The Path of Evolution

Chapter 264 The pretty boy is so rich

"Fifteen million!"

The person who increased the price was surprisingly Yue Liusu from the same table.

When the goddess raised her sign, she glanced at Zhao Hao with a hint of provocation.

Zhao Ritian turned a blind eye and held up the sign and said: "Sixteen million."

Yue Liusu raised his sign again, and the price increase was more generous: "Twenty million."

It is very rare for people at the same table to quarrel and can be understood as internal strife.

Many people watched the excitement with wide eyes and were puzzled. Why did the Moon Goddess argue with that handsome young man?

Hua Qiangu was also paying attention to this table. He looked at Zhao Hao for the first time, thinking that this kid was ignorant. Normal men would have given in long ago when they saw Yue Tassel bidding, but the handsome young man wearing a cloak and headband did not Not moral at all.

Zhao Hao didn't know that Yue Liusu was deliberately trying to make a point. He could even imagine that Yue Liusu would jump out and get involved in whatever he was bidding on. But there was no other way. He only needed the Indestructible Armor to complete the four-piece set, so he had to fight for it no matter what.

He drank tea to moisten his throat, raised his sign and said: "Twenty-five million!"

There was an uproar in the audience, feeling that the handsome young man was more stupid and richer than Hua Qiangu.

Spending 100 million to buy a mutated white horse is certainly arbitrary, but mutated mounts have always maintained their value. To put it bluntly, he will get tired of playing with that white horse in the future, and he won't lose much if he sells it again. With Hua Qiangu's popularity at Base No. 1, there will definitely be crazy fans who will take over and sell one again. Billion is not impossible.

Zhao Hao's situation was different. Most people present valued the Immortal Armor at only 10 million. Some people speculated that Zhao Hao might have parts of an immortal suit on him. However, they felt that the price of the immortal suit would be over if it fetched 15 million.

The pretty boy is so rich!

Liu Xuan took a deep look at Zhao Hao, with both contempt and sympathy in her eyes.

What she despised was that the pretty boy couldn't understand the situation and came to such an occasion to take advantage of him.

What she sympathized with was that it was not easy for pretty boys. Generally, young girls who married into rich families were not wealthy. The fact that this pretty boy in front of her could spend 25 million showed that he was quite hardworking. He used fancy tricks to coax the fat woman. Fiancée, maybe you can unlock a few new positions for the fat woman every day.

"thirty million!"

Yue Liusu did not hesitate and added another five million.

The entire venue was in a state of shock. If Zhao Hao was stupid and rich, then Moon Goddess was completely out of ideas.

Hua Qiangu and Xueying on the stage both looked shocked. The Yue Liusu they knew had never been so impulsive.

"Did Liusu secretly get one or two parts of the immortal suit?"

Xueying had a flash of inspiration. This was the only reason that could explain Yue Liusu's willfulness.

"Could it be that Liusu already has the three components of the Immortal Suit, and the only thing missing is this armor?"

Hua Qiangu had the same guess, and at the same time made up his mind that as long as someone else dared to bid, he would immediately increase the price, come out on top at the critical moment, and win the beauty's heart.


Zhao Hao was very ungentlemanly and spat out the melon seed shells in his mouth.

Then he looked at Yue Liusu coldly: "You are deliberately causing trouble, right?"

Yue Liusu smiled sweetly: "My robe was damaged by a shameless creature. Is there any problem with buying a new set of armor?"

Zhao Hao was speechless.

Liu Xuan and Fatty Zhang, who were at the same table, were curious about what kind of creature could defeat Yue Liusu's armor?

The two of them would never guess that Zhao Ritian sitting next to them was that "shameless creature".

In the battle that day, not only the Moon Angel's robe was damaged, but also a small hood was blown away...

At this moment, the two people's eyes were facing each other. Naturally, enemies were extremely jealous when they met.

The bidding price is 30 million for the immortal battle armor, and Yue Tassel is also under pressure. She is a proud woman and has never asked her elders for money since she was eighteen years old. Today's 30 million is her own private money earned in the evolutionary world. If Zhao Hao asks for 35 million, her private money will not be enough.

Of course, her intention was to ask Zhao Hao to increase the price.

She could tell that Zhao Hao was determined to get the Immortal Armor, so she deliberately raised the price to disgust him.

She had achieved her goal by asking Zhao Hao to raise the price to 35 million, and get the reputation of someone who was stupid and had too much money.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Hao suddenly stopped raising the price and continued to happily eat melon seeds.

"Thirty million, first time!"

"Thirty million, the second time!"

"Thirty million, the third time... the deal is done!"

When Xueying made the final decision, Yue Liusu almost cried.

I spent all my personal money to buy a useless battle armor. The goddess is mute and eats Coptis chinensis, unable to express her suffering.

Zhao Hao was extremely calm. He was a child from a middle-class family and was not as willful as Hua Qiangu. Regarding the Indestructible Armor, his bottom line is 25 million, and he is not willing to pay even a dime more.

"Why don't you increase the price?" Yue Liusu, who won the bid, glared at Zhao Hao.

"Why should I increase the price?" Zhao Hao asked in return, unspeakably calm.

Yue Liusu has the intention to kill people. He raised the price for a long time and ended up cheating himself. This is like shooting himself in the foot.

Liu Xuan next to her was horrified. At this time, Yue Liusu in her eyes looked like a little girl, and she was bullied by her male classmates in elementary school. She had a sense of deja vu, which was unprecedented. The cute side.

