The Path of Evolution

Chapter 120 Shadow Ninja

To be honest, Zhao Hao's first impression of 633 was not bad. He felt that he was a soldier with a sense of justice.

Unfortunately, this soldier belongs to another camp.

In order to give 633 space to develop and level up, the general also wants to eliminate threatening Chinese. Since Rigou's army wanted to strangle the Chinese evolvers in their infancy, Zhao Ritian didn't mind a counter- stranglehold.

As 633 just said, there is no right or wrong in some things, only positions.

He strikes quickly and secretly.

633, which had just evolved to the mutation level, failed to react at all.

Zhao Hao succeeded with one blow and immediately rushed towards the general.

With the help of his compound eyes, the general drew his gun extremely slowly. Zhao Hao's left forelimb formed a sharp cone and turned into a stream of light, instantly piercing the general's throat, so that the general did not even have time to scream. There was a hissing sound.

The two deceased who fell to the ground were protected by Zhao Hao and placed gently on the ground without making any sound of falling.

And Dr. A is very much in line with the characteristics of an intellectual. He is invincible on paper but has zero practical experience. He was stunned on the spot, and just when he was about to cry out for help, an invisible claw covered his mouth.

"If you want to be like them, just call and try."

Hearing this voice that resembled the villain of an American TV series, the doctor was speechless.

He still hasn't seen the assassin, and can't tell whether he is a human or a ghost.

Fear usually comes from the unknown.

"I'll ask you a few questions. If your answers satisfy me, I'll let you live."

Hearing the sudden voice, the doctor quickly nodded in agreement.

Zhao Hao let go of the other party. He made a choice before taking action. Soldiers like the general and 633 were unlikely to be able to ask for useful information even if they were captured alive. On the other hand, this eloquent doctor doesn't look so tough, and he might have some unexpected surprises.

The claw covering his mouth disappeared. Before the doctor could be happy, his neck suddenly felt cold, as if an invisible sharp blade was placed on his neck. Then he heard the assassin's question: "Where is the armory? "

The doctor has also studied some torture-related topics. Usually the first question is of a testing nature. If he talks nonsense, the other party will not give him a chance to answer the second question, so he said: "Go out of this conference room to the left." At the corner, there is a house made of red rocks, and that is the armory."

"Zhongzhou, which direction is it in the Valley of Flames?"

"I don't know, oh no, please listen to me." Feeling the invisible sharp blade cut into the flesh, the doctor panicked: "Zhongzhou is also the place we want to find. It is probably another piece of land, like Lieyan. The valley is separated by one or several Pacific Oceans, and our expert team is currently unable to confirm the exact location of Zhongzhou.”

The invisible killer was silent for a few seconds, and then asked: "Is there that kind of mysterious ancient city around the Valley of Flames?"

"I don't know either... No, Your Excellency, please listen to me. Our original plan was to use the Valley of Flames as a base to search for the whereabouts of the mysterious ancient city. However, we encountered huge difficulties in the actual implementation. As soon as our weapons came out of the flames The valley could not be used, and the two teams sent out to explore the road suffered heavy casualties."

The doctor said extremely bitterly: "I swear, everything I said is true. What we know about the Endless Forest and the Ice and Snow Fortress comes from the confessions of Zhou Xian and those prisoners. In fact, our soldiers have never been to these two places." A place.”

"What is your purpose of collecting flame crystals?"

"To make huge profits." The doctor's answer was surprising.

"You're lying!" Night Walker's front paws formed into sharp cones, leaving a bloodstain on the doctor's neck, and he said murderously: "As far as I know, your so-called expert group wants to use flame crystals as energy to make secret weapons. "

"Oh, no, this is all rumors spread by the miners! We didn't explain much, just to deter the miners." The doctor almost cried: "The magnetic field in the Valley of Flames is very strange, and various electronic equipment malfunctions. Our The research project encountered all kinds of problems and made it almost impossible to carry out the work.”

"Go on!"

"We learned from Zhou Xian that flame crystals can be sold at high prices in places such as the Endless Forest, Ice and Snow Castle, and Bloody Grasslands. It just so happened that dozens of rare evolvers appeared within us, and the evolutionary crystals we had snatched from the captives had already The general made ends meet. The general formulated a development plan to collect flame crystals in large quantities. When the sharp knife company of 633 grows up, he will send them to disguise themselves as ordinary evolvers and go to the Endless Forest and Ice and Snow Castle to exchange for evolutionary crystals. As long as this transaction is successful, in exchange for The crystallization is enough to support the expenses of the entire army in the next one or two years." The doctor said bravely.

"Which country does your army come from?"


"Exactly which department it belongs to, please make it clear."

"Sorry, I don't have that authority. I only know that this is an advance force, led by a major general. According to my estimate, there are more than ten of the same advance force. They should have been teleported to other places."

"The previous advance team did not exceed twenty people. Why did a large force like yours suddenly be sent out?"

"This is all caused by the [Canglong Effect]." The doctor said with a bitter smile.

"What is the Soryu effect?"

"In the past, the world within the Seven-Colored Light Pillar was unknown. Most people thought that entering the Seven-Colored Light Pillar would lead to death. The Canglong successfully returned and brought information that shocked the world. The evolutionary world has endless resources and can also enable people to evolve. You can imagine how people all over the world felt after hearing this news."

The doctor sounded a little excited, and then said: "If it weren't for the Canglong effect, I would never have ventured to the evolutionary world. At the same time, China connects the two worlds, which has brought huge pressure to various countries. In the past, various countries sent small-scale The death squads were used as cannon fodder. Since Cang Long returned, various countries have sent a large number of troops, and they also want to open a transmission channel."

"Wishful thinking!" The invisible assassin suddenly spoke loudly, with an inexplicable sense of superiority: "Listen carefully, the ultimate master of the evolutionary world is our country! There are ten thousand 'shadow ninjas' like me. Eight thousand! Glory belongs to me, the Emperor of Japan, and our nation, Yamato, is invincible. You Americans should stop having such wishful thinking!"

"You established a military base in our country, and your soldiers raped our girls. We, the Shadow Ninjas, must avenge this! Bagayalu, remember my name, my name is Uzumaki Luffy! I am determined to be the Ninja King. !”

The doctor was so shocked when he heard this that he was knocked unconscious on the spot before he could digest the huge amount of information.

On a whim, Zhao Hao planted a far-reaching seed.

Even he himself did not expect that just because of his words today, a war between the American Empire and the Japanese country would be triggered.

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