

Outside the door of the study, Chi Shen was already standing there, Qiao Zhenzhen came out and bumped into him head-on, stunned, and then closed the door, and then asked in a low voice: " Did you hear it?"

Chi Shen shook his head slightly: "The sound insulation is very good."

Qiao Zhenzhen was amused by his four words, and when she realized she was not smiling after laughing, she cleared her throat and said, "Master Chi wants to do a paternity test with you, how are you? "

Chi Shen was silent.

Qiao Zhenzhen was worried about taking a step forward and took his hand: "Don't you want to do it?"

"Do you want me to do it?" Chi Shen asked rhetorically.

Qiao Zhenzhen was slightly stunned: "Do you want me to tell the truth? I was... thinking, just to draw some blood, if it is not for the body, it will not affect the body, if it is, you are in this world I have one more family member, and I feel good.”

"Okay, then do it."

With Chi Shen's permission, a group of people went straight to the hospital and started a long wait after the blood was drawn.

Qiao Zhenzhen sat next to Chi Shen and spoke to him in a low voice, Chi Shen listened carefully, and could not help but give her attention to the old gentleman opposite.

He's been staring at himself for a long time.

The identification took too long, Chi Cheng couldn't take it anymore, got up and walked out. As soon as he left, Qin Sheng immediately followed, Chi Shen looked up at their backs, and lowered his eyes after a long time.

"It's okay." Qiao Zhenzhen held his cold hand.

Outside the waiting area, Chi Cheng seemed to be ten years older: "Old Qin, what do you do if it's not?"

"No, I have confidence." Qin Sheng comforted.

Chi Cheng sighed: "You don't understand, since Jingchen was lost, people have come every year, but not everyone." He spent so many years in disappointment, Naturally, I can't believe it anymore.

"This time is different." Qin Sheng sighed. In previous years, not to mention 100%, at least 99% of the people who came to Chi Cheng went for his money, but this time it was different. This time, they found Chi Shen on their own initiative.

Chi Cheng nodded: "I hope."

Time passed minute by minute, the two returned to their previous positions, and a group of people waited silently for the result.

After a long time, the result finally came out.

The paper that was just printed was still steaming, and Chi Cheng held it in his hand as heavy as a thousand jins, but in the end he didn't have the courage to open it: "Old Qin, please help me..."

Qin Sheng reluctantly took it, and the whole corridor was filled with his voice flipping page by page.

A minute later, he looked at the final result, red eyes for the old man in front of him.

Chi Cheng's heart sank when he saw his expression, he forced a smile and said, "It doesn't matter, it's normal..."

"Old Chi, you have found your grandson." Qin Sheng choked.

Chi Cheng was stunned for a moment, then grabbed the identification report and read it. When he saw the words 'existing blood relationship', he couldn't hold back any longer, and hugged Qin Sheng and cried.

Chi Shen looked at the scene in front of him at a loss, Qiao Zhen Zhen silently held his hand.

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