Liu Xuan's mind was filled with questions. What kind of hidden ability did Xiao Zhao have that could make a goddess of a generation lose her composure?

The auction continues, and the items on offer are dizzying.

An hour later, the auction ended and Zhao Hao went backstage.

Domestic personal income tax is generally around 20%. The higher authorities encourage the development of evolvers. The transaction tax of the three major bases is only 10%. In addition, the auction house will charge a 10% handling fee. After going back and forth, Zhao Hao, who made a fortune of 150 million, paid 15 million in taxes and 15 million in handling fees, and actually earned 120 million.

"Xiao Hao, congratulations." Xueying said enthusiastically to Zhao Hao today: "Actually, it was for your own good that my sister said that to you back then. I heard Weiwei say that you are a person who gets more courageous with every setback. Sister has seen it The video of your game shows that you can perform exceptionally well when you encounter strong opponents. At that time, I was thinking that if I say two strong words to inspire you, you will definitely work hard and give Weiwei a bright future..."

At this point, Xueying was moved by herself: "Xiao Hao, you didn't disappoint me. Weiwei really didn't choose the wrong person."

Damn, is this actually for my own good?

Hundreds of alpacas flew through Zhao Hao's mind, and he secretly sighed that this woman was so cruel. She humiliated him back then, but now she was able to come back to her, and she kept saying that she was doing it for his own good. No one else had such shame.

He remembered a soap opera he had watched many years ago. The plot was roughly as follows: A young office worker returned home from a business trip and saw his wife and her boss having trouble in bed. The male protagonist was stimulated and purged himself. From then on, he worked hard to become a rich man, and his second youth became white and beautiful. A few years later, the male protagonist met his ex-wife's boss. He was so frightened that he wanted to run away, but the male protagonist enthusiastically pulled him and sighed: "I should thank you. Thank you for having sex with my wife back then. If it hadn't been for you, I wouldn’t have today…”

After watching that drama, Zhao Hao was shocked and lamented that the male protagonist had a big heart.

If it were him, he wouldn't be able to accept this kind of thing.

By the same token, now Zhao Hao cannot accept Xueying's apology. He didn't think that Xueying's humiliation was for his own good, and he even more didn't think that he was where he was today because of the encouragement of this cheap sister-in-law.

Therefore, he responded to his aunt's enthusiasm with a sneer.

This kind of indifference became more and more unfathomable in Xueying's eyes. She became even more enthusiastic. She showed her career line intentionally or unintentionally. She came over and exhaled: "Xiaohao, are you free this afternoon? We haven't seen each other for a long time. Let's go together." Let’s have a meal.”


Zhao Hao turned around and left. He didn't teach Xueying a lesson just because she gave Weiwei some small gifts back then.

He has his own principles for making friends and doesn't want to deal with women like Xueying.

Counting large checks along the way, Zhao Hao felt much better.

He went straight to the Colorful Light Pillar, teleported to the country, found a bank to check the check, and deposited the money.

"When I come back from the Tower of Life and Death, I'll go check out the Moon Bay Villa..."

With money in his pocket and no worries, Zhao Hao teleported to Base No. 1 again and began to look forward to the future.

Moon Bay is a famous half-moon-shaped bay on the suburban coast of Zhonghai. It has beautiful scenery. The sea-view villas there are also recognized as the most expensive in Zhonghai. Although those villa groups have not yet been completed, the pre-sale prices are astonishing. The cheapest small villas are more than 30 million, and the most expensive ones are more than 100 million.

That place was Zhao Hao's father's dream.

When the land was first planned a few years ago, Lao Zhao said with emotion: "If our family has a house in Moon Bay in the future, it will be worth it in this life."

Zhao Hao decided to give his parents a surprise when he returned.

As soon as they reached the Hunter Inn, Fatty Zhang came over and said, "Xiao Zhao, someone wants to see you."


"Moon Liusu." Fatty Zhang felt uncontrollably excited.

Zhao Hao said: "What is she looking for me for?"

"Blame it on me, blame me for this." Fatty Zhang blamed himself: "Didn't we agree to leave early tomorrow morning? I made a few remarks to sister Liu Xuan in the afternoon, but who knew Liu Xuan couldn't keep her mouth shut? She and Yue Liusu Told our actions.”

"It's okay, I'll go see her."

Zhao Hao went to a guest room and saw Yue Liusu.

Fatty Zhang didn't follow him in, but helped to close the door in a very understanding manner.

As soon as Zhao Hao walked in, Yue Liusu spoke: "Are you going to the Tower of Life and Death?"

Zhao Hao: "I don't need to report my affairs to you, right?"

"Of course not, I'm just here to make a deal with you." Yue Liusu took out the immortal armor and showed its attributes: "If I guessed correctly, you have parts of the immortal suit on you, and you really need this. Battle armor, right?”

Zhao Hao said impatiently: "Don't beat around the bush, can you speak Mandarin?"

"You and Zhang Hongbin can go to the third floor of the Tower of Life and Death at most. To be honest, I have been to the third floor a long time ago." Yue Liusu said proudly: "I want to go to the fourth floor. If possible, the fifth floor I also want to see it. Our deal is very simple. If you can accompany me to the fifth floor, this immortal armor will be yours."

Zhao Hao almost laughed out loud. Even if there was no moon tassel, he would still go to the fifth floor.

The Tower of Life and Death has a good reputation. There are unexpected dangers hidden above the fourth floor. It will be safer to have a cannon fodder to explore the way. Now that such a powerful cannon fodder comes to his door, does Zhao Hao have any reason to refuse?

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