The Path of Evolution

Chapter 238 Close the door and beat the dog

Life is full of unexpected surprises and surprises.

Li Xiufeng and Su Mengjiao were surprised at first, but soon turned into fright.

The mother and daughter had countless assumptions about the owner of the classic mansion. For example, the boss behind the scenes was an invisible rich man, a coal boss, a big shot from a wealthy family, or a corrupt official... However, the truth was a bit jarring.

God gave the mother and daughter 10,000 assumptions, but they never imagined that the person inside would be Su Yurong.

"Mengjiao, I heard that you gave Bai Fuqiang advice and vacated your uncle's warehouse. Is this true?"

Su Yurong's opening remarks were like a wake-up call.

Both mother and daughter could tell that Su Yurong didn't mean to be polite, and her words were full of tears.

Li Xiufeng and Su Mengjiao subconsciously retreated, even thinking of turning around and running away.

However, they only took two steps back and stopped helplessly.

Zhao Hao crossed his hands on his chest and blocked the door, like a gold-medal thug.

Speaking of the fighting power of the mother and daughter, it's really a bit sad. They have never participated in a battle and have never left the gates of the two bases. Li Xiufeng also used her private money to buy some primitive crystals, but they only had 50 points of combat power. Su Mengjiao is not much better, her combat power does not exceed 80 points so far.

This is a true portrayal of the majority of working-class people in the country. Although macroeconomic control has caused a significant reduction in the price of low-end crystals, it is still difficult to collect 100 points of original genes. For various reasons, these people are not willing to risk their lives to hunt evolved creatures, and the heavy workload does not allow them to have much spare time to go out and take risks.

Especially for middle-aged people like Li Xiufeng, who are older and younger, it takes a lot of courage to take risks like a passionate young man. This type of people usually choose to go to the evolution base on weekends and holidays, just like on vacation, renting a small room in the base to refine a few low-level crystals.

"Step aside!"

When she saw Su Yurong, Su Mengjiao's face turned pale and she panicked.

The price of a copy of E-level combat skills in the two major bases is more than 100,000 yuan. Su Mengjiao has not learned any combat skills so far, so she pushed Zhao Hao, tried to push her cousin away, and rushed to the street to ask for help.

However, this is of no use.

Zhao Hao waved his hand lightly, and the mother and daughter knelt down on the ground together with Li Xiufeng.


The mother and daughter knelt down in panic. They had never eaten pork and had seen pigs walking. Various experts on TV had analyzed the levels of evolvers, and there were countless related posts on the Internet. Zhao Hao waved his hand and they were sure that this was the case. Huo is a legendary mutation master.

At this moment, the mother and daughter realized that they had attended a Hongmen Banquet.

Li Xiufeng was so regretful that her intestines turned green. Yesterday, Zhao Hao pretended to be a store clerk to help her introduce jobs, and even asked her to bring her daughter with him. It turned out that he was trying to trick the mother and daughter into going to the No. 3 base.

It is obvious that Su Yurong and Zhao Hao, mother and son, are going to close the door and beat the dog today!

Since ancient times, there have been countless conflicts between sisters-in-law and sisters-in-law. The relationship between Li Xiufeng, the elder sister-in-law, and Su Yurong, the younger sister-in-law, was extremely hot and bitter. Countless grievances had accumulated over the past twenty years.

Li Xiufeng still remembers that when her mother-in-law was hospitalized, she reluctantly went to the hospital to visit her. She habitually did not speak human words and just said a few words to the old lady. She thought it was no big deal, but Su Yurong wanted to beat her at that time. Was stopped by a nurse.

Today, Su Yurong seems to want to put an end to the unfinished fight ten years ago.

"What are you doing?" Li Xiufeng had seen some rough and tumble, and said calmly, "There are soldiers patrolling the streets outside. Let us two go out, or I will call for help!"

"Scream, you try to scream, see if someone will come to save you if your throat is broken." Su Yurong actually said a line from a villain. Every time she sees this sister-in-law, she will always think of being mad to death. Mother, and father who died in depression.

Zhao Hao stood aside without saying a word and quietly praised his mother. He knew that his mother had suffered from the cowardice of his sister-in-law for more than 20 years, so he handed the court to his mother today to let her vent her anger.


"Come quickly, help us!"

Li Xiufeng and Su Mengjiao, both of whom did not believe in evil, shouted at the top of their voices.

The decibel was unusually high, irritating the ears of mother and son.

After shouting for more than ten minutes, both mother and daughter's voices became hoarse, and they did not wait for the savior.

Li Xiufeng was frightened and started to say soft words: "Yu Rong, why are you doing this? We are all a family."

"A family? You have the nerve to say it!" Su Yurong didn't listen, but she got angry when she heard it: "You two have tricked my family into bankruptcy, caused my husband to disappear, and I was chased everywhere by creditors. This is called a family. people?"

"It's unfair, what kind of gossip is this?" Li Xiufeng was about to cry: "Yu Rong, there is a little dispute between us, but it is not to the point where your family will be destroyed. This must be someone's rumor. If you want to instigate our sister-in-law's feelings, you must provide evidence when you speak!"

