The Path of Evolution

Chapter 126 One kill breaks through ten thousand

Zhao Hao turned into a giant mantis, and his two front claws merged into sharp cones, frantically striking the light curtain.

His compound eyes stayed next to Scarlett.

There was a person lying in that place, and that was Xiaoxia who had turned into a mummy.

Among the thousands of corpses within the light barrier, Xiaoxia looked so inconspicuous.

This young man, known as Xianyu Xia, was not outstanding when he was alive, and he did not make any waves when he died.

Life is like a salted fish, death is like a salted fish.

Zhao Hao felt panicked. After getting along with this cheap guy for a long time, he would have some feelings for him. He didn't have time to ask Xiao Xia's real name, and he didn't know what Xiao Xia did in China before or where she lived.

Nowadays, people are separated forever, and there are no answers to these questions.

"You hide your head and show your tail, I don't care who you are, with your little power, you will never be able to destroy my blood god shield in your lifetime!"

Zhou Xian looked at the place where the chisel sound came from and shouted coldly.

Hearing what he said, Zhao Hao became even more energetic.

At the altar with the nine-tailed fox pattern, he accidentally experienced some things. He also learned the Chaos Sutra from the ancient stone tablet and obtained the ancient beast soul. It was that experience that gave Zhao Hao a better understanding of the altar.

The blood-colored light curtain created by Zhou Xian in front of him seemed to be a way of offering sacrifices.

Zhao Hao had a hunch that if he broke this mask, he would be able to destroy the blood sacrifice, which might make Zhou Xian fall short.

The plan was beautiful, but the reality was cruel. He hammered away for five minutes, and the bloody light curtain was unbreakable.

Zhao Hao cursed in his heart, and glanced at a huge boulder outside the light barrier with his compound eyes.

At this time, Annie was hiding behind the boulder and summoned four quagoa beasts.

This was Plan B that the two had discussed in advance. If Zhao Hao couldn't open the light shield, they would let Annie and Zhao Hao's Quagoa dig a hole and dig a tunnel from the ground to rescue Scarlett and others.

The four quarry beasts dug all the way to the edge of the light curtain and suddenly let out a strange scream of terror.

The light curtain actually penetrated into the ground, and there was no chance for anyone to dig a hole in the ground.

"Annie, I know it's you, come out."

Seeing that the photomask was intact, Zhou Xian felt confident.

Anne came out from behind the boulder and looked at Scarlett worriedly.

At this time, Scarlett was going through painful suffering, with drops of blood seeping out of her pretty face just like Wen Mingfei. She still had a trace of reason and shouted: "Annie, you guys leave quickly, I bet this bastard can't get out of the mask." ! Leave quickly and avenge me later!"

Annie didn't move, her beautiful eyes flashed with determination.

Beside him, Zhao Hao also walked out.

He returned to his true appearance, wearing snow lion leather armor and holding a black sheath sword.

Seeing Zhao Ritian's handsome appearance, Scarlett and the other two were stunned for a moment. The snow lion leather armor looked like winter clothing, comparable to a cotton-padded jacket. What did Zhao Hao want to express when he wore it like this in the hot weather in the Valley of Flames?

In fact, Zhao Hao's intention was very simple. Since he decided to go to war, any appearance would be false, and life-saving was the last priority. After all, the snow lion leather armor is a mutated armor, and it can offset some damage when worn on the body.

Next, everyone saw a shocking scene.

I saw that Zhao Hao kept doing nothing, and put on a kind of combat uniform based on the artificial armor.

That battle the Snow White battle dress.

Zhao Hao has already risked his life. He will give himself a double insurance first and ignore the eyes of the world.

This time, even Zhou Xian was stunned for a moment, shocked by Zhao Ritian's look of a ladylike figure.

Zhao Hao didn't mean to talk nonsense for a long time. He directly summoned the red panda Abao and enjoyed the blessing of the halo. Then he held the scabbard with his right hand and the handle of the knife with his left hand, entering the charging state.

Scarlett's eyes lit up. As expected, Zhao Ritian was going to use the sword to strike. She had seen the power of that battle with her own eyes.

Five seconds later, a huge sword light fell from the sky and slashed down with thunderous force.

"Good sword skills!"

Xiaodao couldn't help but cheer. This was a swordsman's instinctive appreciation for another swordsman.

Zhao Hao's sword was indeed very powerful. With the blessing of the panda halo, his own combat power reached 1004 points. The power of the sword-drawing slash released by the fifth level of divine wood was increased by five times, which is equivalent to 5020 points of destructive power!

The huge sword light hit the blood-colored light shield, just like pressing a red balloon with your finger, pressing the edge of the balloon to dent, and the balloon would explode with a little more force.

Unfortunately, there was just a little bit of strength missing, so the blood-colored light curtain did not explode.

"Hahahaha, if you have any other skills, just use them!" Zhou Xian laughed crazily, feeling confident, but secretly breathing a sigh of relief. If the photomask is damaged, it will ruin his business.

"as you wish."

Zhao Haogen was so upright that he immediately assumed a posture of attacking again.

The first time he drew his sword and slashed, it was just a test.

In this trial, he saw a glimmer of hope.

He had previously used the Night Walker's compound eyes to observe that the blood-colored light shield was not flawless. To put it simply, some parts of the light curtain are extremely tough, while others are relatively fragile.

The position where Zhao Hao chopped just now is where the light curtain is relatively fragile.

Attacking the same place several times in a row may bring surprises.

The second time he drew his sword and slashed, the light curtain became even more concave and seemed to be on the verge of damage.

Murderous intent flashed in Zhou Xian's eyes. He seriously underestimated the uninvited guest. He originally thought that Zhao Hao could only use a big move like drawing a sword once in a short period of time. Unexpectedly, he used it twice in a row, and he was still jumping around after using the sword. of.

After gathering momentum for the third time, Zhao Hao held back his real ultimate move.

At the fourth second of gathering momentum, he secretly activated the violent gene lock.

The combat power suddenly increased to 2008. This time he drew his sword and struck, dealing 10040 damage.

One sword can cut through ten thousand warriors, and its power is extraordinary.


The hard bloody light curtain deflated quickly like a balloon punctured by a needle.

Scarlett and the three people inside the mask suddenly felt that all the pressure was gone, and immediately rushed out, forming a temporary alliance with Zhao Hao and Annie.

"You're looking for... wow!"

Zhou Xian was furious. Before he could finish the words "You are seeking death," he opened his mouth and spat out a ball of blood.

His magic power needed time to refine the blood full of resentment and evil spirits. This was the main reason why he deliberately delayed time to talk nonsense with Xiao Dao and the others. If Zhou Xian is allowed to perfectly absorb the energy of all the blood, then as he said, from now on he will have the power to defeat giants like Niu, Pigeon, Pigeon and Boss Lady.

It's a pity that Cheng Yaojin came out halfway, and Zhou Xian only absorbed 50% of the blood energy, and the light curtain was broken.

This blood sacrifice was forcibly interrupted by external forces, and he also suffered a backlash.

After opening his mouth to vomit blood, Zhou Xian's face was as white as a piece of paper and he looked quite weak.

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