The Path of Evolution

Chapter 173 Bloody Storm

"You are blessed by the ancient halo, and your combat power is increased by 50%!"

Zhao Hao summoned a red panda, and all six mutated evolvers present enjoyed the ancient aura.

"I'm going to choke you, Ritian, you actually have this kind of halo artifact?"

Dong Qiantian was surprised. The bonus brought by the ancient halo was too terrifying, and his combat power suddenly increased by two to three hundred.

Huajiao and Yang Hong were also so surprised that they were speechless. They had only heard of such halo-like things, but had never seen them before.

The most shocked person present was none other than Red Pepper. She looked at Zhao Hao like a monster and then at Abao. In the past, my sister-in-law felt that her brother-in-law was very pretentious and had an ornamental mascot around him, which was of no use at all. Only now did she realize that although the chubby panda couldn't fight, the ancient aura it had was simply unbelievable.

Red Pepper has always been reluctant to accept the rise of ordinary evolvers, especially the rise of Zhao Ritian. Human beings' preconceived notions are difficult to change. In her impression, Zhao Hao was still the weakling who relied on a big black dog to get by. It was difficult for her to accept that Zhao Hao had progressed enough to be on an equal footing with her, and even gained a reputation in the world. beyond her.

Until now, the Red Hot Chili Peppers had to face reality. After seeing each other for three days, they treated each other with admiration. Zhao Hao was no longer the Wu Xia Ameng he once was. One thing she was sure of was that no one would be willing to sell such a pet with an ancient aura. On the other hand, Zhao Ritian got the red panda through his own chance, which is also a manifestation of his strength.

Looking at Abao who jumped out and acted cute, Zhao Hao's heart bleeds.

One hundred and sixty-eight mutant crystals only allowed Po to evolve from elementary rare to intermediate rare, and the halo effect increased from 40% to 50%. As for the total amount of materials needed to evolve to the mutation level, Zhao Hao didn't dare to calculate it. This was a terrifying mathematical problem.

Under the gaze of powerful enemies, Zhao Hao held back his heartache and raised his head to pay attention to the movements in the sky.

Thousands of falcons were not in a hurry to attack. They formed an orderly formation in the sky. It looked very spectacular, just like countless bombers flying over people's heads. The momentum alone could scare people to the point of peeing. Pants.

Zhao Hao and others finally understood why the people in the Western Ruins spent so much effort building air-raid shelters. In the battle before them, there was almost no chance of surviving the evolutions below the mutation level. Even rare evolvers will be picked up by giant eagles like hares.

The leading two giant eagles, one black and one white, looked down at the six people, with an aura of condescendingly looking down on all living beings.

Suddenly, the giant black eagle roared and issued some kind of command.

One hundred falcons flew out of the queue, including ninety-nine rare falcons, led by a mutated falcon. The mutated falcon put on a posture of "I will take the lead in the charge" and led its bird troops to take the lead.

One hundred falcons swooped down and encountered a sudden cloud of ice mist.

The sight of hundreds of falcons was blocked, and their feathers were suddenly covered with a layer of frost. Most of the falcons became slow and emitted strange, shrill screams. The Falcon's formation was originally relatively dense, but when it was pulled by the ice mist, it was squeezed into a large living target.

At this moment, Zhao Hao took action.

He and Weiwei worked together in a neutral place for half a month and developed several combination attack routines. One of the routines was that Weiwei was responsible for control and Zhao Hao was responsible for violent output.

Today was the first time that training was put into actual combat, and Zhao Hao worked very hard.

But Red Pepper, Dong Qiantian, Huajiao, and Yang Hong didn't understand what Zhao Ritian wanted to do. They saw him holding a wooden knife that had nothing to do with sharpness, squatting slightly, and posing a little like constipation, but also a little like in a public place. The gesture of secretly farting.

Red Pepper had the heart to curse. She just felt that Zhao Hao had some strength, and then he got into trouble.

Zhao Hao ignored the secular eyes, and five seconds later, he took action.

Draw your sword and chop!

In the past, Zhao Hao naively thought that drawing a sword to cut must require a sheath, and he paid great attention to the power at the moment when the sword was pulled out of the sheath. As his realm improved, he found that he was too innocent before, and the form of drawing a sword was greater than the meaning. In fact, as long as there is a process of accumulating momentum, it doesn't matter whether there is a scabbard or not.

At that moment, everyone saw the largest blade in history.

Yes, blade.

The Gang Qi released by Zhao Hao all condensed into a solid entity, turning into a giant sword light fifty meters long and five meters wide, which looked like a razor blade magnified countless times.

The green sword light flashed away in the ice mist, as if it had never appeared before.

Immediately afterwards, countless feathers fell down, and a rain of blood floated in the sky.

The word "bloody storm" was vividly interpreted at this moment. The rain of blood mixed with feathers shocked people's eyes. A gust of wind blew, and everyone smelled the smell of blood.

None of the one hundred giant eagles who led the charge were spared.

"Well done!"

Dong Qiantian came to his senses and couldn't help but praise.


Huajiao glanced at Zhao Hao with admiration. According to the legend, Zhao Ritian, who killed eight hundred elite members of the Black Dragon Society by one person, was indeed worthy of his fame.

Red Pepper was silent, a little absent-minded.

Can I take this knife?

My sister-in-law kept asking herself in her mind, and the answer she got was no.

The extent of the sword's condensation of Gang Qi was beyond her imagination, and it had reached a state of "Gang Qi shaping". The so-called Gang Qi shaping is to shape Gang Qi into the shape you want. This extremely tests the skill of the caster. According to legend, only Niu Gege and Fengyun Sword in the entire Endless Forest have reached this advanced state.

What irritated my sister-in-law even more was that Zhao Hao's weapon was a wooden ruler. The green wooden ruler, Red Pepper had personally inspected at the treasure appraisal conference, was a piece of wood without any properties. In terms of sharpness, it was not as sharp as a primitive weapon, or even as good as an artificial machete like the Shiba Chop.

However, Zhao Hao used such a wooden sword to deliver a shocking blow.


It must be an illusion!

He can't be so strong!

Absolutely impossible!

Red Pepper's heart was filled with ups and downs, as an expert would know if he made a move, and Zhao Hao's image in her mind was completely overturned. The former weakling actually showed the demeanor of a peerless swordsman. The ease with which he used the wooden sword proved that his use of Gang Qi had reached a level that was not stagnant with objects.

In terms of realm, Red Pepper sadly found that he was not as good as Zhao Hao.

She couldn't figure out why, and couldn't accept the fact. When Zhao Hao was still the original evolver, Red Pepper was already a mutated evolver. She won at the starting line, at least half a year ahead of Zhao Hao. But half a year later, Zhao Hao caught up with the latecomer and even achieved a lead.

This situation is like a top student who often ranks first in exams, but is suddenly overtaken by a scumbag who ranks last. It is difficult to adapt to this psychological gap. You can imagine how Red Pepper feels at this moment.

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