The Path of Evolution

Chapter 108 Treasure Hunter

"Isn't this impossible?" Zhao Hao was confused: "Aren't attribute attacks only available with gene locks or attribute weapons?"

"I've heard a saying, but I don't know if it's true. Advanced flame crystals contain very pure fire and earth energy. After refining, they can help evolvers understand a certain artistic conception. For example, the artistic conception of fire, or The artistic conception of earth, those who understand these artistic conceptions can release attribute attacks without gene locks." Xiaoxia said, even though he is a scumbag, he knows a lot, and he can be regarded as a theoretical academic.

"Does it still have this kind of effect?" Zhao Hao regretted that his intestines were green. The biggest difference between him and Fengyun Sword was artistic conception and Gang Qi. Now that he had mastered Gang Qi, what he lacked was artistic conception. Unexpectedly, Abao could use those All the high-grade flame crystals that could comprehend the artistic conception were eaten up.

"In that big mining operation half a year ago, two people succeeded. One was Xiao Dao. He used the advanced flame crystal to comprehend the artistic conception of fire. In conjunction with his sword intention, he formed a dual artistic conception attack. He was almost the first person in the Valley of Flames. Also One of them is Iron Fist Chris. He also got a high-grade flame crystal and realized the artistic conception of unearthed. Later, his fist became harder than diamonds, so he was called Iron Fist." Xiaoxia continued to educate himself on illiteracy.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Zhao Hao was dying and wanted to make Abao vomit out everything he had eaten.

"You didn't ask. I thought you knew it already, so I didn't say anything." Xiaoxia was afraid that she would take the blame, so she quickly changed the topic: "Scarlett's gene lock has no attribute attack. I speculate that she urgently needs to understand a certain artistic conception. Advanced The flame crystal is her hope... Judging from how angry she was just now, her hope is probably shattered."

Zhao Hao was speechless.

To put it bluntly, Abao is a pet bound to his soul, and he will ultimately have to bear the blame.

He didn't take Scarlett's various resentments to heart, but the disappointed look in Anne's eyes when she left made him feel uncomfortable.

He looked inside and saw that Abao transformed into a light cocoon, similar to the form of the blood demon sword demon when it evolved. The strange thing is that the light cocoon is half black and half white, forming a mysterious rhythm, like a Tai Chi diagram.

Zhao Hao estimated that this damn fat panda would not be able to evolve successfully for a while, so he would have to settle the score in the future. He stood up and said: "Let's put these intermediate flame crystals away first. If we get high-level flame crystals in the future, we will distribute them to them." .”


Xiaoxia cooperated in digging, but she was muttering in her heart: Boss, do you think high-grade flame crystals are cabbage? I have been in Lieyan Valley for almost two years, and I have only heard that someone mined high-grade flame crystals once.

A long intermediate flame crystal is like a prismatic flashlight, with a very high density, each weighing about one kilogram. After spending a day, the two finally dug out tons of crystals.

Done, Zhao Hao was embarrassed.

Breaking up with the two foreign girls meant that the plan to dig a tunnel to escape was ruined.

Losing Annie's excavator...the excavator, Zhao Hao would have to dig the tunnel by himself for years and years. And there is another problem. Quagoa beasts naturally know how to dig holes in safe places. If Zhao Hao were to use his sword to chop randomly, it would probably cause a collapse and bury him completely underground.

He had no choice but to take the hard route and force his way out of the entrance to Mine No. 3.

Just as he was about to leave, a thought came to him:

"Your ancient pet beast soul [Abao] evolves to the rare primary level, and the ancient aura increases the combat power of allies by 40%!"

"Your ancient pet beast soul [Abao] has reached the rare level and unlocked the first magical power: Treasure Hunter!"

"Treasure Hunter: A talent in ancient legends. It has a magical perception of treasures. You can unlock this talent to find secret treasures..."

Zhao Hao's eyes were moist. This damn fat man had eaten countless valuables and finally evolved to a rare level.

It took Dahei eight days to evolve to the rare level, but it only took Po one day. There is almost no pattern in the evolution speed of this ancient pet.

As for the "treasure hunter" talent, Zhao Hao was a little bit dumbfounded.

As Scarlett said before leaving, what's the use of giving a mountain of gold and silver to someone trapped in a ghost place like this?

Even if Abao can find a pile of gold and silver jewelry, it won't solve Zhao Hao's urgent need.

Without waiting for the master's call, Abao automatically flew out of the sea of ​​consciousness.

Its appearance is the same as before, and it has no combat effectiveness. The only difference is that the eyes of this chubby and round red panda are more agile, and that agility surpasses that of Dahei who originally evolved to the rare level.

Abao was habitually good at making decisions. He was wandering around in the mine, his pace was a bit like a bad boy, his eyes were as arrogant as a bricklayer, and he was studying the things in the mine like a geologist.

After a few minutes, it found a place, lay there and sniffed, then stretched out its front paws to dig.

There were only rocks and soil flying around, and Abao quickly dug a big hole.

Zhao Hao and Xiao Xia were dumbfounded at the same time. They had never heard that pandas could dig burrows. Moreover, Abao's digging speed was faster than the kuagoa summoned by Annie, and its entire body burrowed into the hole.

Zhao Hao simply ran to the edge of the cave and squatted down. Today he was going to see what kind of plane this fat panda was going to make!

Looking carefully at the newly dug hole, Zhao Hao couldn't help but admire Abao's talent in digging holes. The hole extended diagonally downwards, making it easy to enter and exit. If you dig a big hole vertically, it will become a well. If you fall in, you won't be able to climb out.

From the shape of the cave, Zhao Hao was convinced that the fat panda was not stupid at all, and was definitely suspected of being deliberately cute.

Half an hour later, Abao was within reach of the original route.


It threw a few pieces of stuff in front of Zhao Hao, looking triumphant.

Zhao Hao picked up the pieces of metal and took a look. He couldn't help but put his foot on Abao's butt. He was furious on the spot: "Xiong Ri, you dug out a few pieces of brass. How dare you act like this?" Where do you get your confidence from?"


Abao covered his buttocks in an extremely aggrieved manner, as if his heart was broken.

"Boss, let me take a look."

Xiaoxia took a piece of metal that looked like brass and looked at it carefully, her eyes widening.

He polished the piece of metal with the corner of his clothes, put it in his mouth and bit it, and suddenly shouted like a spring: "Jin Jing! Boss, this seems to be the legendary Jin Jing!"

"What the hell is Jin Jing?" Zhao Hao was confused. He had never heard of Jin Jing being produced in the Flame Valley.

"This is a very rare rare metal in the Flame Valley. It is said that it can only be found in the Death Mine. I didn't expect that your panda could dig it out in this place." Xiaoxia said with a shocked look on his face.

"Rare metals are useless. We can't escape. All precious metals are empty." Zhao Hao said.

"No, boss, please listen to me." Xiao Xia moistened her throat and told a story: "In the beginning, Xiaodao and Erguizi Zhou Xian had no artistic conception. When they first came here, they accidentally entered death. Fu Da Ming Da came out of the mine alive and got a few gold crystals... A few months later, Xiao Dao understood the meaning of the sword, and Zhou Xian understood the meaning of the sword."

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