The Path of Evolution

Chapter 12 Robbery on the Road

"Refining advanced primitive crystals and obtaining 3 points of primitive genes."

"Eat the flesh and blood of advanced primitive creatures and gain 3 points of primitive genes."

Evolver: Zhao Hao.

Original Gene: 40!

Combat power: 40!

Shouyuan: 72!

Combat skills: Crazy fighting swordsmanship, D-level combat skills, current evolution energy 133/1000! It comes with the stunt [Wild Dash], which instantly sprints in front of the target and delivers a fatal blow. The stunt power enjoys a combat power bonus, and the effect is doubled when combined with a high-speed mount. The cooldown time is 60 minutes.

Evolution: E level!

On a sunny morning, Zhao Hao checked the progress and felt that his life was finally improving.

His combat power finally broke through the 40 mark.

Now he uses the Savage Blade to make a wild dash, which is so powerful that even he is afraid of it.

"Brother, why are you so stupid?"

Zhao Hao put the black knife on his shoulder and stood in the hunting wind, with a face as lonely as snow.

In the days that followed, he devoted all his energy to practicing the Mad Fighting Sword Technique.

The black wild boar weighed seven to eight hundred kilograms, enough for him and Hei Shuai to eat for a long time.

Just as his "high-end mathematics" calculated, eating high-level primitive creatures and using the surging blood to practice sword skills can increase the energy of combat skill evolution by 3 points each time. He can practice sword practice three times after eating one meal, and the 9 points of added evolutionary energy are very impressive.

Maintaining the rule of eating five meals a day, he increased his combat skill evolution energy by an average of 45 points a day.

Ten days later, the black wild boar was completely eaten, even the bones were gnawed away by Dahei.

Seeing that the evolutionary energy reached 580/1000, Zhao Hao felt more and more that his future was not a dream.

The only fly in the ointment is that he hasn't encountered any wild beasts in the past ten days, so he can't show off his domineering sword skills.

"Hei Shuai, let's go ahead and let's take the initiative!"

Zhao Hao picked up his increasingly empty hiking bag and walked towards the spring pool.

There must be wild beasts in that place, and as long as he doesn't encounter a terrifying creature of the White Deer's caliber, he has the confidence to fight.

After walking one kilometer along the mountain spring, Zhao Hao met an old friend again.

To be precise, I encountered an "old beast".

The two male lions were drinking water. When they noticed Zhao Hao passing by, they roared and pounced on him.

"Heishai, you block their retreat, and I will lead the charge!"

Zhao Hao threw down his hiking bag, put on a posture of "I am MT", and charged forward menacingly.

The second-evolved big black dog is even smarter, almost cunning, and cunningly blocks the lion's escape direction.

Although facing two male lions, Zhao Hao was like a hungry tiger attacking a sheep.

He raised the knife and dropped it, and a lion was split into two pieces.

The mad fighting sword skills became more and more proficient and domineering. He seemed to have eyes on his back as he killed another lion with one backhand sword.

The battle only lasted a few seconds, and Zhao Hao didn't even use wild sprint.

The intermediate primitive beast that was once invincible in his eyes has now become vulnerable.

The effect of a good weapon is very intuitively reflected.

If you use Shiba Chop, it will take some effort to deal with these two lions.

"It's shipped again. Could it be that I have saved up my character in these ten days?"

Zhao Hao looked happy when he saw the second lion explode something.

"If you get the intermediate original battle suit - the Lion Heart Necklace, do you want to soul-bind it?"


"Lion Heart Necklace: After wearing it, it will have the passive effect [Lion Heart], which can resist the pressure of high-level evolved creatures to a certain extent. This item is one of the three-piece Lion Heart Set, which includes the Lion Heart Bracelet and the Lion Heart Ring, and can be activated Suit effect.”

Zhao Hao was shocked when he hung the necklace with a small golden lion head around his neck.

The passive effect of [Lion's Heart] seems useless at first glance, but it is not. Zhao Hao had personally experienced the terrifying pressure of White Deer. At that time, his whole body was weak and he didn't even have the strength to escape.

What's even more amazing is that this thing is actually a suit. Zhao Hao has already begun to look forward to the effect of the three-piece suit.

"Hand it over!"

Following the gloomy male voice, two people ran over from upstream.

One of them was a fierce, bald man wearing a set of black leather armor.

The other person was a black guy, I don’t know if he was African or European.

Zhao Hao's surprise at meeting someone of the same kind only lasted for a second before turning into shock.

The two people in front of me had no good intentions no matter how I looked at them.

The bald man looked at Zhao Hao's sportswear and basketball shoes with contempt in his eyes. In his eyes, this young man was a complete weakling, and now he became even more rude: "Boy, hand over the necklace around your neck and the knife in your hand!"

Zhao Hao was shocked. It turned out that fellow human beings were not helping each other, but blocking the road and robbing?

He remembered a sentence in a certain book: The most unpredictable thing in the world is the human heart.

Seeing Zhao Hao's surprised look, the bald man thought that the other party was scared to death, and said arrogantly: "Unbind the soul immediately, don't force me to do it! You are also a rookie, don't think about destroying the suit when you die. In my hands, I will dig out your eyes, cut out your tongue, and break your tendons and tendons... If you don’t want to suffer, just teach them!"

Zhao Hao looked confused and said weakly: "Ani Ase, what are you talking about Smecta?"

"Bangzi?" The bald man frowned, turned his head and shouted into the distance: "Xiaoyan, Xiaoying, come here!"

Behind a towering tree, a gorgeous woman in her thirties and a thin girl of seventeen or eighteen years old walked out.

The bald man said to the girl: "Sakura, this is a stick. Please translate and ask him to hand over the thing immediately."

The girl blinked her big eyes and looked at Zhao Hao, and her voice was very clear: "Ani Ase, Cangba Lean Asa Ase... Ou Yixiba... wipe the fuck... Smecta."

What is pretending to fail?

Just looking at Zhao Ritian in front of him, he knew that he basically didn't understand the girl's Korean.

He did not use Korean to scare the other party, but was frightened by the other party's use of Korean.

Zhao Hao was speechless and asked the sky. He came out to rob and brought a translator with him. Is it so awesome?

"Bald bald man, you are really getting better and better. How can Bangzi wear Li-Ning sportswear?" The gorgeous woman gave the bald man a white look, then looked at Zhao Hao with great interest, and said in a rather teasing voice: "Little brother, You are very smart. Tell me, sister, what is your name and how long have you been in the evolutionary world?"

The two sets of sportswear Bi Dejin left behind were both branded Li Ning, which exposed everything.

The ten chapters of the protagonist's stand-alone game are officially online, and the background map of the evolutionary world will gradually be revealed to readers...PS, has anyone discovered the easter egg in the girl's Korean language? Read it three times and you will be surprised.

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