The Path of Evolution

Chapter 206 Senior Sister and Junior Brother

"What did you call me?"

The white deer transformed into a human and stared at Zhao Hao, who had become a little thin and haggard.

Her eyes were very peaceful, unlike the blond succubus who could see through all the secrets at a glance, nor like the boss lady whose eyes were so seductive that they could reveal the innermost secrets. The calmness of the white deer is like a poem: whether you say it or not, I am there, neither sad nor happy.

"Sister Lu..." Zhao Hao said with a smile. This was originally a name he used to call nonsense. It seemed inappropriate for such a high-level monster, so he added without conscience: "Girl and a sister from my neighbor's house." It’s somewhat similar, I’m sorry for calling you this on my own initiative.”

"Sister next door?" Bai Lu smiled brightly.

At this moment, Zhao Hao believed in one sentence: It mainly depends on temperament...

Even an average-looking girl will become infinitely charming with Bailu's temperament.

The comfort contained in that kind of temperament is so strong that it makes people happy both physically and mentally.

Zhao Hao, who had been silent for several months, seemed to be activated by that sense of comfort. He put aside the haze in his heart and bloomed a bright smile again after half a year: "Yes, sister next door, for the first time. When I saw you, I mistakenly thought you were her."

Zhao Ritian boasted about not drafting, and he had a hundred thousand reasons in his mind. A rare encounter with Bailu might solve many doubts in his mind, so he shamelessly tried to make friends.

"Although you and I are not of the same race, we listen to the teachings of Tongtian Shenmu together and have a friendship. This is God's will." Bai Lu always has a faint smile: "It is fate that you and I meet again today. If you don't dislike it, you Call me senior sister, and I’ll call you junior brother.”

"Yes, yes, it's fate, thank you! Senior sister, I've met you!" Zhao Hao climbed up the pole and was secretly shocked. Sister Lu's words were simple and elegant, which showed that the level of education of high-level monsters in the evolutionary world was not low. In other words, this kind of monster is not easy to fool, and you can get yourself into it if you are not careful.

"Junior brother looks bad. He is much thinner than that day. Is there something that is troubling him?" Sister Lu is worthy of being Sister Lu. She showed the concern of the sister next door as soon as she opened her mouth.

Holy shit, do you want to be so cooperative? Zhao Hao was overjoyed. He was just thinking about how to direct the topic in that direction. Sister Lu's words hit him right in the heart and he quickly said: "To be honest, I have encountered an obstacle in my practice. Senior sister, you and I practice the same evolution technique. , I wonder if you can give me some advice?"

"Guidance is out of the question. You and I are from the same sect, so there is no harm in communicating with each other." Sister Lu said very beautifully, and she also put a high hat on Zhao Hao: "Junior brother is extremely talented, and he will be favored by the divine tree that reaches the sky. He will achieve great things in the future. Above me, senior sister also wants to ask junior brother for advice."

"Senior sister, I've received the award. How can I say that I have extraordinary talent." Zhao Hao was humble, but he felt very satisfied in his heart. Taking advantage of the pleasant atmosphere of the chat, he quietly got to the point: "Senior sister, I can't practice the sixth grade yet." Layer, may I ask why this is?"

This question has been in his mind for a long time. He once thought that breaking through to the mutation level would automatically unlock the sixth level of the Nine Heavens, but it turned out that he was wrong. Later, he thought that when the last 1 point of mutant gene was fully charged, he could unlock the sixth level, but it turned out that he was wrong again.

Sister Lu’s answer is very fantasy: “If the five elements are not satisfied, the Liuhe cannot be opened.”

Zhao Hao didn't understand, and said with a confused face: "Senior sister, what do you mean by your eight-character mantra?"

"According to legend, the divine tree that reaches the sky contains three thousand avenues, and the enlightenment of each living being is different. However, all dharmas are unified, and all changes are inseparable from their origin. In my humble opinion, the first to fifth levels contain the mystery of the five elements. "The white deer in the explanation has a masterly demeanor and hits the nail on the head: "If the five elements rotate, they can sweep across the Liuhe."

Zhao Hao's mind was filled with questions: "What does the rotation of the five elements mean?"

"The Tao is perfect and the five elements rotate." Bai Lu felt that he had said it simply enough.

However, Zhao Hao seriously felt that his IQ was not enough. He felt that he and Sister Lu were on two different channels and it was too difficult to communicate. He said weakly: "What is the perfection of Taoism?"

Sister Lu finally said something easy to understand: "You can practice the first five levels to a perfect state, and the problem will be solved."

Zhao Hao's eyes were moist, and he finally understood what he was saying, and quickly asked: "Only when the first five levels are perfect can you practice the sixth level, right? Is the state of perfection you are talking about a higher level than Dacheng?"

Bailu: "Exactly."

Zhao Hao was so excited that he wanted to run under the infertility advertisement on the telephone pole by the roadside and shout, "My disease can be cured." He looked at Bailu eagerly and said, "Senior sister, I have been studying this kind of medicine half a year ago. The state of perfection, but that hurdle is difficult to overcome. I practiced hard for half a year, but not only could I not break through, but many strange things happened."

A strange color flashed through Bai Lu's eyes, and his expression remained normal as he said, "Junior brother has given birth to inner demons?"

"Inner demon? It's not impossible to say that." Zhao Hao admired Sister Lu's idea very much: "I often feel as if I have gone crazy, and it is very uncomfortable to practice. It's like being exhausted and sick halfway up the mountain, and I have no strength to go down the mountain. I don’t even have the strength to climb to the top of the mountain.”

"Junior brother, there is no need to worry. The strange things you mentioned are indeed normal." Bai Lu announced a secret: "To achieve perfection in Taoism, you must first kill the inner demons. All creatures who practice the divine tree evolution technique must face this difficulty. .”

"That is to say, you must cut off the inner demons before you can break through to the realm of perfection. I am at that critical moment, right?" Zhao Hao found the root cause of the disease, breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked: "How can I cut off the inner demons? Has Senior Sister ever beheaded you?"

"This matter can be divided into two situations." Bai Lu patiently explained: "One is accumulation. Some creatures have practiced Taoism for hundreds or thousands of years before listening to the teachings of the sacred tree. It is relatively easy to kill the inner demons. For example, senior sister, I I have accumulated many years of experience before this, and have made some small achievements, and I have not encountered any obstacles in slaying my inner demons.”

Zhao Hao almost cried, hundreds of thousands of years of accumulation, this is almost killing him.

He only has eight years left to live, he can't afford to wait!

Just listen to Bai Lu continue to say: "Another situation is usually when young creatures listen to Shenmu's preaching. Due to their little experience and little accumulation, their foundation is unstable, and they often show signs of going crazy like you mentioned, and do things they can't control. .”

Obviously, Zhao Hao is one of those "infant creatures" who is just starting out. He shyly asked someone who had come before him for help: "Sister, how should we solve the second situation you mentioned?"

"It's difficult." Bai Lu only said one word.

Zhao Hao refused to give up: "No matter how difficult it is, there is a way to solve it, right?"

"As far as I know, killing the inner demons of young creatures all depends on personal creation, and there is no fixed method." Bai Lu first poured a basin of cold water on it, and then gave some warmth: "You are right, any problem in the world There is a way to solve it. I have heard of an ancient solution, but I don’t know if it works. Junior brother, do you dare to give it a try? "

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