The Path of Evolution

Chapter 215 The familiar mural

For three months, Zhao Hao was in pain and happiness.

In the first month, Ren Wuji could not adapt to the desert environment and only appeared once.

In the second month, Ren Wuji appeared twice, and each time he appeared, it seemed like he was making money.

In the third month, Ren Wuji appeared three times, each time stronger than the last.

What hurts Zhao Hao is that the frequency of inner demons is getting higher and higher, which is equivalent to the longer and longer time it takes to level up. The happy thing is that he sensed the panic of his inner demon. Ren Wuji has been forced into a desperate situation. This kind of profit-making method ignores basic skills and has an extremely unstable foundation. Although inner demons appear more and more frequently, they are walking a tightrope, and a slight mistake will cause the collapse of high-rise buildings.

On the contrary, Zhao Hao has accumulated a lot of experience, bit by bit, and has a very solid foundation.

In the process, Zhao Hao vaguely caught some clues and just missed breaking the window paper.

When he woke up again, he met someone who inspired him.

After chatting with Chris for a long time, Zhao Hao’s head was full of black lines: “You said I might have a split personality?”

"It's not possible. Based on the symptoms you're showing, I'm almost certain that you have 'dissociative identity disorder.'" Chris said with certainty, and then gave a little warmth: "But don't worry too much, I have a way to solve it. .Don’t forget that this is the world of evolution and anything is possible.”

"How to deal with it?"

Zhao Hao did not deny that he could listen to other people's opinions and was willing to accept any method that could help him. The so-called inner demon possession is a metaphysical term. Multiple personality is a scientific term. If you think about it carefully, there are similarities between the two. Maybe Chris really has a solution.

Chris smiled and said: "When the secondary personality of an ordinary patient appears, the main personality cannot be detected. You are a mutated evolver. Your physical fitness and perception are far beyond ordinary people. You can sense some signs, right?"

Zhao Hao nodded: "That's right."

Chris: “When your sub-personality appears, do you feel drowsy, as if your body will be taken away by another person as soon as you close your eyes, occasionally accompanied by a strong dizziness? feel?"

"How do you know?" Zhao Haogao glanced at Chris and felt that this black guy was more awesome than three generations of veteran military doctors. The symptoms Chris described were exactly the same as his reality.

"Because I have also encountered this situation. As I told you before, I was also a dual personality patient. In order to cure myself, I chose to become a psychiatrist." Chris was very happy It was a sigh: "I have been worried about this for more than ten years. It was not until I evolved to the mutant level in the Valley of Flames that I sensed the existence of another personality for the first time."

Zhao Hao was very excited when he encountered a real case of this kind of medicine curing the disease: "How did you solve it?"

"When I first came to the Valley of Flames, I met a Taoist priest. He taught me Chinese and also taught me a visualization method." Chris suddenly switched from the science channel to the metaphysics channel: "The core idea of ​​that visualization method is Eight words - the great truth is in the heart, and external demons will not arise."

Zhao Hao was stunned for a moment. This eight-character mantra sounded very mysterious, but if he thought about it carefully, there were merits. In the past three months, he has resisted the inner demons by relying solely on his willpower, which can also be understood as the great road in his heart.

After calming down, he asked: "What is the method of visualization? Is there any formula for practicing it?"

"No, visualization depends on your intention." Chris said eloquently: "According to my personal understanding, it is to imagine something that makes you the calmest and most peaceful, such as a mountain, a sea, a statue, or It can be an animal or a person. As long as you find what makes you most calm, the secondary personality cannot drive away your main personality and can no longer take away control of your body."

Zhao Hao said weakly: "It's inconvenient for me to reveal, what are you visualizing?"

"I was about to share my experience in this area with you. I have visualized a dozen different things, but the effect was not significant." Chris said mysteriously: "Until I got lost deep in the death mine and saw a The mural completely changed my destiny."

"What kind of mural is so effective? Can you describe it?" Zhao Hao was very curious.

"See for yourself."

Chris stepped up and took out a pocket DV player.

This thing can be used as long as it has a battery. It is simply a black technology in the evolutionary world.

A short video of a few seconds was recorded on the DV machine, faithfully recording the shape of the mural.

Zhao Hao came over to take a look, and his heart almost jumped out of his throat.

Under the light of the flame crystal, a magical nine-tailed fox was painted on a wall in the mine.

There are also strange lines carved around the nine-tailed fox.

Since there is no daylight deep in the Death Mine, what Chris took can only be regarded as the "standard definition version".

Zhao Hao had seen the "high-definition version" of the scene with his own eyes. He recalled that when he entered the ice field by mistake, he saw the same pattern in the altar formed by icicles that had been formed for thousands of years. The nine-tailed fox on the altar floor was so lifelike.

Taking a deep breath, Zhao Hao said in disbelief: "Are you just visualizing this mural?"

Chris: "Yes?"

Zhao Hao: "Is it effective?"

"The effect is great." Chris exclaimed: "The nine-tailed fox in the mural is probably a totem of the evolutionary world, or a mythical beast. When I visualized this pattern, I seemed to be affected by it. A mysterious blessing. I studied in the Death Mine for half a year and completely integrated my second personality!"

"Fusion?" Zhao Hao grasped a key word. What the other party said was not "annihilation".

"Yes, do you know why I am called Iron Fist Chris? Chris is me, and Iron Fist is another personality. He is much stronger than me, and he has realized the artistic conception of earth. I once thought that I would eventually be eliminated by him." Chris has He was moved and said: "God bless, that mural changed my destiny. I integrated the ability of Iron Fist and got everything that belongs to him."

Zhao Hao jumped up with excitement: "Are there any side effects?"

Chris: "What do you mean by side effects?"

When encountering such a "living specimen", Zhao Hao naturally wanted to ask the situation clearly: "Since you have obtained everything from him, will his will exist in your body and dispute with your own will? If that’s the case, wouldn’t it turn from a split personality into a schizophrenia?”

"You are worrying too much. Everything I said refers to the potential developed by Iron Fist." Chris smiled: "After the fusion, his obsession disappeared, but I understand his will. Simply put, his Will, just like the advice given by a friend, cannot influence my will, I will live according to my own will."

Zhao Hao was overjoyed when he heard this. The fusion that Chris mentioned happened to be the Tao Heart Seed Demon he was exploring.

Following this line of thinking, he felt that his future was not a dream.

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