The Path of Evolution

Chapter 201 The Third Evolution

Sun, beach, coconut trees.

If you ignore the traces of fighting, Castaway Island can be called a resort.

The afternoon sun was shining warmly. The landlady opened her eyes and looked at the blue sky and white clouds in disbelief.

When she was trapped in the blue water ball, she thought she was dead, but now she was sure that she was still alive.

The landlady stood up and stretched her muscles, and saw several people lying in a mess nearby.

She walked to the nearest Scarlett, shook and called, and the foreign girl slowly woke up.

The proprietress repeated her old trick and woke up all the dozen or so people who were unconscious.

"We're not dead?"

"In the end what happened?"

"I don't know either."

"Where's that blonde succubus?"

Everyone was talking to each other, feeling both the surprise of surviving the disaster and the confusion of not knowing the situation.

When the amulet showed its power, everyone was unconscious. Even the holder of the amulet, Zhao Hao, didn't know what happened.

"Why is the colorful light pillar missing?"

The attentive Annie pointed to a location in the ruins and exclaimed.

Everyone took a closer look and felt incredible.

The direction Annie pointed was where the colorful light pillar was.

But now that place is just a piece of flat land, and no one has seen any trace of the light beam.

"Is this all an illusion?"

"It seems like, is what we experienced just an illusion?"

"That's not right!" Qin Sheng took out a watch that showed the year, month and day, shook it, and said solemnly: "Time doesn't lie. We were in a coma for three days and three nights. Maybe there was a supernatural event that happened in these three days, and we didn't see it. .”

"It makes sense, but what happened?"

"Damn it, you ask me, who am I asking?"

A group of people discussed it for a long time, but there was no result.

"Fly up here and take a look. This is unscientific!"

Zhang Dekai flew in mid-air and let out an exclamation.

Everyone flew up to the sky to take a look, and they were all dumbfounded.

The twelve large whirlpools surrounding the drifting island have mysteriously disappeared. The water at the edge of the island is so calm that you can swing your oars on it and the small boat pushes away the waves.

What's even more strange is that the drifting island, which had been rotating, became still.

Looking at it, it is an isolated island in the sea, as if it has never moved.

"What the hell is going on here?" Dong Qiantian couldn't help but cursed.

"Stop asking, no one knows the answer!" Yang Dingtian said angrily.

"The world of evolution is full of wonders, just think of it as a dream." Huajiao sighed.

"Wait for me to count, one, two, three... eleven, twelve..." Qin Sheng counted the heads and said in shock: "Why are there only twelve people? Where did Ritian go?"

Only then did everyone realize that they had only been studying the vision and had not noticed that one person was missing.

Soon the landlady found Zhao Hao and found that she was not the first person to wake up.

In a large crater created during the battle in the ruins, Zhao Hao sat there with a gray face, his expression dull, like a wooden man.

A group of people were speechless. They remembered this pit deeply.

A few days ago, the dome was acting cute in this pit and suddenly swallowed Xuewei in one gulp.

Everyone can imagine Zhao Hao's mood. There were fourteen people when they came, but now there are only thirteen left. The only one who died was Zhao Hao's girlfriend... No, the two held a wedding before they came here. Although it was not legally binding, But the two got married in front of everyone. The grief of a newly married groom who loses his bride can be imagined.

Xue Qing walked over silently, with tears in her eyes.

Before, she was shocked at why she didn't die and had no time to grieve. Seeing this scene at this moment, I suddenly felt sad and all kinds of emotions came to my heart.

Seeing his sister-in-law, Zhao Hao stood up suddenly, grabbed Xue Qing's little hand, as if grasping a life-saving straw, and said excitedly: "Don't you two sisters have the telepathy of twins? That kind of telepathy is still there, Weiwei. Are you still alive?"

Red Pepper opened his mouth, unable to speak.

Zhao Hao fell into a state of madness: "Wei Wei is definitely still alive. You can sense it, right?"

Xue Qing shook her head with difficulty, tears welling up in her eyes.

Before coming to Castaway Island, the relationship between her and her sister was indeed very strong. Even though she came to the evolutionary world and her sister was at home, separated by two worlds, she could still sense her sister's signs of life and confirm that she was still alive.

But since Xuewei was swallowed by the dome, the connection between the sisters has been completely severed.

The feeling was painful, as if something close to her heart had been forcibly cut apart.

"No, it won't be. You are not in good condition today. You will definitely feel it in two days." Zhao Hao became extremely nervous and spoke incoherently. He said to everyone: "Who has seen that old witch?"

"Ritian, calm down." Qin Sheng walked over and patted Fa Xiao on the shoulder, comforting him: "I know you feel uncomfortable, but you have to speak clearly. Who is the old witch?"

Zhao Hao: "That's the blonde banshee. She has lived for at least a thousand years. What is she if she's not an old witch?"

"Ritian, listen to me. We may have experienced an illusion. The old witch may be something in the illusion. No one knows where she went." Yang Dingtian said.

"Impossible, she is a big monster sealed here, it is definitely not an illusion!" Zhao Hao said crazily: "It was her, she was the one who captured Weiwei. I want to find her, I must find her!"

After saying that, he suddenly sat cross-legged on the ground, and a sharp breath burst out from his body.

