The Path of Evolution

Chapter 102 Anne’s Ability

"How do you want me to compensate you?"

Zhao Hao asked. At the moment, he was under great pressure to deal with the mutants. After all, that tough foreign girl had a brilliant record of tying Qin Sheng and Zhang Dekai one on two. He just wanted to buy time to refine the 100 mutant crystals he had saved for a long time, and when his mutant genes were full, he could get his money back with profits.

"I want this!"

Scarlett pointed at the tissue on the ground with a sharp arrow in her hand.

Xiao Xia was ejaculated, and Zhao Hao was also ejaculated: "You want the paper I use to wipe my butt?"

The bizarre world of evolution made him doubt his life. This foreign girl actually likes to collect toilet paper that other people have wiped their butts with?

"Yes...oh no!" Scarlett was very contradictory. When she saw the expressions of Zhao Hao and Xiao Xia, she realized it and said fiercely: "Asshole, what I want is this kind of tissue, the one you wiped with The exact same paper on my butt... it’s not right either, I want clean, unused paper towels, do you understand?”

Zhao Hao understood this time and said weakly: "I don't have many tissues, how many do you want?"

"I'm not asking too much, just give me one pack... no, just two packs! You just caused severe mental trauma to me. Isn't it too much to compensate for two packs of tissues?" Scarlett felt a little lack of confidence and thought to herself. Are some of the lions opening their mouths?

On the earth, paper towels are the most common daily necessities, and even the most delicate slings are not lacking in them.

In the evolutionary world, paper towels are not only daily necessities, but also luxury goods.

Think about it for a moment, when a human being survives in the evolutionary world, what should he use to wipe his butt after flying?

This is a question worth pondering.

Countless evolvers have given different answers. Some people use branches, some use leaves, and some people rub it directly with their fingers...

Zhao Hao himself has experienced such hard times. Back in the Endless Forest, when he was still a primitive evolver, there was a time when the tissues in his hiking bag ran out, so that he washed his butt with stream water every day...

It wasn't until he accidentally encountered an F16 fighter jet later that he got a whole bag of tissues. There were twelve packs of tissues in that big bag, each pack containing 200 napkins. This changed Zhao Ritian's fate.

For female evolutionaries, the need for tissues is greater, otherwise it will be extremely embarrassing.

Especially when a woman doesn’t even have tissues during those few days every month, it’s so shameful to think about it. You know, things like auntie towels are very rare luxuries in the evolutionary world.

"All right!"

Zhao Hao looked pained and threw two packs of tissues over.

He could bear this kind of loss because when he got the car girl, he also got a whole bag of tissues.

"Wow, it's still 200 yuan!"

Scarlett was ecstatic, dancing and cheering.

Foreigners generally don't hide their emotions and will express everything intuitively. Judging from the ecstasy of the black-armored foreign girl, this girl probably hasn't used a tissue for a long time. God knows how she solved certain problems in the No. 4 mine.

Distributing a pack of tissues to Annie, Scarlett looked at Zhao Hao, her attitude suddenly became more harmonious: "I keep my word, and the previous unpleasantness has been wiped out."

"OK." Zhao Hao was also happy to spend money and eliminate disasters. At the same time, he was also very interested in the foreign girl's method of opening the tunnel.

In this way, two mutant strongmen used two packs of tissues to offset their grudges.

This is unimaginable by people on earth. People who have not struggled in the evolutionary world will never understand the preciousness of daily necessities such as paper towels, shampoo, and soap.

At the same time, this also demonstrates an academic topic.

In the otaku masturbation world, there is an old rumor: There is no problem that a pack of tissues cannot solve. If not, then two packs of tissues.

As you can see, two packs of tissues really settled an argument.

"I think you are very unfamiliar. Where are you from?" Scarlett started talking.

"My name is Zhao Ritian, from the Endless Forest." Zhao Hao introduced himself.

"Zhao Ritian...what a strange name. Do you know Ye Shetian and Zhang Potian?" Scarlett asked.

"They are my companions." Zhao Hao did not hide it.

Xiao Xia next to her suddenly became commotion: "Boss, you are actually from the idol group?"

Before Zhao Hao had time to answer, Scarlett became even more excited: "Could it be that people outside already know what happened in the Flame Valley? Are you ready to unite to deal with those damn soldiers?"

"No." Zhao Hao chose to treat each other with sincerity. Everyone is trapped here, and cooperation is the way out. At this time, we should be more sincere and less cunning. He just heard him say: "I originally wanted to buy some flame crystals. By the way, I wanted to learn about the ancient martial arts of Xiao Dao and Zhou Xian, but I didn’t expect to encounter such a thing... No one outside knows that such serious changes have occurred in the Valley of Flames."


Scarlett's eyes dimmed, and Xiaoxia's excitement disappeared.

"Don't be discouraged. We can open up the No. 3 mine, and we can also open up other mines. We hope to get out by then." The person who said this was actually Annie, who had been silent. This blond girl's Chinese was relatively unfamiliar. But the voice is very soft and cute, and it sounds intoxicating.

Zhao Hao couldn't help but take another look at Annie. This girl who should have lost her motivation to survive after being severely burned became the first to stand up and encourage everyone. This alone is worthy of respect.

"Yes, maybe the guerrillas are also digging holes. They dug a tunnel to fight with us." Xiaoxia has always had confidence in the tunnel guerrillas, which is also the biggest motivation for him to survive.

Zhao Hao has always been optimistic and raised a question: "Can you tell me how you dug such a long tunnel? I tried it with a mining pick, and it took half a day to dig out two meters."

"Of course we don't have to dig it out ourselves. We can't dig it out with a mining pick in our lifetime." Scarlett took Anne's hand and said proudly: "This is all Anne's credit. My dear, show them to them."

Annie nodded slightly and formed a mudra with her hands.

The little hands covered with burn marks have a magnificent and mysterious beauty in the process of forming the seals.

A rectangular void gate emerged in mid-air.

Immediately afterwards, a beast that looked like a pangolin jumped out of the Void Gate.

Xiaoxia was no stranger to this creature. It was the most famous kuagoa in the Flame Valley.

Zhao Hao's eyes widened when he saw it. This was clearly not an ordinary summoned pet beast soul. The Gate of the Void had never appeared before when he summoned a panda.

Two, three, four... Quagoa emerged from the void door one by one.

The four Quagoa seemed to have reached their limit, and the Void Gate suddenly disappeared.

With Anne's little finger pointing, the two quarry beasts rushed towards a mountain wall and dug out a circular tunnel with a diameter of two meters in a moment. The digging effect was so sharp that it was like eating tofu. . The other two diggers were responsible for digging the soil, and soon dug out the soil dug by their companions at any time, forming a smooth underground tunnel.

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