The Path of Evolution

Chapter 194 Entering the Colorful Light Pillar

Sometimes when humans do something, they feel that God is helping, and the wheel of history is rolling in the direction you expect.

This is what the ancients said about complying with destiny. It will have a psychological effect on people, making them feel like they have an extra layer of BUFF.

Zhao Hao and his party had this feeling. From the Ice and Snow Castle to the East China Sea, they did not encounter any obstacles along the way. It was indescribably smooth, as if there was a force protecting them from somewhere.

When we get to the beach, we feel like the sky has eyes.

When Zhao Hao came here alone, he flew thousands of miles on the sea before he found the island that kept drifting. But on this day, everyone stood on the beach and saw the drifting island that was infinitely close to the coastline.

"Why do I feel like I'm being blessed by a mysterious power?"

"Me too, I feel like God is giving me face."

Zhang Dekai and Dong Qiantian stood on the beach and sighed. Their funny and superstitious remarks were very morale-boosting at this time.

When people in ancient times did something big, they would look for a good omen, and the best people among them were more able to make use of this omen to make a big profit. The most representative figure is Liu Bang, the great ancestor of the Han Dynasty. When he was still the chief of a small pavilion, on the way to escort a group of civilians to build a mausoleum in Lishan Mountain, he beheaded a big snake in a rush of thought, and was stunned to make arrangements for the snake lying on the gun. He took on the identity of the "White Emperor", and then hatched an awesome story about "the Red Emperor beheading the White Emperor." From then on, he rose like a cheat and became the first grassroots emperor in Chinese history.

Looking at the drifting island surrounded by large whirlpools, everyone on the beach felt excited.

This team includes Zhao Hao, Xuewei, Xue Qing, Qin Sheng, Dong Qiantian, Zhang Potian, Yang Dingtian, Scarlett, Annie, Huajiao, Yang Hong, Xiao Duan, Fengyun Jian... and Hai Feng The boss lady makes her hair look even more seductive when she blows her long hair.

The returning team consists of fourteen people in total.

The knife didn't come. The former top master in the Valley of Flames had his own pride and was unwilling to move forward or retreat.

Mr. Zhuang and others from Ping'an Inn didn't come either, and I don't know what other arrangements the landlady has.

"Let's go, I'll go ahead and give you a demonstration. Anne and Scarlett, you guys will ride on the proprietress's auspicious cloud. Be careful when you fly, and be sure to pay attention to the suction of the maelstrom."

Zhao Hao took the lead, flying in front to lead the way.

The boss's wife became a porter and brought all the people without mutant wings to the island.

After a while, the fourteen people successfully landed and headed straight for the colorful light pillar.

Everyone looked at the photos carefully and were no strangers to the island. What they saw was exactly the same as in the photos.

Everyone arrived at the ruins without any surprises and saw the colorful beams of light rising into the sky.


The blue dome jumped out as expected and screamed strangely at everyone.

Then it jumped towards Zhao Hao twice, as if to say: "You kid, you still dare to come?"

"Follow the plan!"

Zhao Hao shouted loudly, pulled out the green wood blade and rushed towards the dome.

At the same time, Xuewei, Fengyunjian, and the landlady also attacked the Blue Dome from different directions.

It can be seen that the four people did not try their best to catch the egg, and did not mean to fight desperately.

This is a plan that everyone has discussed long ago. Zhao Hao, Xuewei, and Fengyunjian all have advanced mutant wings and are extremely fast. The proprietress's auspicious clouds are so awesome that even if the four of them can't defeat them, there's no problem in retreating. She's the best person to take the lead in the charge.

Soon enough, the other twelve all rushed towards the colorful light pillar.

This was also a planned action. After these relatively slow teammates left first, Zhao Hao and the four of them rushed into the colorful light pillar with their speed. If everything goes well, there is no need to fight against the dome, everyone can be teleported back.

Qin Sheng was the first to rush into the colorful light pillar, then Red Pepper, then Xiao Duan... But in the blink of an eye, all twelve people entered the range of the colorful light pillar, including Annie, the only rare evolver present. .

So smooth?

There was a hint of joy in the corner of Zhao Hao's eyes, and he once again felt like he was blessed by a mysterious power.

This was simply a dream start, and excitement flashed across the eyes of the landlady and Fengyun Jian.

After a few seconds, Zhao Hao estimated that all twelve teammates had teleported back, and shouted: "Honey, you go first, I'll be behind."

Xuewei did not hesitate. At this time, there was no point in competing against time and her boyfriend. She knew that Zhao Hao would never let her leave last, so she quickly flew towards the colorful light pillar.

Just as he flew to the edge of the light beam, a figure flashed out.

Immediately afterwards, there was an angry curse:

"Damn it, this is a beeping dog!"

Qin Sheng, who rushed into the colorful beam of light the most fiercely, ran out in disgrace, cursing non-stop.

"Richeng, what's going on?"

Zhao Hao asked in surprise while dealing with the Blue Dome.

"There's something wrong with that light beam. It's like a fog, and there's no way to teleport it!"

Qin Sheng had a dark face and looked like he was ready to die.

Before he finished speaking, Red Pepper ran out in disgrace.

Then came Zhang Dekai, and his teammates all walked out of the Qicai Light Pillar with ugly expressions.

Several people were complaining about the country, feeling that they had been deceived by the colorful beam of light.

"Zhao, this teleportation array seems to be sealed..."

Annie was the calmest person at the scene, analyzing the situation within the light beam.

After hearing this, the scolding stopped and everyone fell into deep thought.

No one blamed Zhao Hao for not getting accurate information. After all, there are many secrets in the evolutionary world that humans cannot imagine. Everyone present has had the experience of being teleported. Back then, when they walked into the colorful light pillar on the earth, their eyes went dark and they were teleported to the evolutionary world. Therefore, everyone subconsciously believes that as long as they rush into the colorful light pillar on the drifting island and their eyesight goes dark again, they can return to the earth.

Unexpectedly, the settings were different when they went back. They walked around in the colorful light pillars and did not experience the feeling of darkness before their eyes.

"Looks like I need a key."

Zhao Hao had a flash of inspiration. He once encountered the fog on Hanging Island and could not enter it. Later, he killed the Black and White Eagle King and obtained the guardian spirit stone. Only then did he break through the fog and see the hidden city in the sky.

"That's right, the key to unlocking the teleportation array should be in this egg."

The cold boy Fengyun Jian spoke for the first time. He also had the same experience. Back on Hanging Island, he could not enter the fog, but the white-haired sword demon could come and go freely. He had long suspected that the white-haired birdman had the ability to open that fog. The key to the fog.

"Three shooters ready, plan B!"

Zhao Hao suddenly took a dozen steps back to make room for his teammates.

He strongly agreed with Fengyunjian's statement that the Azure Dome was probably the guardian spirit beast of this teleportation array. Only by killing the Azure Dome could the key to the teleportation array be revealed.

A battle between the homecoming team and the dome is inevitable.

Fortunately, before everyone came here, they had discussed several backup plans to deal with emergencies.

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