Everyone was confused and didn't understand what he wanted to do.

The landlady felt the aura carefully and looked a little surprised: "The third evolution at this time?"

Qin Sheng was stunned when he heard this and said worriedly: "Boss Boss, he is in a very unstable state. He won't go crazy, right?"

Boss Wife: "It's hard to say. Grief and anger are also a kind of motivation. Some people can turn grief and anger into strength."

Hearing what she said, it was hard for everyone to interfere.

If Zhao Hao can take this opportunity to break through, it will be a blessing in disguise.

After half a day, the aura on Zhao Hao's body suddenly exploded, like a deflated ball.

His face was pale, his limbs were limp, and he looked extremely weak.

"Evolution failed, twenty years of life were lost, and the mutated genes were cleared..."

A thought came, and Zhao Hao's combat power was greatly reduced, and his upper limit of life was also sharply reduced.

Everyone nearby was terrified. Looking at Zhao Hao's expression, they could guess that he had failed to evolve without asking.

Zhao Hao had no intention of giving up and said to everyone: "I don't have enough mutant crystals. If any of you have mutant crystals, please lend me some first."

"Do you still want to replenish the mutated genes immediately and then continue to evolve?" Qin Sheng squeezed the sweat for Fa Xiao and urged: "Ritian, listen to me, don't be impulsive. Your bones are now weaker than a sick person. , I’ll go back to recuperate for a few days and take good care of myself first.”

"The third evolution requires opportunity, the right time, the right place, and the right people. They are indispensable. It won't work if you force it." The boss's wife also gave some advice, speaking from her experience.

"The opportunity has come. I didn't evolve before, but I just missed it a little bit." Zhao Hao said seriously: "I feel very strong now, and I just missed it a little bit. Please believe me once!"

Everyone couldn't defeat him, and each contributed a little mutation crystal.

Zhao Hao stayed on the island and refused to leave. He rested for three days, during which time he frantically absorbed mutant crystals.

Three days later, his mutant genes were at full value again, and his injuries were much better.

He went to a small lake on the island to take a bath, changed into a pair of bright red underwear, and then sat by the lake for a breakthrough.

This time, he caused even greater commotion, and even the lake shook.

Teammates came following the news. Some were concerned about Zhao Hao's safety, while others took this opportunity to study the status of the third evolution.

Two hours later, Zhao Hao opened his mouth and spurted out a large ball of blood.

His face could no longer be described as pale, showing a sickly paleness.

At this time, he was so angry that he seemed to die at any time.

"Evolution failed, forty years of life lost, mutated genes cleared..."

This idea is enough to make people despair.

Zhao Hao's initial lifespan is 72 years, and the first failure reduces it by 10 years. Later, he broke through to the mutation level, adding another 28 years to his life span, and the upper limit of his life span reached 90 years. Now it has failed twice in a row, and its life span has been reduced by 60 years, with the upper limit of life only being 30 years.

Don't forget that Zhao Hao is already twenty-one years old and has only nine years left in his life.

In other words, if he fails to evolve once more, he will definitely die.

Despite this, Zhao Hao still had no intention of giving up. He looked at everyone weakly and said, "I'm sorry, I made a small mistake just now. Please lend me some more mutant crystals, and I'll do it again!"

"Are you fucking crazy?" Qin Sheng roared angrily, looked around at everyone and said, "I'm going to put my words here today. If anyone lends him the mutant crystal again, I will fight to the death!"

Everyone was silent and looked at Zhao Hao worriedly.

In fact, there is no need for Qin Sheng to say harsh words, no one will lend Zhao Ritian any more mutant crystals. Everyone could see that Zhao Hao, who was overly grieved, fell into a state of confusion and madness, like a gambler who lost all his money, always thinking that he could make up his losses, but ended up going bankrupt.

"Are you deliberately trying to kill yourself? Why bother? Just stab yourself if you want to die. Don't waste everyone's hard work." Qin Sheng was so angry that he pointed at Zhao Hao's nose and yelled: "Didn't you say that you Do you have feelings? You have a hairy feeling!"

"Don't make trouble." Zhao Hao pushed away the small palm, with bloodshot eyes at the corners of his mouth, and said numbly: "What's the point of living like this? Leave me alone, why not let me take a gamble. Maybe I can open it The third gene lock, find the old witch."

"You are the one who is not making trouble! You have failed to evolve once before, and you have failed twice in a row in the past few days. A total of three times, you have lost seventy years of life! Even if I am not good at mathematics, I can calculate that you have only a few years left to live. , you still dare to risk your life to evolve?" Qin Sheng couldn't help but give him a small slap in the face, and said in a deep voice: "You are now trapped in a corner, and you can't get out! What do you mean, living is meaningless? There is no one else? Think about me, am I not your brother? Think about your parents again, you are the only son of them, do you really have the heart to let them give away the white-haired man to the black-haired man? "

"Zhao Hao!" Red Pepper stood up, with tears in his eyes: "I know you are feeling uncomfortable, and so am I. That is my biological sister! I will also put my words here today. I must go find that old man. The witch takes revenge! I won't allow you to die. If you are still a man, then live well and accompany me to find that old witch, otherwise I will despise you even if you die!"

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