The Path of Evolution

Chapter 155 The little panda listening to the corner

At the gate of the lakeside villa, a petite but chubby panda lay there sleeping soundly.

Zhao Hao instilled "pet self-cultivation" into Abao and carefully explained "the obligations of a goalkeeper". Regardless of whether the red panda understood it or not, Zhao Ritian made him a guard pet.

Po, who has a tsundere in his heart, is not tsundere this time and happily accepts the mission.

Because Zhao Hao fed it a lot of mutant crystals.

To a certain extent, Po can be regarded as the most luxurious pet in the evolutionary world. He ate 168 primary mutation crystals in one meal. You read that right, one hundred and sixty-eight. Zhao Hao only has 32 of the 200 mutant crystals he exchanged from Lao Miao.

The wealth this pet eats can make countless rare evolutionaries envious and jealous.

It can be seen that Zhao Hao is also very hard-working, and he is almost willing to sell everything for the evolution of this pet. He and Weiwei agreed that Abao's ancient halo was too useful. Especially when attacking the mysterious ancient city in the future, it can increase the combat power of the entire team, and the benefits it brings cannot be calculated in detail.

Zhao Hao is self-aware that the "returning team" he formed does not have the background of a super warrior like Cang Long, and there may be a gap in overall strength. However, he was also sure that Canglong did not have an ancient halo pet as awesome as Abao. From this perspective, Abao makes up for the inherent shortcomings of the entire team to a large extent.

At dusk, Po, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly opened his panda eyes.

Occasionally, an extremely smart light flashed through its seemingly innocent and cute eyes.

Especially in the depths of his eyes, there is a light of wisdom shining from time to time.

It lay lazily at the door, looking at the small island in the middle of the lake in the distance.

If you take a close-up shot at this time, it is not difficult to find that Abao is staring straight at the strange tree on the island, and showing a thoughtful expression. This kind of eyes and expressions usually only appear in anthropomorphic cartoons, but they appear vividly on a panda.

Gradually, Po's ears pricked up.

If Zhao Hao saw the red panda's eyes at this moment, he would be shocked.

There was a bit of vulgarity in its eyes, and there was an inexplicable ripple in it.

Then, it moved and quietly approached the master bedroom in the villa - where Zhao Hao and Xuewei lived.

According to professional analysis, the panda is not a cat. Its species has been an issue that has been debated for many years. Currently, it is generally accepted internationally that it is classified as the Ursidae and the Giant Panda subfamily.

At this moment, Abao showed off a dance move that was cooler than that of a cat. Its fat body twisted, its movements were lighter than that of a civet cat, and it walked silently, quickly approaching the master bedroom.

Then, people all over the world were shocked.

I saw that Abao's movements were almost the same as those of humans, and he picked up a wooden cup specially made in the village.

It didn't hold the wooden cup to drink water, but fastened the rim of the wooden cup to the bedroom wall.

Then, it pressed its right ear against the bottom of the wooden cup, as if listening to something.

Its eyes became more and more dazzling, and its face quietly bloomed with an extremely human and obscene smile.

This behavior is called listening to the corner, and northerners commonly call it listening to the root of the wall.

A human who likes to listen to the wall is often despised by everyone. At this moment, a red panda did such a thing, how can people be embarrassed?


A cold drink containing murderous intent suddenly came from the bedroom, and it was Zhao Hao's voice.

With a clang, the cup in Po's front paw fell to the ground.

The wisdom it possesses also gives it a guilty conscience.

After being stunned for a second, Abao suddenly fell to the ground and rolled over happily.

At this time, the bedroom door opened, and Zhao Hao immediately put on his combat uniform and walked out.

Seeing the red panda rolling around in the living room, making "baaaaaah" sounds from its mouth and acting cute all the time, the guard in Zhao Hao's eyes faded away, and he naturally came up with the following reasoning: When A Bao wakes up, he will be like most naughty ones. Like a pet, it can't stop wreaking havoc in the living room, knocking over all the cups on the coffee table...

This reasoning was in line with human nature, but Zhao Hao felt that something was wrong. The dual effects of the Nine Heavens and the Chaos Sutra gave him a magical sense of perception. He always felt that he had just been peered into by a pair of extremely lustful eyes.

He ignored the cute Ah Bao, walked to the gate, looked at the small island in the middle of the lake in the distance, his eyes stayed on the wooden house on the island for a long time, and thought to himself: "Could it be that dragon that sees the head but never the tail of the cow and pigeon? Is he a voyeur with special hobbies?"

"Ah sneeze!"

In the wooden house on the small island, a strange man suddenly sneezed.

"Who, who is scolding me behind my back?"

The man in the wooden house suddenly became angry, his words became dirty, and he exuded a shocking aura.

With his body as the core, the breath quickly spread out, forming an extremely strange shock wave.

The little animals on the island lay on the ground tremblingly, and even the flowers and plants were bent down.

The shock wave was still spreading, and ripples appeared on the originally calm lake surface. This scene is like a huge meteorite falling into the lake, causing thousands of waves.

"Why is the boss so angry again?" Xuelian, who was wandering in the village, noticed the movement of the lake.

"We don't understand the world of the boss at all." Lao Miao was also alarmed by the strange phenomenon in the lake. He stood by the lake with a high-end cigarette in his mouth, looking thoughtfully at the constantly stirring lake surface. .

Zhao Hao naturally saw the strange movement in the lake and was furious on the spot.

He believes that this is a provocation, a provocation that is outright.

The aura emanating from the island has this subtext to Zhao Ritian at this moment: "I just peeked at you and crossed paths, what can you do to me?"

This situation is like if you and your girlfriend went to a very good five-star hotel to book a room, and it turned out that a camera was installed in the hotel room and secretly filmed some process between you and your girlfriend. Can you bear it?

Anyway, Zhao Hao couldn't bear it anymore. He walked straight to the lakeside and shouted loudly: "I didn't expect that the famous legend in the Neutral Land would be such a shameless person. I really regret buying a house in this place!"

"Sneeze!" An earth-shattering sneeze came from the small island in the middle of the lake, followed by a desolate, wretched, wretched and angry voice: "Boy, who are you calling shameless?"

Zhao Hao was full of murderous intent and put on a fighting posture. There were some things he could laugh off, but there were some things he would never tolerate. At this moment, he happened to encounter something he couldn't bear, and he retorted forcefully: "Whoever answers, I will tell!"


The weather suddenly turned cold. A few days ago, I could still see girls wearing skirts. Nowadays, the streets are suddenly full of winter clothes. Lao Niu also caught a cold in keeping with the times. Staying up late typing is quite miserable. My fingers are frozen and I can't control them. In the cold and cold climate in the south where it doesn't snow, I can't experience heating. SO, the update time will be changed to noon in the future, so that all readers can start killing easily and happily after lunch, without having to stay up late waiting for updates. PS, if there are any changes in the future, we will notify you separately.

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