The Path of Evolution

Chapter 162 Two Advantages

The world of evolution has unveiled its mystery bit by bit.

Having been to different places and meeting different people, Zhao Hao gradually changed from ignorance to knowledge, from a newbie to a veteran. His experience has verified the old saying - it is better to travel thousands of miles than to read thousands of books.

Looking back on the past, Zhao Hao lamented that he was too ridiculous before.

When his body was first strengthened by original genes, Zhao Hao also thought he was awesome and became an enhanced version of the Devil Muscular Man. At that time, he still had a fantasy in his heart. With his strengthened physique, if he went to the NBA draft, he would definitely be the number one pick, and it would not be a problem to challenge LeBron James.

It turned out that he was just playing solo.

When he went to the Neutral Land for the first time, he saw the world and realized that he was just a hanging thread in this world.

From the endless forest to the thousands of miles of ice fields, from the Ice and Snow Castle to the Valley of Flames, traveling tens of thousands of miles, Zhao Hao grew up all the way. He saw the hope of returning home, thinking that by gathering a dozen flying suits and a dozen mutated teammates, he could conquer the mysterious ancient city and return to his homeland.

And today Niu Gege told him that there was a demon king sitting in the mysterious ancient city...

This made Zhao Hao feel unspeakably sad. He found that the higher he climbed, the more ignorant and powerless he became about certain things.

"I advise you to give up the idea of ​​going back for the time being, stay and meditate in a neutral place. You have the potential to astound me. When your psychic genes are full, it will not be too late to consider going back." Niu Gege said.

"To be honest, if I could be your successor when I came to the Neutral Land for the first time, I would be happy to do so." Zhao Hao seemed to be a different person, with an indescribable aura: "I don't want to follow the path arranged by others. I may not have what you have now, but I believe I will have it in the future. I want to follow my own path of evolution."

"Have ambition!" Niu Gegege praised and said in an appreciative tone: "You are right, after I ascend, this tens of thousands of miles will be your world. My understanding of this world is still limited. Maybe you will be able to unlock many secrets that I don't know about in the future. Because of this, I hope you stay. The four guardians in the village each have some resources, which can save you a lot of detours."

"I still say the same thing, as long as I can go back, I don't mind guarding the neutral ground." Zhao Hao was very stubborn.

"Young man, you have to change your stubbornness." Niu Gegege said with a smile: "Learning to be flexible is not necessarily a bad thing. Lao Miao and the others are not willing to go back, but it doesn't mean that they can't accompany you to attack the ancient city. When you become a The new owners of the village naturally have the power to order them to do things. The ideal result is that after the ancient city is captured, you can just teleport back to the country and let them stay."

Zhao Hao thought the same thing: "What about you?"

"Me? It's too late." Niu Gegege smiled slightly, with indescribable nostalgia flashing in his eyes, as if muttering to himself: "The time I will stay in this world will not exceed seven days."

The wooden boat sailed out from the small island in the middle of the lake. When it docked again, Zhao Hao returned to the newly purchased villa.

Xuewei was looking forward to it. Zhao Hao closed the door as soon as he entered. He couldn't wait to take out the psychic crystal and said, "Honey, try this and see if it can be refined?"

Holding the crystal that contained the mysterious energy, Xuewei immediately started refining it without hesitation.

Half an hour later, she opened her eyes and said helplessly: "It can't be refined."

Zhao Hao asked: "Have you sensed any hints?"

"Yes." Weiwei said: "There is an idea, which probably means that my body has not activated the system related to the psychic gene and cannot absorb the psychic gene."

"Activate? It seems that the fat uncle didn't lie..." Zhao Hao told him about the spiritual ascension.

"I see, no wonder you are so impatient." Xuewei smiled sweetly: "You don't have to feel pity. Some things should not be forced. I am content with what I have. I am doing well now and there is no need to pursue the psychic gene. In fact, I don't have any need to pursue psychic genes. I don’t even want to ascend. My biggest wish now is to go home and be with my parents.”

"This... I'm afraid it's a bit difficult." Zhao Hao explained the details of the Demon King's ancient city again.

Xuewei listened patiently, and this attentive girl quickly caught a bug: "The white deer didn't attack you at the beginning, and the five monsters near the Tongtian Sacred Tree didn't attack you either. The monster king in the ancient city also didn't attack you. I didn’t kill the cows, pigeons, and pigeons... It’s just a matter of three things. I don’t understand why the monsters above the intermediate level seem to avoid humans?”

"I can't figure this out either. It's been stuck in my mind for a long time." Zhao Hao said with a bitter smile: "I always feel that those monsters are playing a big game of chess. I can't figure out what they want to do no matter how hard I try."

Xuewei said thoughtfully: "Only you can find the answer to this question."

Zhao Hao was stunned when he heard this: "How do you say that?"

"You understood the conversation between Bai Lu and the Blood Demon Sword Demon, right?" Xuewei asked in return.

"Well, as I told you, it seems that I have absorbed some of the magical power of the Heaven-reaching Divine Tree, and I have my own translation function."

"Let's call the language of those super creatures [the language of the demons]. You are probably the only human being in the world who can understand the language of the demons. In other words, if one day humans and demons intersect, , whether it is a head-on confrontation or a sit-down negotiation, you are the hub and decisive link in determining the relationship between the two parties."

"Damn, do I still have this kind of mission?" Zhao Hao was under great pressure and said carelessly: "This kind of Wei Guangzheng mission is not suitable for me. I'd better think about how to go back. I don't think you have any idea at all." Worry?"

"We have two advantages. First, monsters above the intermediate level will not take the initiative to attack humans. In this way, we don't need to forcefully attack the mysterious ancient city. Let's check the situation first. The other party should not kill them in pain." Wei analyzed calmly.

"That's right!" Zhao Hao slapped his forehead and said excitedly: "This is simply a BUG. We can cheat and find out the details of the demon king first. If we find that we can't defeat the demon king, we should run away immediately."

This kind of thinking is exactly in line with Zhao Ritian's character.

He used to often say: If you don't try, how will you know you're not good?

At that time, he didn't know where his limits were. He always loved to try new things, and sometimes he would break his head.

He still has this mentality now. No matter how powerful Niu GeGe talks about the Demon King, he still wants to give it a try.

Suppressing his excitement, Zhao Hao asked again: "What is our second advantage?"

"It's you." Xuewei smiled playfully: "Don't forget that you can communicate with monsters. Since the intelligence of advanced monsters like Bailu is not inferior to humans, the wisdom of the monster king can be imagined. I thought of a possibility, maybe You can sit down with the Demon King and talk calmly. If the negotiation goes well, not only can we go back, but we also hope to learn the real secrets of the evolutionary world through the Demon King..."

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