The Path of Evolution

Chapter 118 The Amazing Mystery

"Sergeant 633, please listen. In view of your outstanding performance in this special mission, I will grant you the rank of captain as an exception!"

That general was very upright and allowed 633 to win several levels in a row.

As the commander-in-chief of this force, he has the power to appoint and dismiss various legions.

This appeasing title was undoubtedly wise, and 633 secretly breathed a sigh of relief. What he was most worried about was that he would be hated by the officers. Before the guerrillas could attack, his own people would start fighting among themselves.

The general was obviously aware of this risk and made a decision in advance: "From today on, our unit will set up a sharp knife company, with you as the company commander, and the fifty-eight rare evolvers inside, all at your disposal!"

633 was flattered. He originally thought that the superiors would give him a false title to comfort him, but he didn't expect that he suddenly became a powerful person. Once all the rare-level soldiers are under his control, his company will surely become the most powerful elite of the Sun Dog Legion.

"Captain, you shoulder a great mission. The future destiny of our country is in your hands." The general said with seriousness and earnestness, and it seemed as if he had put all his money on 633.

633 is confused. What does he have to do with the future destiny of the country?

The lurking Zhao Ritian was also filled with questions. He looked at 633 carefully and wondered, how could this soldier become the man who "controls the future destiny of the country"?

"Captain, your authority was too low before and you didn't know many things. Now I grant you high authority. You can ask all the questions in your mind. Dr. A and I will answer all your questions." The general added, surprisingly to 633 of respect.

633 was not polite, and asked all the questions in his heart: "General, I have never understood why we wanted to kill people in the Valley of Flames, and why we let those who surrendered know that they were all from Earth. People become miners?”

"Because the evolvers in this place are mainly Chinese." The general said confidently.

Zhao Hao, who was eavesdropping in the dark, almost jumped up. He wanted to kill people on the spot. What does it mean that the majority of Chinese people should be killed? What the hell does this mean?

633 also did not understand the general's logic and asked: "Why are the Chinese massacred? And there are many European and American humans here, including our compatriots from the motherland."

"Captain, this is a war, and sacrifices are inevitable." The general muttered: "In your opinion, which countries pose the greatest threat to our country?"

"Russia and China." 633 said, but felt something was wrong: "But the two countries have not declared war. Our main task is to explore various intelligence on the evolutionary world. What does it have to do with China? Does this count as our initiative? Started a war?"

"Captain, you know too little." The general sighed, and then said: "Doctor, you are very eloquent, please explain the situation in detail to Captain 633."

Dr. A, who was drinking instant coffee, finally spoke: "Captain, do you remember the day we came to the evolutionary world?"

"April 4, 2014." 633 remembered it clearly.

"Then do you know what happened on April 1, 2014, that damn April Fool's Day?" The doctor has the potential to be a joker, and he always speaks with a sense of appetite.

"At that time, I was undergoing closed training. According to regulations, I was not allowed to use phone calls, emails, social networks, or contact with the outside world. I didn't know what happened." 633 said truthfully.

The doctor's expression suddenly became very tragic, giving people a sense of deep shock, and there was a sense of resentment in his courage: "On that day, someone successfully returned to Earth from the evolutionary world!"

633 was shocked when he heard this: "Really?"

"That man's name is Cang Long, and he is a legendary figure in the Chinese martial arts world." The doctor became more and more angry as he spoke: "That damn yellow-skinned monkey, he not only returned to the earth, but also opened up the teleportation array connecting the two worlds! "

633 was immediately dumbfounded: "Then why don't we teleport back?"

"That kind of teleportation array has a very strange limitation. It is located in a place called [Zhongzhou]. It is said that there is an ancient city there that can accommodate tens of millions of people. There is a teleportation array in the city that is exactly the same as the colorful light pillar on the earth. .Chinese people who enter the Zhongzhou teleportation array can be teleported to China!" The doctor explained.

"Where is Zhongzhou?" 633 asked.

"I don't know. According to the analysis of the expert team, the evolutionary world is divided into several major parts like the earth. Zhongzhou should be located in a prosperous place. That ancient city, just like New York, is the center of the world. There were many humans who were teleported there. Tens of millions." When the doctor said this, he said with some helplessness: "The Valley of Flames where we are currently is probably located in another remote and backward territory, equivalent to some tribes in Africa."

633 said: "Is this information collected by spies lurking in China? Is it reliable?"

The doctor smiled bitterly: "There is no need to collect spies. On April Fool's Day, millions of Chinese teleported back from the ancient city of Zhongzhou, which shocked the entire country of China. There were so many people teleported back that the top Chinese officials could not block the news. It spread on the Internet. Various rumors about the evolutionary world have already shocked the world!"

Before 633 could react, the doctor added: "What's even more frightening is that when those Chinese who returned from Zhongzhou entered the evolutionary world again, they were no longer randomly teleported, but directly teleported to the ancient city of Zhongzhou! They were able to travel to the ancient city of Zhongzhou! You can travel freely with Zhongzhou and have a way out, I think you know what this means!"

633 thought thoughtfully: "Is this like in the online game World of Warcraft, where you can directional teleport by binding the hearthstone in one place?"

"You can understand it this way." The doctor said: "Please think carefully about the deeper things. In less than a year and a half, China found a way to connect the two worlds. They were able to use Zhongzhou as their base to conduct Massive expansion. Damn it, that country has a population of 1.3 billion. If all of them became evolved, do you know how terrifying that would be?"

"Are you saying that China is very likely to occupy the entire evolutionary world in a few years?" 633 sweatdropped on his forehead.

"It's not just that. China is currently leading the world in its exploration and research of the evolutionary world. As long as they are given time to develop, this country may become the hegemon of both worlds. Do you want to see such a thing? Will it happen?" The doctor said as if the sky was falling.

633 was silent, lowering his head to digest a large amount of information.

Zhao Hao, who was holding his breath in the dark, was also receiving this amazing amount of information. His mind was buzzing, and a voice echoed repeatedly in his heart: Someone has successfully returned to the country?

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