The Path of Evolution

Chapter 149 Head Auction

"Make a price?"

Many people present were confused and did not quite understand what Zhao Ritian meant.

"As you said, they have storage items on them, and they are very rich in oil and water. You can take them back and get the storage uniforms out, and you will make a lot of money." Zhao Hao, looking like a performer in the world, gushed. : "I told you, I'm in a hurry, otherwise I will interrogate them myself. There are a total of seven storage spaces on these six people. I think everyone knows how much they are worth."

Only then did everyone understand that Zhao Ritian wanted to auction the six giants of the Black Dragon Society as goods.

This kind of trading with human heads as auction items is unheard of. This old man is really unconventional.

"In addition to the things in the storage space, don't ignore another important point. I think many of my friends here have a grudge against the Black Dragon. Have any of your relatives or friends been bullied by the six giants of the Black Dragon? Have you ever felt that there is no hope of revenge? Sadness?" Zhao Hao became more and more sensational: "Now, your opportunity has come. Every injustice has its owner and its debtor has its owner. Buy these six people back and kill or hack them as you please!"

"Well said, how much does it cost? I want to buy Donkey Kong!"

"I want to buy the Three Diamonds, he killed my brother!"

"I bought the Four Diamonds, but my sister was raped and then killed by this beast!"

"How much does that foreigner Thompson cost?"

Someone in the room immediately became excited and eager to give it a try.

As Zhao Hao said, some of their relatives and friends were insulted by the Black Dragon Society, but they had no strength to take revenge, and they were holding back their breath. Now the opportunity has come. They can easily defeat the Big Six to avenge their relatives and friends, and they can also be tortured to force out the space warfare pretense. It is simply killing two birds with one stone.

"Don't worry, everyone, come one by one." Zhao Ritian entered the state and held the audience alone: ​​"Let's start with this foreigner. The base price is one thousand primary rare crystals, which is equivalent to the price of a small storage battle suit. Friends who are interested can Start bidding!”

"That's fair, I'll pay you one thousand and one!"

"I'll pay you a thousand and two!"

"No one can argue with me. That foreign devil like Thompson killed several of my teammates when he was in the Crazy Legion. Today I finally got a chance. I'll pay you a thousand and three!"

There are many leaders of various small and medium-sized forces present. The Endless Forest is indeed a place known as paradise. It is not a big problem for these forces of several hundred people to collect more than a thousand rare crystals. Two or three crystals for each person is enough.

In the end, the dying Thompson sold the price for 1,500 junior rare crystals.

The force that bought Thomson thought that Zhao Ritian's binding technique was not safe enough, so he took out an iron chain and tied the foreigner up three layers inside and three outside. Then a group of people carried Thompson away.

Next, the four King Kongs were photographed one after another.

The five giants of the Black Dragon Society have sold a total of 10,000 primary rare crystals!

Zhao Hao made a fortune and pointed at Liu Heilong who was foaming at the mouth and said: "Everyone said that this man has two space battle suits. As the president of the Black Dragon Association, he is naturally richer. The base price is two thousand five hundred and rare. Crystal, the one with the highest price will get it.”

"Two thousand six!"

In the crowd, a middle-aged man smiled.

He had been waiting for this moment, and there was no organization present that could produce three thousand rare crystals. Everyone with a bit of wealth has quoted a price before, and now almost no one can compete with him.

Unexpectedly, the plan failed to catch up with the change, and a voice that was so obscenely loud sounded: "Three thousand."

I saw a wretched man walking out of the neutral ground. He was the shopkeeper of Evolution Zhai - Lao Miao!

After the quotation, Lao Miao said hello with a smile, and then smiled at Zhao Hao and said: "Little brother, you said the one with the highest price will get it, I should also be able to participate in the quotation, right?"

"Okay, I've put my words out there and anyone can quote."

Zhao Hao spoke proudly, but his heart ached a little.

In his impression, Lao Miao is definitely a man who has no profit and cannot afford to be early. This guy has always been invincible. At this moment, Lao Miao came out to bid regardless of his identity, which only explained one thing: Liu Heilong probably had a mysterious treasure hidden in his body!

There was no way, Zhao Hao was not good at extracting confessions, and Qin Sheng was far away in Ice and Snow Castle, otherwise he would have used Yong Ye to pull away and plunder. Moreover, Zhao Hao also had his own little calculation. Those who were defeated by the lion's roar were likely to become idiots. Even if they used the top ten tortures of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, they might not be able to force them into battle attire. This was the main reason why he held an auction... …

As soon as Lao Miao appeared, the middle-aged man who quoted the price immediately became scared.

Everyone knows that the Neutral Land controls huge wealth, and bidding with Lao Miao is asking for abuse and humiliation.

"four thousand!"

Suddenly, a cheerful male voice came.

The crowd made way for a passage, and a group of people and horses came quickly on horseback. There were exactly ten people in this team, all of them had mounts, and they looked very impressive. The two leaders were clearly Wang Xiaolong and Xie Ke.

Zhao Hao recognized him at a glance, but Wang Xie didn't recognize him. They had only seen the white-haired sword demon.

"Captain Wang, it's a coincidence that you're here." Lao Miao's words were thorny.

"We encountered some troubles on the way, which made everyone laugh." Wang Xiaolong, who was promoted to the mutant level, had a big boss aura and said loudly: "On the way here, Wang met a friend from the White Tiger Gang carrying a tied-up Thompson. Then, I learned that there was a young hero who single-handedly defeated eight hundred elite members of the Black Dragon Society, and I came here specifically to see this master’s style.”

This flattery made a certain "young hero" feel a little elated.

"Captain Wang, now is not the time to make friends. This young hero said that the one with the highest price will get it." Lao Miao pointed at Zhao Hao and then quoted: "I will offer five thousand rare crystals."

"I'll pay six thousand!" Wang Xiaolong seemed to be determined to win Liu Heilong.

"Seven thousand!" Lao Miao's price of one thousand was too high.

"Eight thousand!" Wang Xiaolong was also unambiguous, showing that he was not short of money.

Zhao Hao became a bystander instead, feeling very emotional.

When he first met Wang Xiaolong, he was still a rare evolver and was brutally killed by the Ghost Head Gang. Now, Wang Xiaolong has changed his mind and offered eight thousand rare crystals without even blinking, which shows his wealth.

This situation just proves the old saying: after three days of separation, people should look at each other with new eyes.

It's a pity that the eighth aunt didn't understand this truth, and she still had too many questions before she died.

"Eight thousand and five thousand!" Lao Miao's quote was a little gentler.

"Nine thousand!" Wang Xiaolong also became a little gentler.

"Ten thousand!" Lao Miao suddenly hit him hard again.

Thousands of people onlookers were stunned. A half-dead Liu Heilong was worth 10,000 rare crystals, which was really astonishing.

Interested people speculated that Liu Heilong had a valuable treasure hidden in his body.

"Fifteen thousand!"

Wang Xiaolong was even more ruthless and suddenly raised the price by 5,000.

Zhao Hao's heart was pounding, and he secretly wondered what there was in Liu Heilong's body that was worthy of the two of them bidding so hard.

When a ruthless character meets another ruthless character, sparks definitely fly.

"Twenty thousand!"

Lao Miao also went all out and raised the price by 5,000 rare crystals.

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