The Path of Evolution

Chapter 141 Let me interrupt

"Zhao, are you a man? If you have the guts, don't hide. Compete with me!"

Fifty moves passed, and Red Pepper didn't even hit the corner of Zhao Hao's clothes, so he couldn't help but curse.

It can be seen that this girl is really angry and is going to do something serious.

Zhao Hao felt a little bitter in his heart, thinking, "If I try harder, I will KO you at least five times." Considering Weiwei's feelings, he was determined not to fight back, and said while dodging: "Qing'er, is that enough? After fighting for so long, have you vented your anger?"

"Enough for your sister!"

Xue Qing is one of those rare girls with a strong competitive spirit. When she heard Zhao Hao's words, she immediately felt that she was insulted, so she attacked even more ruthlessly and had to fight to the death.

The more Zhao Hao fights, the less stressed he becomes, and he gradually understands his sister-in-law's tricks.

Youdao means knowing yourself and the enemy and winning every battle. If you understand your opponent's moves and routines, you will be able to deal with them more easily.

Suddenly, a chill ran down Zhao Hao's spine, and the cold hairs all over his body stood up like bristles.

"Hell Blood Red Lotus!"

Hearing Xue Qing's sweet shout, several red lotuses suddenly bloomed in the air.

When we first dealt with the ghost boss, there were seven burning red lotus flowers in total.

This kind of gene lock ability that can advance, attack, retreat and defend is actually a rare type that can be advanced. The red lotuses blooming in front of me turned into nine. Not only were they more in number than before, but the power of the red lotuses was also much greater than before.

Red lotus has several mysterious sayings in Buddhism. One theory is that it is one of the eight cold hells. Because those born in this hell are severely cold, their bodies turn red and their skin is cracked by freezing, so it is called the Red Lotus Hell. Another theory is that it is one of the extremely hot hells, and the hells inside are all red, like the color of red lotus flowers, so they are called it.

The nine red lotuses in front of him looked like they were summoned from hell, carrying the aura of death.

What's even more amazing is that in the center of the burning fire lotus, there is a bone-deep chill.

The cathode is yang and the yang is yin. When the flame reaches an extreme, it may turn into ice. The nine red lotuses in the sky verify this statement, as if they can freeze people and then burn them to ashes.

Zhao Hao's pressure doubled and he used all his strength to avoid the nine red lotuses. However, those red lotuses seemed to have eyes, and they continued to fly over like tracking missiles. Zhao Hao continued to disguise himself, and was still unable to escape the pursuit of the red lotuses.

Damn, it’s so much fun now!

Zhao Hao had a death wish when he met his sister-in-law who was full of firepower. The Blood Demon Sword Demon is still evolving. Snow White's battle dress was given to Weiwei. Zhao Hao currently has nothing to protect himself and cannot withstand the onslaught of the Nine Red Lotuses.

Suddenly, the surrounding air seemed to freeze, and a layer of ice mist appeared.

That layer of ice mist seemed to have eyes, instantly covering the nine red lotuses.

The menacing flaming red lotus suddenly died down, just like nine red-hot iron balls thrown into the ice water, making a popping sound, a burst of white smoke appeared, and it was extinguished in the blink of an eye.

Ice and fire have been incompatible since ancient times. At this moment, the ice energy restrained the fire energy.

Red Pepper stopped attacking and looked at her sister silently, feeling a deeply shocked sense of deja vu. Growing up, her sister had been better than her in every aspect. After coming to the evolutionary world, she thought she had finally surpassed her sister. But as soon as Xuewei took action, Xue Qing knew that she was completely defeated.

Xuewei regained her composure at this time. No one in the world knew her twin sister better than her. She went straight to the point when she opened her mouth: "Qing'er, what should I do before you are willing to forgive me?"

"You've done everything, is it useful to say this?" Xue Qing snorted coldly, showing a mocking look.

"I ask myself, I never thought of hurting you. I have restrained myself over the years and tried not to cause you any trouble. What else do you want from me?" Xuewei's expression was helpless, which made people feel distressed. She and her sister wore the same clothes when they were young, and they looked like the same person. This kind of blood relationship, which is thicker than water, cannot be given up easily.

"Don't talk about yourself being so great. I told you not to be with Zhao back then. Have you considered my feelings? In the end, didn't you still hook up with him?" Red Pepper said with a cold face.

Zhao Hao couldn't listen anymore and interrupted: "Sister-in-law, let me interrupt, your logic is very unscientific! Weiwei and I are in love, it's not illegal for us to be together, and even your parents don't object, why do you want to Beating a mandarin duck with a stick?"

"Go away, it's none of your business!" Red Pepper was furious on the spot. She always felt that the phrase "Sister-in-law, let me interrupt" seemed to have another layer of fearful meaning. She said angrily: "Xuewei , you want me to forgive you, right? No problem, as long as this person named Zhao dies, we will still be good sisters from now on!"

"Qing'er, you've gone too far!" Weiwei was rarely angry.

"It was you who asked me to put forward conditions. I put forward the conditions. You can make your own choice." Red Pepper started the unreasonable and savage mode.

Xuewei was about to speak when she suddenly saw Zhao Hao blinking at her.

"Ahem..." Zhao Hao moistened his throat and said with a generous look: "Qing'er, let's confirm your conditions first. If I die once, you will forget about it?"

"Nonsense, is it possible that you can die twice?" Xue Qing doubted Zhao Ritian's IQ.

Zhao Hao took a deep breath and said resolutely: "Okay, I respect you as a man... No, I believe you are a hero among women who keep your word. If I die once, I hope you will not break your promise."

"Stop talking nonsense, show me if you have the guts to die now!" Red Pepper said impatiently.

"Okay, then I'm going to die!"

Zhao Hao shocked the world. He suddenly exerted force with one hand and slammed it on his Tianling Cap.

With a muffled groan, he fell to the ground and lost his breath.

Xue Qing was dumbfounded. It was impossible for a normal person to accept her unreasonable conditions. Who knew that Zhao Ritian was not normal at all, and he would die when he said so, without any ambiguity.


Weiwei let out a scream and knelt down in front of Zhao Hao, finding that he had no breathing and no heartbeat.

She hadn't realized what Zhao Hao meant by blinking before, and she didn't react for a moment, thinking that this guy was really dead. She was immediately overcome with grief, tears burst into her eyes, and she burst into tears.

Red Pepper was dumbfounded again and strongly suspected that the young couple were acting, so he also walked over to investigate the situation. At this time, Zhao Hao was not breathing, had no heartbeat, and even his body temperature had dropped. He looked like a dead person.

"This guy died so happily?" Xue Qing was a little panicked. When she looked up and saw her sister's painful eyes that were about to ooze blood, Red Pepper became even more panicked: "Sister, I didn't mean it. How could I have known he really dared to die? ! I...this...what is this? How can anyone die just because they want to? Do you think there is something wrong with his brain?"

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