The Path of Evolution

Chapter 222 Brainstorming

"Qin Sheng, don't be so excited. I advise you not to go back in a hurry."

Red Pepper, who had been in a daze for a while, suddenly spoke.

"What do you mean?"

Qin Sheng was about to step into the colorful light pillar with one foot, but then he shrank back when he heard this.

Xue Qing: "Don't forget, when you first came in, you were suspected of raping a decent woman, and the police are looking for you. Regardless of whether you were wrongfully accused or not, you will be caught when you go through the security check when you go back. You may not be able to go home then.”

Qin Sheng was speechless and froze on the spot.

Some things were so long ago that he temporarily forgot why he escaped into the colorful light pillar in the first place.

Zhao Hao took a serious look at Xue Qing and felt that this girl had changed a lot. She was not as hot and impulsive as before. Now Xue Qing is more like her sister, calm and rational, thinking about problems in the long term.

"I'm so scared. I believe that Shetian was wronged. At the worst, it's hard to be tough. Can those police catch the mutated evolver?" Dong Qiantian suddenly became angry.

"Let me ask you two questions. First: Do you really plan to fight against the state machine? If you don't think about yourself, you have to think about your family." Xue Qing became more rational: "Second, our abilities will not change after we return to Earth. , can it still be used normally?”

Dong Qiantian was immediately speechless.

Especially the second question raised by Red Pepper made everyone break out in a cold sweat.

Everyone only heard that Canglong opened the teleportation array, but they didn't know whether people on earth could use the abilities of the evolved world. This is like playing an online game. You may be an omnipotent master in the game, but once you "exit the game" and return to reality, you may be just a weakling.

"What Qing said makes sense." Annie's eyes flashed with worry: "Actually, I am also worried about another issue. Scarlett, myself, and Chris are not Chinese. If the three of us are teleported to China, we will be raped by you. Relevant departments will send us back to the country, or will they arrest us and torture us?”

As soon as these words came out, everyone fell silent.

The relevant departments have many tricks and many things are difficult to say.

Even though Red Pepper is a police officer, there is no guarantee that the relevant departments will let the three foreigners return to the country.

When everyone was in a low mood, it was Zhao Hao who stood up to encourage morale: "Don't be so pessimistic. Is there anything more difficult than conquering the ancient city? We have survived the flash of swords, so there is no need to worry about this little trouble. Anyway, the teleportation array is here In my hands, it doesn’t matter if I go back a few days earlier or later, why not invite the proprietress and the old seedlings over and come up with a perfect solution.”

"What I'm talking about is that when soldiers come to cover up the water and the earth, who are we, the idol group, afraid of?" Dong Qiantian became angry again.

Xue Qing thought for a moment and said to Zhao Hao: "Let me confirm, assuming I teleport back to the country from here, will I definitely appear in this ancient desert city next time I teleport back from the country?"

"It's necessary. This city protection crown won't go wrong." Zhao Hao said with certainty.

"That's easy to handle. I'll go back and inquire about the situation first. You go make an appointment with the boss lady and the others, and I'll come to you when I find out the situation clearly. Then we can discuss the next step." Xue Qing volunteered.

Everyone unanimously agreed to the plan. The red pepper seedlings were red and she was from the police academy. The relevant departments should not embarrass her. She was the most suitable person in the team to go back and inquire for information.

Xue Qing changed into a police uniform, full of the temptation of the Overlord Flower, and walked into the colorful light pillar with heroic appearance.

Seeing this scene, everyone was sweating.

They also rushed into the colorful light pillar on Drifting Island, but they went around and around but failed to transmit it successfully.

Ten minutes have passed, and the red pepper has not stepped out of the colorful light beam.

Twenty minutes later, she still didn't come out.

After waiting for half an hour, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"It seems that she successfully teleported." Qin Sheng said, wiping cold sweat.

"Without further delay, I will contact Huajiao and the others right away." Dong Qiantian couldn't take any time off.

"I'm going too. Let's split up. You go to the Western Ruins, and I'll go to the Ice and Snow Castle. I have to personally inform the landlady about such a happy event." Qin Sheng was also eager to give it a try.

"Wait a minute." Zhao Hao unbound the Black Eagle King's Wings and handed it to Fa Xiao: "I'll lend you this thing first. Go back quickly. I'll stay in this city and won't leave."

Time passed day by day, and Zhao Hao lived a very lively life. He was accompanied by beautiful women. He wandered around the ancient city with Anne and Scarlett all day long, and explored all the streets and alleys.

This ancient city has historical significance. Zhao Hao regarded it as his first official base and wished he could remember every plant and tree in his mind.

Seven days later, Zhang Dekai, who was standing on the city tower as a lookout, saw a group of people heading towards the ancient city like a caravan in the desert.

After Zhao Hao received the news, he immediately opened the city gate to welcome the guests.

The group of people who came were all old acquaintances, namely the proprietress, Mr. Zhuang, Huajiao, Yang Hong, Xiao Duan, Lao Miao, and Xuelian. Of course, there are also Qin Sheng and Dong Qiantian who have left and come back.