"Do our sisters-in-law still have feelings for each other?" Su Yurong sneered: "You want proof, right? I forgot to tell you that my son's girlfriend Xuewei has a twin sister named Xue Qing. Did you see her on TV yesterday? ? Qing'er is now the deputy director of the Zhonghai Branch of the Evolution Bureau, do you really want me to bring out the evidence?"


Li Xiufeng and Su Mengjiao's heads buzzed and exploded.

Xue Qing was the only woman to survive the three major base battles. She became famous overnight and was called the "Assist Goddess" by netizens. When Su Mengjiao saw Xue Qing's ID photo in the news yesterday, she felt it looked familiar. She had met Zhao Hao's girlfriend before, but now that she understood the situation, she suddenly felt despair.

In the minds of ordinary people, the Evolution Bureau is omnipotent and can identify eight generations of suspects at the slightest disagreement.

Su Yurong looked at the expressions of mother and daughter, and said: "I called you here today for the sake of my eldest brother's sake, to give you two a way to survive. If you are unwilling to tell the truth, then I can only You've handed it over to the Evolution Bureau. I heard that the Evolution Bureau's interrogation is different from that of the police station, and torture can be used. You should weigh it yourself."

Su Mengjiao's pale face was covered with a layer of gray, and her body was shaking uncontrollably.

Seeing her daughter's reaction, Li Xiufeng's pupils shrank to pinpoints.

Originally, she thought that she was brought here just because Su Yurong wanted to vent her bad temper and run against the mother and daughter. It was completely untrue that the theft of the warehouse was related to the mother and daughter.

Li Xiufeng was shaken when she saw Su Mengjiao's reaction.

Looking at the matter, Li Xiufeng is mean and vicious, but she is not breaking the law. An upright official cannot stop her housework, and the police cannot do anything to her. She lives a comfortable life like countless poisonous women across the country.

But Su Mengjiao was different. She had already become better than her master.

Mother and daughter used to watch palace fighting dramas together. Su Mengjiao admired the plots of poisoning, throwing infant princes to death, and pushing concubines into the pool. Sometimes Li Xiufeng couldn't help but sweat for her daughter while sitting next to her.

Young people often do things without considering the consequences. They can do anything when their brains are hot. At this time, Li Xiufeng was worried about her daughter again. Could it be that Su Mengjiao really colluded with Bai Fuqiang to cheat the Zhao family?

"Yu Rong, it was my fault in the past. My sister-in-law has to apologize to you. If you want to beat or scold us, both of us will admit it, but we have never done anything to seek money or kill anyone. You have known me for more than 20 years, and you know My sister-in-law has a bottom line, and I will never do anything illegal. We, my mother-in-law, are really unjust!"

Li Xiufeng lowered her posture, took a soft breath, and played the emotional card with tears and runny noses.

She could see the situation clearly. Putting aside the deep relationship between Zhao Hao and Xue Qing, Zhao Hao was not someone she could afford to offend based on his suspected mutant strength. At times like this, being tough would mean getting killed, and the only way out is to win sympathy.

"You have a bottom line, does your daughter have one?" Su Yurong snorted coldly and looked at her niece with great disappointment: "Mengjiao, my aunt has also watched you grow up and thinks she is right for you. Why do you do this? Something unconscionable?”

"Do you think you are worthy of me? If you were worthy of me, why didn't you give me all the inheritance left by my grandfather? If you were worthy of me, you shouldn't have told my dad secretly that I was in love with a handsome guy in high school..." Su Mengjiao was in an explosive state of mind, telling the truth, and her expression was almost crazy.

"Nie Zhan, shut up!"

Li Xiufeng killed her relatives out of justice and slapped her daughter hard on the face.

She knew her daughter better than her mother. Seeing her daughter's quick behavior, her aunt was almost certain that she was related to the warehouse theft case.

"Shameless thing, you still have the nerve to say that you fell in love early. When you were in love with a gangster outside the school, did you know that the gangster had the belly of two girls? If your aunt hadn't accidentally caught you dating, you would have It's ruined. Your aunt is doing it for your own good. Mom is still grateful to your aunt to this day!" Li Xiufeng said so emotionally that she even moved herself.

"Kneel down for me!" Li Xiufeng pushed her daughter to the ground and performed all the tricks. She also knelt down and said with tears in her eyes: "Yu Rong, sister-in-law, I kneel down for you. You have made all the mistakes, and they are all my fault." , it’s because I’m jealous, and it’s because I can’t accept that your old Zhao is capable... Mengjiao is still young, and you are her aunt. If you are angry, just come at me. I promise not to hit or scold you back. "

This move uses retreat to advance, which is quite exciting.

People who didn't know the truth thought that the mother and daughter were victims, while Su Yurong became a bully who bullied others.

Li Xiufeng was gambling, and she knew that Su Yurong was soft-hearted.

At the same time, she also knew that Su Yurong still cherished the affection of her eldest brother and would not kill their mother and daughter.

As expected, Su Yurong showed a look of intolerance.

Her original intention was to scare the mother and daughter and find out the truth, and she had no intention of doing anything to them.

Noticing the change in her sister-in-law's mood, Li Xiufeng was overjoyed. It seemed she was about to escape.

At this time, my aunt hadn't noticed yet, but there was a murderous and ruthless character standing at the door.

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