The Path of Evolution

Chapter 105 The Principle of Gangqi

"A mutated weapon with ice attributes?"

Zhao Hao's eyes lit up. His ice and snow sword was a genuine ice attribute weapon, or a high-level mutant!

"Yes, ice and water can restrain fire, maybe it can work." Xiaoxia added weakly, but actually he didn't know if it would work.

"Get out of your way and let me try."

Zhao Hao took a deep breath and pulled out the ice and snow sword.

Scarlett and others saw Zhao Ritian's knife for the first time, including Xiaoxia. It was also the first time that he could clearly see the knife hidden in the black sheath. When he killed the bald Li Cai, he didn't even see clearly how Zhao Hao was doing. Drawing a sword.

The knife was completely icy blue and its shape was extremely gorgeous, like a work of art made of ice crystals. The blade of the sword was filled with a layer of cold air. Scarlett and the other three could feel the cold air, and their eyes suddenly lit up and they saw hope.

The sword flashed, and a visible icy blue energy burst out of the air.

Xiaoxia's eyes widened. This kind of ice-attributed Gang Qi attack looked very sharp no matter how you looked at it.

Scarlett frowned slightly. The main reason why she proposed to use two packs of tissues to resolve the dispute was because she sensed the aura of the mutant evolver from Zhao Hao. She couldn't figure out the opponent's strength. Once they fought hard, the cave might collapse and everyone would be buried underground.

Now that everyone has temporarily formed an alliance, Zhao Hao's ability cannot satisfy Scarlett.

As the saying goes, laymen only see the excitement, and experts see the door. Only primitive weaklings like Xianyu Xia think Zhao Hao's knife is cool and cool, but in the eyes of Scarlett, who has 99 mutant genes, Zhao Hao's knife is too much. Flashy.

The moment Zhao Hao drew his sword, Scarlett noticed that his energy was too scattered.

The Gang Qi that is said to be as powerful as a bullet is condensed into a ball, and the power it contains is extremely pure. The explanation in terms of physics is that high density is formed. The smaller the force-bearing area, the greater the pressure. The Gang Qi released by Zhao Hao is like the wind blown by an electric fan. It covers a wide area, but this kind of wind cannot be expected to be lethal.


With the sound of the wind blowing against the crotch, the sword wind hit the fiery lava.

The wall was as if a large piece of Luotie had been penetrated by a drop of water, and was essentially undamaged.

Scarlett's eyes dimmed. This result was almost as she expected.

"Hey, you're showing off your shame!"

Zhao Hao laughed twice, feeling embarrassed by the effect of this knife.

After evolving to the mutant level, this was the first time he used Gang Qi to attack a target, and one can imagine how unfamiliar it was.

"Don't worry, I'll try again!"

This guy has an indomitable Olympic spirit and fired several sword strikes in succession.

He made slight progress with each cut, but in the eyes of the three Scarletts, there was no change.

The three of them had full confidence in Zhao Ritian, but after witnessing his eighth slash, Xiao Xia and the two foreign girls felt chilled, and no longer expected Zhao Ritian to create miracles.

Zhao Hao was very pleased with himself, and he slashed twenty times in a row. If he had some enlightenment, he stopped to think about life.

He found that Gang Qi was very similar to the first evolution and required a process of compression and purification. Simply put, the more pure it is and the smaller the compressed volume, the greater the power of Gang Qi.

In this regard, Zhao Hao has seen many real cases with his own eyes.

For example, Sunny Sky, the goalkeeper in the Neutral Ground, killed someone instantly with just a wave of his hand. Although Zhao Hao did not see Qingtian's Gangqi, judging from the blood hole one finger wide on the deceased's back, Qingtian had compressed the Gangqi to the size of a finger, and its power was not as powerful as the Gangqi of an electric fan like Zhao Hao. Comparable.

There is also a more ruthless guy - Fengyun Sword. This person's sword energy was compressed into noodle-thick lines, and with the guidance of the sword's will, he weaved those noodle-thick lines into a net, completely destroying Zhao Hao. .

After realizing the difference, Zhao Hao had to admit that he did not lose unfairly.

In addition, there are some negative teaching materials, such as mutant evolvers such as Hua Jun, Deng Liang, and Han Xupeng. Their Gang Qi is also an electric fan type. It looks scary, but in fact it is not very powerful. Zhao Hao had a head-on confrontation with them, but he did not Very disadvantaged.

"Are you okay? Don't waste everyone's time!" Scarlett was impatient to wait. This foreign girl was different from the domestic scheming master Gong Dou. Like most foreigners, she was not very good at concealing her emotions. She showed great disappointment when she spoke. expression.

"We can't get out anyway, so let him try a few more times." Anne said something fair.

"What's there to try? This level of aura will never be able to break through the fiery lava!" Scarlett was furious. She thought she had figured out Zhao Ritian's background. This guy was just a mutant who had just evolved to the mutant level. Lucky man has no strength himself.

Zhao Hao, who was pondering the principle of Gang Qi, came back to his senses and was a little unhappy when he heard this. He said with a straight face: "Sister, you can't be so absolute. I haven't used my special move yet."

"Do you have any other tricks? Use your stinkiest shit in the world to corrode the fiery lava?" Scarlett was so angry that she felt like she had found a teammate who was like a pig.

This kind of remarks about which pot should be opened and which pot should not be mentioned are really venomous and deeply irritated Zhao Hao. He said in a deep voice: "Get out of the way, don't let me accidentally hurt you!"

Xiaoxia took a few steps back after hearing this. Scarlett didn't want to retreat, but pulled Annie back two steps.

Zhao Hao was not satisfied and said: "A little further!"

"What kind of plane are you planning?" Scarlett was angry, always feeling that this guy was being mysterious.

"Stop arguing and cooperate." Anne took Scarlett back a few steps.

Zhao Hao himself also changed his position, keeping ten steps away from the lava mountain wall.

Seeing him put the ice sword back into the black scabbard, Scarlett and the other three were confused. What on earth was this guy doing?

Zhao Hao maintained a posture of drawing his sword, and his whole body seemed to be integrated with the surrounding environment.

One second!

Two seconds!

Three seconds!

Four seconds passed, and Scarlett still didn't see Zhao Hao use his special move.

what's the situation?


She was about to ask a question when suddenly her pupils shrank and the hairs on her body stood up as she sensed a violent and terrifying force.

In the fifth second, Zhao Hao finally took action!

Draw your sword and chop!

During the Icefield War, Zhao Hao's fourth-level sword draw killed Xue Hu instantly. Now that the Nine Heavens has reached the fifth level, he can use the artistic conception of the Sky-reaching Sacred Tree in the fifth heaven to gather momentum for five seconds and unleash a more domineering sword slash.

A huge arc-shaped sword light that was more than ten meters long fell from the sky. Seeing the sword light, Scarlett, Anne, and Xiaoxia all felt helpless and stared at the scene in stunned silence.

Different from the previous sword-drawing cuts that were purely formed by sword light, this strike now also has Gang Qi attached to it!

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