The Path of Evolution

Chapter 164 Treasure Appraisal Conference

"Beat him to death on the spot? That's not true." Xiaomei said, "The two of them wouldn't know each other without fighting. Niu Gege Ge admires Zhao Ritian very much and publicly stated that he wants him to be the new boss of the neutral ground."

"How is this possible?" Red Pepper was dumbfounded.

"I was there at the time, and what I heard with my own ears is absolutely true." Xiaomei said seriously.

Red Pepper was even more unbelievable: "What exactly happened that day? Please tell me carefully and don't miss the details."

Xiaomei didn't understand why Red Pepper paid so much attention to Zhao Ritian, so she immediately recounted the air battle that took place by the lake.

After hearing this, Xue Qing was speechless for a long time.

After saying goodbye to Xiaomei, Red Pepper went to a rental house and fell on the bed in despair.

"Maybe you ancient warriors are very good, but I may not offend you. In the evolutionary world, everyone has a chance, and I am one of those people. The future of this world may not be the world of ancient warriors. I don't believe that I Stay at the bottom of the food chain for the rest of your life!"

The first time she met Zhao Hao in the evolutionary world, the two broke up on bad terms. Red Pepper still remembers Zhao Hao's heroic words when he said goodbye.

At that time, Zhao Hao was just a low-level primitive evolver, and Xue Qing did not take his heroic words to heart. She has seen a lot of bullshit and braggadocio, and few can really stand the test of time.

After a few months, Zhao Ritian became the popular star of the Endless Forest.

Xue Qing has heard a lot of stories about Zhao Ritian in the past few days, and some people have uncovered the story of Ice and Snow Castle, telling with great interest how Zhao Ritian defeated the Longhutang and the European and American Group... Every time I hear this In these stories, Red Pepper believed that the protagonist in the story was another person, not the Zhao Hao she knew.

Until today, the answer was revealed.

What makes Red Pepper hard to accept is not only the rise of Zhao Hao, but also the strong rise of a large number of ordinary evolvers.

Once upon a time, she believed that the ancient warriors would win at the starting line because their innate advantages were too great. She once vowed to Zhao Hao: "The evolutionary world will eventually belong to the ancient warriors!"

This was indeed the case at that time. The Longhu Hall dominated the Ice and Snow Castle, Xiaodao, Zhou Xian and others became famous in the Valley of Flames, and the Hua family warriors occupied the western ruins, which fully demonstrated the overwhelming advantages of the ancient warriors.

No one expected that within a few months, the situation in the world would change, and the Ice and Snow Castle would become the territory of Ye Shetian and Yang Dingtian. In the ruins of the west, an ordinary evolver named Huajiao rose like a comet. In the Endless Forest, experts such as Wang Xiaolong, Xie Ke, and Xiao Duan who were not ancient warriors emerged.

Red Chili Pepper felt her face burning, as if she had been slapped several times by invisible hands.

This feeling of being slapped in the face lingered. Xue Qing had always felt that her sister had no discernment and chose an animal with a simple mind and well-developed limbs. Everything about that animal seemed to have been taught by the physical education teacher.

But now, the descendant of that physical education teacher has become a legend.

The night is as cool as water, and a bright moon hangs high in the sky.

On the lake in the Neutral Land, a wooden boat went back and forth to welcome guests holding tokens to participate in the treasure appraisal conference.

People without tokens stood by the lake one after another, seemingly admiring the moon, but actually waiting to watch the show. Many people felt that this kind of treasure appraisal meeting held specially at night would definitely cause some trouble.

Zhao Hao and Xuewei took the last boat and arrived at the small island in the middle of the lake. As soon as they landed, they were locked by three eyes.

The first look came from Red Pepper. Her eyes were very complicated, and Zhao Hao could understand it. His sister-in-law never looked at him with much kindness, and he was already used to it.

The second gaze came from Fengyun Sword.

The cold boy didn't know that Zhao Hao was the white-haired sword demon whom he personally defeated, but he still remembered that half a year ago at the spring pool, he told Zhao Hao to get lost as soon as they met. Ten years in Hedong and ten years in Hexi. The rookie who didn't know anything at the beginning is now in full swing. Even if Fengyunjian doesn't like to inquire about gossip, he has inevitably heard many legendary stories about Zhao Ritian along the way.

The third gaze came from Xiao Duan.

The young man's eyes were extremely hot, and there were tears in his eyes, as if he was seeing his long-lost elder brother.


Xiao Duan strode forward, his voice choked with sobs.

His emotional look shocked Wang Xiaolong and Xie Ke.

In the impression of the two of them, Xiao Duan was taciturn, relatively calm, and a little shy. They had never seen him so excited.

"It's you?"

Zhao Hao recognized Xiao Duan and felt very surprised.

This young man was like the terminally ill kid he had casually saved by the stream before.

"My benefactor, do you still remember this knife?"

Xiao Duan took out the half-cut knife, his hands shaking slightly.

His expression and tone were like asking, "Do you remember Xia Yuhe by Daming Lake?" Everyone who heard this had goosebumps and strongly suspected that Xiao Duan's sexual orientation was abnormal.

"I didn't expect you still had it."

Zhao Hao showed emotion. Of course he remembered the broken knife - the Savage Blade.

It was the first combat weapon in his life. I think it was with the Savage Blade that Zhao Hao embarked on the path of "starting with a knife and becoming a rich man in three seconds" and started a journey.

This high-end primitive weapon is just a toy to Zhao Hao now, but everything he experienced while holding this knife lingers in his heart.

Looking back on the past, it is inevitable to feel sad.

"My benefactor, I...I..."

Xiao Duan suddenly blushed, as if he had a thousand words that were difficult to express at the moment.

At this time, the young man looked like a very shy little boy.

The painting style under the moonlight is suddenly filled with a beautiful atmosphere.

Seeing such a strange scene, many people had goosebumps. Lao Miao stood up first and coughed: "Ahem, distinguished guests, thank you for coming to this place despite your busy schedule. You must be curious as to why the treasure appraisal conference is scheduled at At night? There is a reason for this. Please ask Sister Xuelian to explain it to everyone."

Snow Lotus is always as enthusiastic as a sales lady. She pointed at the strange tree on the island with her jade finger and said with a smile: "This thing is an evolutionary seed called [Full Moon Treasure]. It will bloom and bear fruit for the first time after ten months of cultivation." .The next time it blooms and bears fruit, you have to wait until the full moon night a hundred years later..."

These words attracted everyone's attention, and everyone stared at the strange tree full of weapons.

Just listen to Xue Lian say again: "The full moon tonight is when the Full Moon Treasure matures. The fruits produced by this tree are all authentic battle attire. However, the grades of each fruit are different, and some are original battle attire. , some are rare battle outfits, some are mutant battle outfits, and there are even more unexpected treasures."

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