The Path of Evolution

Chapter 113 Magic Compound Eye

Zhao Hao, who turned into a giant mantis, kept exploring the effectiveness of this transformation suit.

The opening and closing forelimbs were very interesting. With a thought in his mind, Zhao Hao immediately closed his left forelimbs to form a sickle shape. He could actually use this sickle to use the Crazy Fighting Sword Technique. When the right forelimb is brought together, it forms a pointed cone, which looks like a drill bit.

Zhao Hao tried it against the wall. The sharpness of the cone was staggering, and a hole was quickly carved out.

He then separated his forelimbs to form two transparent claws. This should be a mutation that occurred after the evolution of the mantis. The two claws are extremely sharp and can easily remove the heart from the human body.

Zhao Hao conducted another experiment on the mountain wall, and found several scratches on the mountain wall, as if they had been scratched by iron hooks.

"Let me strangle it, these claws are a bit like the Nine Yin White Bone Claws!"

Zhao Hao was very excited and took out the ice and snow sword and tried it.

After this try, a problem arose.

The Night Walker's own stealth talent is still different from the legendary invisibility. As Scarlett said, it is more like a chameleon integrating with the environment. To put it simply, the Night Walker himself can hide his form, but the weapons in his hands cannot.

If there are bystanders watching at this moment, they will see a knife waving in mid-air, but not the person wielding the knife.

"This won't work. I'll be exposed as soon as I use the weapon. Experienced people can easily judge the position of my body based on the trajectory of the ice and snow sword. It seems that this transformed suit is suitable for unarmed combat."

Zhao Hao put the sword back into the storage space and suddenly noticed a more interesting phenomenon.

After the transformation, he took the lighting crystal back into the storage ring, but could see everything nearby clearly. There is no doubt that the Night Walker lives up to his name and possesses a kind of night vision ability, which is of great use in the mine where you can't see anything.

What's even more bizarre is that Zhao Hao saw some strange sights.

Including the dust jumping in the air when he walked around, there was a pattern.

Many people have had this experience. When the sun shines in from the window, you can see countless small particles jumping in the air. And in this place without light, Zhao Hao also saw dust.

This ability comes from the pair of eyes of the Night Walker - the compound eyes!

Compound eyes are eyes unique to some arthropods such as insects and crustaceans. It is composed of many ommatidia, each of which has structures such as cornea, crystal vertebrae, pigment cells, retinal cells, and rods. It is an independent photosensitive unit. The axons extend backward from the retinal cells, pass through the basement membrane and merge into the optic nerve, and the image points formed by many small eyes are combined into one image.

Even when the light is weak, the pigment cells shrink, and the light that passes through each ommatidium of the compound eye, in addition to the direct light reaching the rod, can also enter other ommatidia through refraction, causing the rods in each nearby ommatidium to You can feel the light refracted by several adjacent ommatidia. In this way, objects can be imaged in places with weak light.

As a former advanced mutant creature, the giant mantis's compound eyes have evolved twice, and are different from the compound eyes of ordinary insects, or in other words, much more powerful than the eyes of ordinary insects.

Through this pair of compound eyes, Zhao Hao saw the trajectory of nearby objects.

The common mantis is known as the mysterious assassin in nature. It often hides in the grass, holding two "big knives" in front of its chest. When it sees an insect, it will wave the big knife. The poor little insect got into the belly of the mantis before he could see the murderer clearly. The mantis's amazing ability to hunt prey is mainly due to its eyes.

According to scientists' research, when the small flying insect moves rapidly, its image moves rapidly in the compound eyes of the mantis, from one ommatidium to another. Some small eyes see flying insects first, and some small eyes see flying insects later. They continuously send the received image signals to the brain, so the brain receives the radio waves sent by the ommatidia first and then later.

The movement of the bugs seen through the mantis glasses is not continuous, but composed of single shots, just like the fragments of a movie film. Therefore, the mantis can not only see the bug clearly, but also feel the speed of the bug's flight. Scientists believe that this eye is a superb speedometer that can accurately calculate the flying speed of the bug.

The neck of a mantis is also very strange, made up of many fibers. As the mantis's eyes follow the flying insect, its head moves accordingly. When the head is turned to the right, the fibers on the right side are bent and the fibers on the left side are straightened. The bottom of the fiber is connected to the nerve cells, and their movement can stimulate the nerve cells, causing the nerve cells to generate electrical signals and send the electrical signals to the brain, so that the angle of head rotation can be known.

Based on joint reports from its eyes and neck, the mantis' brain can detect the bug's flight speed and angle. When a mantis catches flying insects, it always aims directly in front of the insect and can catch the small flying insect in less than five hundredths of a second!

Through this pair of compound eyes, Zhao Hao found that he had a function similar to "fast forward and pause" when looking at things. Through the image composed of thousands of small eyes, he could clearly analyze the trajectory of the target.

After understanding the function of the compound eyes, Zhao Hao was frightened for a while. If it weren't for the dual perception effects of the Nine Heavens and the Chaos Sutra, he wouldn't be able to deal with the giant mantis, and he wouldn't be able to save Xiaoxia and Scarlett when the mantis attacks.

"Abao, try taking a few steps."

He summoned the red panda, and this time Abao cooperated very well, jumping around a few times.

Zhao Hao used his compound eyes to see that Abao immediately moved in slow motion. From the first time it jumped, to the half-meter jump, and finally to the ground, its trajectory was divided into thousands of different slowed-down images. It's like a slideshow composed of a lot of pictures. In other words, this red panda, which jumps very fast in the eyes of humans, seems to be standing still in Zhao Hao's eyes. He has a hundred ways to knock down the target instantly!

"Awesome, my brother!"

Zhao Hao was extremely shocked. With this kind of compound eyes, he felt like he could dodge bullets!

The Night Walker's combat effectiveness and appearance are not as good as those of the Blood Demon Sword Demon, and it does not have its own blood-drinking demon sword and killing swordsmanship, nor does it have the ability to evolve. However, the stealth function and visual ability of this advanced mutant suit are unmatched by the Blood Demon Sword Demon.

More importantly, with the help of the magical effect of compound eyes, Zhao Hao has a completely new understanding of the trajectory of various objects. If this line of thinking continues, one day, his body will most likely have the ability to predict in advance, and he will be able to make judgments in advance the moment his opponent makes a move.

In short, this ability is a common folk saying: when your butt is raised, the uncle will know that you are going to poop and pee!

"Will this kind of concealment ability be weakened in broad daylight? Just go outside and try it. If you can become invisible, I will run out of the Valley of Flames! Well, Xiaoxia and the others are still trapped in the cave, will it be okay if I run away alone? Would that be too unfaithful? No matter, let’s go outside the mine and try the effect first!”

Zhao Hao made up his mind and ran towards the entrance of Mine No. 3.

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