"Why are you so fast?" Zhao Hao was stunned. Even if Qin Sheng used the wings of the Black Eagle King, he would not be able to come and go so fast.

"You didn't meet the boss lady and the others on the way, right?" Zhang Dekai was also surprised.

Qin Sheng looked strange and said: "You won't believe it when I tell you. Since we took the ancient city, the topography of this desert has undergone earth-shaking changes. Donggan and I were scared to death."

"Yes, when we came here before, we walked for two months before we found this place. The two of us flew out a few days ago, and within two days, we left the desert. If we hadn't walked into the endless forest, I almost thought I was I'm hallucinating." Dong Qiantian sighed.

Mr. Zhuang shook his goose feather fan and said with a smile: "It's really fate. The landlady and I happened to be discussing business on a neutral ground. I met Brother Qin and shamelessly came to join in the fun."

The landlady didn't say anything. Like Xuelian and Yang Hong, she was deeply shocked by the magnificent ancient city in front of her.

After walking into a hall in the ancient city and taking a seat, the proprietress looked at Zhao Hao and sighed delicately: "Little guy, you are so surprising. You don't need our help, you are also capable of conquering the ancient city."

"That's right, I have long said that young people should not be bullied into poverty. Xiao Zhao has done something that we warriors cannot do. Weiwei is so discerning..." Xue Lian couldn't help but sigh over and over again. She suddenly shut up in the middle of the sentence. She noticed When he mentioned Weiwei, Zhao Hao's face didn't look good.

"Ahem..." Zhao Hao coughed twice and went straight to the topic: "Qin Sheng and Dong Gan must have told everyone about this ancient city. I invite you here this time just to brainstorm and let everyone express their opinions. There is no need to worry about anything. .”

"I don't quite understand what you mean by making the ancient city public. Does this kind of publicity mean that you, as the city lord, rent or sell the buildings in the city to others for use, or do you mean that you hand over the ancient city to the state for free?" The landlady said Right off the bat.

"What will be the consequences if I become the city lord?" Zhao Hao asked. If he could maximize his profits, he would certainly not want to suffer a loss.

The landlady asked with a smile: "How many houses are there in this city?"

Zhao Hao: "At least 10,000 rooms."

"Once this place is made public and millions of people flock in, we can predict how prosperous it will be." The landlady said slowly: "It is not difficult to imagine that domestic consumers are eager to learn about the evolutionary world, and this ancient city will definitely become less spacious. It’s a lot of money. My most conservative estimate is that the price of a room here will not be less than five million in the future.”

"This is the reason. Human beings want to expand in the evolutionary world. It is no exaggeration to say that every inch of land in this ancient city as a base is precious. By then, these houses will be more expensive than shops in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou." Lao Miao added.

Zhao Haomo calculated it and almost lost his heart.

One room costs 5 million, and 10,000 rooms means 50 billion. This number is too scary.

The boss lady suddenly poured a basin of cold water on her: "Do you think the boss will let you eat this piece of fat alone?"

Zhao Hao was silent, Qin Sheng and others were also silent.

Everyone has heard about the overbearing style of relevant departments.

"To put it bluntly, all of us here together can't eat this piece of meat. In the future, the management and operation of this ancient city will require a lot of manpower and material resources. It cannot be done by just a few people." The proprietress was not in a hurry. Said slowly: "This ancient city is not only valuable, but the most important thing is its strategic significance. On a larger scale, it is related to the future of mankind. The superiors will not let it fall into the hands of individuals."

"So, I can only hand it over to the country for free?" Zhao Hao felt a little cold. He remembered the shocking line in a famous online drama: Cultural relics must be handed over to the country...

The landlady looked at him with a little pity: "I'm afraid that if you give it away for free, you won't get a good reputation."

"Why?" Dong Qiantian couldn't stand listening anymore: "Didn't Canglong become a national hero by offering up the ancient city of Zhongzhou?"

"Canglong is the first person to break through the teleportation array, which has special significance. The era needs a hero like him." The landlady said slowly: "For some big shots, one such hero is enough, and more will make people... It's like sitting on pins and needles."

Everyone pondered over and over what the landlady said, and gradually became extremely frightened.

The atmosphere in the hall was very depressing. After a while, Zhao Hao spoke: "I can't be the city lord, and I can't give it away for nothing. Doesn't this force me to a dead end? I just want to go home. Is it so troublesome?"

"Little guy, this is like being in a world where people can't help themselves." The landlady's eyes were a little gloating: "You are already in this position. Even if you don't make it public, the changes in the desert have already aroused the ideas of many people. This ancient city Sooner or later, people will be discovered. When the time comes, thousands of people in the ruins of the west, untouched forests, and ice and snow castles will come to beg you to open the teleportation array and let them go home. How will you deal with it?"

"Needless to say, just thinking about this scene gives me a headache." Zhao Hao said sternly: "Madam boss, you are so calm, it seems that you have already found a solution. Let's be honest, what should I do?"

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