The Path of Evolution

Chapter 110 The Invisible Killer

"Boss, help!"

Hearing the cry for help, Zhao Hao threw out two lighting crystals.

The dark tunnel was suddenly illuminated, and striker Xiao Xia's face was full of terror. Just one look at his hurried appearance, and it was not difficult to imagine what kind of horrific thing he had just experienced.

Zhao Hao took a closer look and saw that there were no wounds or blood stains on Xiao Xia's body. What on earth scared him into being like this?

Suddenly, a sharp object that was almost transparent and almost invisible to the naked eye stabbed Xiaoxia in the back.

If it hadn't been for the greatly enhanced perception on the fifth level of the Nine Heavens, Zhao Hao would have almost not been able to see the attacker hiding in the dark. He took out the electricity and struck the transparent sharp object with a sword.

The transparent sharp object stagnated for half a second and then disappeared without a trace.

Zhao Hao rushed over and blocked Xiaoxia behind him, letting him stand with Abao.

Then he operated the fifth level of the Nine Heavens to the extreme, sensing the evil attacker.

Zhao Hao could clearly feel that the guy, who didn't know whether he was a human or a ghost, was nearby, but he never showed his whereabouts.

What the hell?

Invisible Man?

Or an invisible creature?

Zhao Hao's thoughts changed rapidly, and he once again witnessed the wonders of the evolutionary world.

After taking a few deep breaths, Xiaoxia yelled in panic: "Boss, there's a ghost, there's a ghost!"

"Nonsense, where did the ghost come from?" Zhao Hao held the ice and snow sword tightly and pretended to scold Xiao Xia. Most of his attention was focused on the nearby movements. He felt that the invisible monster had not gone far and might come when he was relaxed. A fatal raid.

"No, I...I heard that the souls of people who died in the mines are still alive and turned into ghosts..." Xiaoxia's face turned pale and she muttered: "That thing disappeared without a trace and killed more than a dozen people. Ah, what is it if it’s not a ghost?”

"Have you seen more than a dozen people?" Zhao Hao was surprised when he heard this.

"Yes, I originally wanted to take a bath in the puddle last time, but I met that ghost thing halfway..." Xiaoxia was shocked and said with lingering fear: "Oh, I can't tell clearly. Boss, go and take a look in front. Just know it.”

"You take the lighting crystal and follow me. Walk with A Bao. Don't run around."

Zhao Hao took the lead and walked in front to clear the way.

The tunnel dug in front of him was two meters in diameter. Zhao Hao was walking in the center. One man could block it and no one could open it, and he was not afraid of the invisible monster sneaking up from behind.

After walking hundreds of meters, Zhao Hao's palms began to sweat.

Zhao Hao could barely understand that the mysterious attacker could become invisible, but the thing moved without making any sound, which was incredible.

Along the way, Zhao Hao could sense that something was following him within twenty meters, but he was still unable to detect the specific location of the other party. This made him agree with Xiao Xia's conjecture. Could it be that he really encountered a ghost?

Strangely enough, the invisible attacker seemed to be a little afraid of Zhao Hao. After failing to assassinate Xiao Xia, that thing never made a move rashly again, and I don't know if it was waiting for a perfect opportunity.

After advancing a few kilometers, a bloody corpse appeared in front of them.

The back of the corpse was pierced by a sharp cone-like object. Zhao Hao turned the corpse over and took a breath of cold air. The left chest of the deceased was broken open by some kind of iron claw, and the heart inside disappeared. It was obviously taken away by someone.

"This is Luo Dada!" Xiaoxia exclaimed when she saw the face of the deceased clearly.

"Who is Mr. Luo?" Zhao Hao was still guarding against the invisible killer.

"Same as Li Cai, he is one of the eight bosses of Mine No. 3. Luo Da has a combat strength of 200 and has more than a dozen miners under his command." Xiao Xia looked confused: "Strange, aren't Luo Da and the others in another tunnel? Could it be that they dug up something dirty and ran here in a panic?"

"Don't think too much about unclean things." Zhao Hao believed in science at this time. If there were some metaphysical ghosts, he would not be able to accept them, and he was not sure whether human power could compete with ghosts and gods.

Xiaoxia, however, was completely metaphysical, and hesitantly said: "Boss, have you ever seen a ghost blowing out a lantern? I doubt that Mr. Luo and the others dug up big rice dumplings. It was a mistake. If I had known better, I would have brought some black donkey hooves in."

"Nonsense, where can you find black donkey hooves?" Zhao Hao was amused by Xianyu Xia.

The two continued moving forward, seeing ten corpses along the way.

The deceased, without exception, all suffered a fatal blow to the back of the heart.

There is another even more terrifying thing in common: everyone’s hearts were ripped out!

From the distribution of corpses, it is not difficult to see that the weakest people die earliest. Among them, Luo Dada, the strongest, escaped the fastest and ran the farthest way, closest to the lava mountain wall where Zhao Hao was.

"Sixteen...Seventeen...Eighteen...Boss, all the eighteen people in Luo Dada's team are dead!" Xiaoxia's face was pale and green, her legs were weak, and she couldn't speak fluently. .

"Stop talking and follow me!"

Zhao Hao looked solemn and looked forward, vaguely feeling that he heard a sound.

After walking a few dozen steps, Zhao Hao confirmed that he was not hallucinating when a woman's cry came from the front.

"Annie, cheer up!"

"My dear, you can't die, you can't die, we agreed to go home together!"

Scarlett's heartbreaking cry came, sounding heartbroken.

It's hard to imagine that this hot-tempered foreign girl has such a fragile side.

The pothole about ten meters in diameter at the corner of the tunnel was the place where Zhao Hao and the two foreign girls first met. Now we meet again, but the scene has changed.

Scarlett's hair was disheveled, her complexion was gray, and her leather armor had two holes scratched by a sharp object.

She didn't care to clean the bleeding wound, and she was holding Anne in her arms crying blindly.

At this time, Anne was extremely angry, her face was burnt and her complexion could not be seen, and her beautiful eyes could no longer focus. There was a blood hole on her left chest, which was exactly the same as the blood holes on the other eighteen deceased persons, including Luo Da.

The only difference is that Anne's heart hasn't been dug out yet.

Regardless of whether Anne's heart was punctured or not, this kind of injury was an unmitigated fatal injury in an evolutionary world with extremely backward medical conditions. It was obvious that Scarlett couldn't bear this kind of blow and was completely confused.

"let me try."

Zhao Hao ignored the holiday with the foreign girl and took the initiative to get together.

If the healing ring can trigger special effects, Annie can be revived as long as she has one breath left.

"Get away!" Scarlett screamed hysterically, her eyes were red, and she glared at Zhao Hao: "It's all your fault. If you hadn't been a solitary eater, we wouldn't have run back and encountered that damn ghost! "

"Calm down, now is not the time to argue, I can save her!"

Zhao Haochen shouted, and the ice and snow sword suddenly came out of its sheath.

Scarlett's pupils shrank and she secretly cursed herself for looking away again. She often didn't expect that Zhao Hao would actually take action against her at this time.

Soon she knew she was wrong. Zhao Hao's knife was close to her left ear and slashed towards her back.

The knife didn't hit anything. Zhao Hao suddenly rushed behind Scarlett and struck the air several times.

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