The Path of Evolution

Chapter 211 Krypton Money Boss

The desert is solitary and the smoke is straight, the sun is setting over the long river.

In the sky full of yellow sand, a gentle and charming woman in white stood on the dunes, silently watching a fat panda.

The panda was rolling on the sand, enjoying itself. His eyes occasionally touched the woman in white, showing a hint of arrogance.

A month has passed. At first, the woman in white often looked up at the sky, and it seemed that her days were like years, as if she did not want to live in the desert for a long time. But since Zhao Hao released the red panda A Bao, Sister Lu has become as sweet as sugar, her waist no longer aches and her legs no longer hurt. She is so gentle to Junior Brother Zhao that people who don't know the truth will definitely think she is his biological sister.

In this month, Ren Wuji only appeared once and was defeated after just two days.

For Zhao Hao, this is a gratifying progress.

You know, last month, the inner demon appeared four times in total, and it lasted for half a month. In other words, the inner demons of that period occupied half of Zhao Hao's time, and the consequences would be disastrous if this continued.

Over the past month, Zhao Hao has gained two insights.

The first insight: He and Ren Wuji are both racing against time.

The ontology and the inner demon are in a mutually reinforcing relationship.

The more time Ren Wuji appears, the stronger he will become, and accordingly Zhao Hao will appear weaker and weaker. In the desert, Zhao Hao occupied most of the time. He became stronger and stronger, and Ren Wuji was naturally weakened.

This kind of fantasy-sounding thing can be explained in very simple game terms.

Generally speaking, if you upgrade an online game like fighting monsters, and you are online only for two days a month, your level will definitely not be high. Zhao Hao is equivalent to a ruthless character who is online for 28 days a month. He is leveling up every day and must crush the weakling who is online for two days.

Originally, Zhao Hao had taken the initiative and had an increasing advantage, but something unexpected happened.

In domestic games, can players who are online for two days a month beat players who are online for 28 days a month? The answer is yes, because it is a domestic game, and leveling up is just a cloud, and krypton gold is the last word!

Ren Wuji is completely following the route of a krypton gold boss. Although he has only been online for two days, it is equivalent to recharging one million per day, defeating countless civilian players every minute.

According to Sister Lu, Ren Wuji has become stronger, a lot stronger inexplicably.

That damn inner demon was not willing to be suppressed by the main body, nor was it willing to be restrained by the desert. It seemed that he had an epiphany, which was equivalent to a fierce extortion of money, and he almost broke out of the restriction set by Sister Lu.

Upon hearing the news, Zhao Hao was heartbroken.

Compared with Ren Wuji, he felt that he was just a civilian player and could only use time to slowly improve himself.

The only thing that comforted him was that if he conquered his inner demons, no matter how much money Ren Wuji spent, he would end up making a wedding dress for himself.

This is the source of Zhao Hao's struggle.

The second experience: Nine Heavens, hidden secrets.

Generally, evolution techniques will not breed inner demons.

Only the Nine Heavens is different. Any evolver who has cultivated to the fifth level, unless he does not break through the realm of perfection for the rest of his life, will definitely have inner demons. No matter humans, animals or plants, they cannot escape that difficulty.

In a sense, this is also the most magical thing about Jiuzhongtian. The ordinary evolution technique only improves the refining efficiency and evolution success rate, but when Jiuzhongtian has reached a high level of cultivation, the abilities developed are unimaginable by ordinary people.

Zhao Hao vaguely understood some secrets. The most important thing in cultivating the Nine Heavens seemed not to be innate understanding, but a will. That will is the evolutionary history of a seed.

Because of his will, Zhao Hao successfully fought against his inner demons for the first time.

Although he only resisted for more than ten minutes before fainting, he did something that he had not done before.

That confrontation gave Zhao Hao hope and a possibility: when his will can completely resist his inner demons, that's when he would conquer his inner demons!

There is no detailed formula for cultivating demons in the Taoist heart, only a general direction.

Zhao Hao could only explore on his own and make a gamble.

One step to become king, one step to death.

Valley of Flames, big volcano.

Three men and two women stood in the crater of the volcano that was spewing hot steam.

These people are Xiaodao, Dong Qiantian, Zhang Potian, and Annie and Scarlett.

Five people stood at the crater and refused to leave, seemingly waiting for someone.

What they have to wait for is Xueqing. No one can dissuade that Red Pepper from risking his life by going into the depths of the volcano.

Since the tragedy on Castaway Island, Xue Qing has tried every means to improve herself, making rapid progress, and her last mutant gene has reached full value. And her pursuit is not limited to this, she also wants to activate the psychic gene and reach a higher level.

According to Xue Qing, there is something in the volcano that attracts and calls her, and she must go and see what happens.

Due to Red Pepper's special constitution, she was the only one who dared to dive into the volcano, while others could not go down at all.


A loud noise came from the depths of the volcano, making people's eardrums numb.

The five people looked at each other. Is this a volcano about to erupt?

Suddenly, a red cloud burst out of the crater and flew straight into the sky.

The red cloud flew to a height of several hundred meters and began to fall again, slowing down like a hot air balloon.

Everyone took a closer look and saw someone in the red cloud, and they were two figures.

"Let's go and have a look!"

Scarlett flapped her wings and flew in the direction of the red cloud.

The other four people also followed and saw the red clouds landing in the valley twenty miles away.

The red cloud gradually dispersed, and the two people inside revealed their true faces.

One of them is a black guy, who is considered a relatively handsome type among old black guys, and his facial features look a bit like Will Smith.


Xiaodao and Scarlett said in unison, as old people from the Valley of Flames, they were no strangers to that black guy.

Iron Fist Chris, who was once the top mutant powerhouse in the Valley of Flames, fought hard against the Sun Dog Corps, but later ran into the mine and disappeared. Everyone thought he got lost in the Death Mine and probably starved to death. Unexpectedly, he suddenly jumped out of the volcano after more than half a year.

The other person who walked out of the red cloud was none other than Red Pepper. She looked different from before. She seemed much prettier and her figure was hotter. The most amazing thing is that, a few days ago, she had short hair, but today she has long hair hanging over her shoulders.

"What happened? Why are you two together?" Scarlett asked in shock.

"The end of the death mine is the bottom of the volcano. I met Chris there. Thanks to his help, I found what I was looking for." Xue Qing took out a stone slab from the storage bag and said, "We are at the bottom of the volcano I found this thing, please help me take a look, is this a treasure map?"

Everyone came over to take a look and saw a picture carved on the stone slab.

The picture turned out to be in color, depicting an ancient city with a colorful light pillar rising into the sky.

"Ancient city again? Now that I think of the ancient city, there is a shadow." Dong Qiantian said dejectedly.

"Me too." Scarlett said on the top floor.

"Wait!" Zhang Dekai grabbed the stone slab, studied it carefully for a moment, and said in shock: "This place looks familiar. I have been there once before. The location of the ancient city in the picture should be in the desert south of the Endless Forest! "

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